Aquarius Horoscope for April 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a fascinating month for you, Aquarius, a time of exploration and learning, when much of the unconscious knowledge that has built up within you might be made more consciously available to your listening mind and your intuiting heart. A remarkable Aries line-up of planets lands in your solar sector of communication, curiosity, and gathering of information, including Mercury its natural ruler. At the very beginning of the month this includes concepts of inner wounding which are ripe for you to more completely delve into. As you face, accept, and befriend the dark places within you, the possibility for better integration of all that internal material becomes more realistic. With the Aries New Moon of Sunday, April 11th, an even more dramatic shift in this area is likely, when you are encouraged by the cosmos to seize the day, and to make all the inner intelligence that is uniquely yours the subject matter for concerted action. To the extent that you can stay open to all that you have within you, both the exigent issues of family concerns and of your evolving worldview take on a mystical and practical revision of values that ultimately serves you well

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with the Sun and Venus in Aries, emphasizing communications of all kinds for members of your sign. Self-expression is also highlighted and it’s your opportunity to give yourself the creative license to explore various modalities. The recent New Moon in Pisces that took place mid-March still colors your experience for the first ten days of the present month, as well. This brought the beginning of a new cycle in connection with your finances and the resources available to you. You have been prompted to assess your skills and brainstorm on how to better broadcast your many creative talents. Jupiter and Saturn transiting in your sign all year means you may have an easier time seeing the path ahead and embracing potentially ambitious goals.

You can get a lot accomplished during the first week of April especially after Mercury enters Aries on the late evening of the 3rd which may help clarify your thinking. The playful and creative influences continue to be available during the second week of April. Take advantage of this momentum leading to the New Moon in Aries to express your opinions on matters that are important to you and get over your fears of being misunderstood. Mercury conjoins Chiron in Aries on the 8th and 9th may bring up insecurities related to your thinking processes or the way you are understood by your entourage. It may be your opportunity to acknowledge what makes you a truly original thinker and what sets you apart from the crowd. Your unique perspectives and contributions may be one of your most valuable assets that distinguishes you from your peers.

The New Moon in Aries on the 11th is supported by both Jupiter in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini offering a lot of energy for burgeoning ideas and creativity. You may want to trust your intuitions right now when it comes to what inspires you and what brings you joy. Your close friends can play an important role in helping you tease out what matters to you the most right now. A brainstorming session or a conversation could bear fruits around the timing of this New Moon, so don’t shy away from sharing your ideas with people you trust. There is an ebullient and inspirational energy permeating all that you do especially for the first half of April.

Venus enters Taurus on the 14th, gracing your home sector, and you may start to feel more introspective. The need to spend time at home or with your family may take priority over your more outward pursuits while Venus is in Taurus. You may spend the third week of April finishing up the details of a project or think of ways to combine your obligations with your need for pleasure and creativity. Your desire to have fun may not be incompatible with your ambitions. Solutions will emerge if you put some time delineating a good action-plan. There is a host of supportive aspects on the weekend of the 16th and 17th which can help you clarify your aims. Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius may bring a great deal of positive energy and forward momentum while the Sun- Mercury conjunction happening in Aries on the 18th could help you focus on what matters without wasting your time.

The Sun and Mercury enter Taurus on the 19th which may gradually emphasize your need for security in the following weeks. Taurus season is a fairly dynamic one this year and for you it may highlight your home, your family, and more extensively it may bring up issues surrounding the very foundations and structures you rely on for support. You may be feeling more introspective during the second half of the month as you reflect on your sense of belonging.

Mars enters Cancer on the 23rd, where it will travel until June 11th, and this transit may emphasize your health habits and more extensively the requirements of your body. You may feel the need to reassess how you manage your stress and spend more time focusing on your eating habits in order to have more energy.  

The Full Moon in Scorpio takes place on the late evening of the 26th while the Sun is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. There could be some instability in the air that can be managed if you welcome necessary changes with open arms. Nonetheless, uncertainty may permeate the end of the month for you, and your reflex may be to try to hold on to the status quo. There is a wind of change blowing whether it is welcomed or not, and so it is best to accept what is ready to be surrendered to. Transformational Pluto which is considered the modern ruler of Scorpio stations retrograde in Capricorn on the following day. Clarity should be available in regard to what is not sustainable in your life anymore. You might also be able to identify where you may be investing too much energy with little return. Your ability to trust the process you are in the midst of will greatly help you now, as you try for moving through the end of April with graceful aplomb.

Solar Return Report

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