Aquarius Horoscope for May 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of amazing twists and turns, Aquarius, with conflicts between an outer world persona that has grown up over time, versus changing inner intuitional understandings that affect your very sense of identity as you continue to conceptualize who and what you really are. Uranus, considered the modern ruler of your sign, figures strongly into the current configuration, and is highlighted over the course of the first week of the present month. You are coming into yourself in new ways, based in part on these recent adjustments to your process, as interior mandates overrule all the logic of your previously established positions. Additionally, part of what you bring to the table is increasingly of a deeply mystical nature and not easily pinned down into restrictive categories. Your focus must shift this month to include more inner and less outer, at least for the time being, as considerations of home and family, including your dwelling space, take precedence over anything else. Your creativity stems from these interior understandings and so too will your evolving idea of your future path going forward.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aries in mid-April kicked off a fresh cycle in your communication sector and the desire to be more bold or independent continues to be felt especially when it comes to your ideas. You continue to have a lot of inspiration and creative energy right now but it might feel hard to unify your mundane life with the creative one. Things might keep happening that threatens to derail your momentum as you try to juggle a million things at once.

Then too, the Moon resides in Aquarius at the beginning of the month, and this could highlight a tension occurring between your responsibilities and your need for more freedom. The Sun/Uranus conjunction in Taurus that took place on April 30th is likely still bringing unforeseen circumstances to contend with at home or in your career. With Saturn transiting in Aquarius your sense of duty is strong these days but you may have to deal with a volatile scenario that is leaving you questioning your commitments. You might have little tolerance for the demands being put on you while having the inability to say no.

Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd which should help you sort out your priorities, especially the ones related to creative projects that require more energy investment. Mercury is sometimes associated with the qualities of analysis required to organize our thinking and Mercury does very well in the sign of Gemini. You may find a renewed sense of structure and direction for a cherished project especially as Venus also enters Gemini on the 8th. Venus in Gemini should help you combine pleasure and duty more easily until the end of the month.

On the 11th, the Taurus New Moon signals the beginning of a new cycle in connection with your home and your family. You could be thinking about renovations or you may decide to finally move in with a romantic partner. This New Moon is accompanied by a creative influence and you may feel a greater sense of ease permeating this time after a few stressful weeks. It’s a good time to set intentions related to your home, your children, or your creative projects as these intentions will continue to flourish in the following weeks.

Then, on May 13th, the planet Jupiter, which has been gracing your sign since last December, leaves Aquarius for the bountiful waters of Pisces. Jupiter there will influence the financial part of your chart and this may be both a blessing and a curse depending on your spending habits and your propensity for gambling. Jupiter is often a planet associated with expansion and luck in Astrology. With Jupiter transiting Pisces for the next 10 weeks you may start to see new financial opportunities emerge but you may also be tempted to spend more liberally.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th signaling the beginning of the Mutable season; a time of change and transitions. If you’ve felt stuck or on a rut while the Sun was in Taurus, Gemini season should bring more optionality. During the third week of May, the square between the Sun in Gemini and Jupiter in Pisces could highlight the money needed to fund an idea. You may have to attend to both the creative and financial aspects of a project for it to be feasible. However, with Saturn turning retrograde in Aquarius on the 23rd, a trajectory you have in mind for yourself may take longer to actualize than anticipated. Saturn will be moving retrograde in your sign until October which could indicate a period of refinement and hard work.

On May 26th, the first lunar eclipse of the year takes place in the sign of Sagittarius and thus occurs in the part of your chart that relates to your friendships and your community. A lunar eclipse is when the Full Moon gets obscured by the shadow of the Earth passing between the Sun and the Moon, and symbolically you can imagine that something is simultaneously culminating and being eclipsed. Whatever has outgrown its usefulness might need to be discarded. The eclipse is taking place in your social sector and this could bring up a situation around a social scene that has outlived its purpose. While you may be very attached to this community, you may also feel ready to branch out independently to pursue your own projects.

Things get somewhat fuzzier at the end of the month, because Mercury in Gemini stations retrograde while squaring Neptune in Pisces. Mercury which is usually associated with clear analytical thinking and the ability to discriminate suddenly gets lost in the Neptunian fog. Some information coming through at the end of May could leave you perplexed or confused. Mercury will be moving retrograde until June 22nd, and will finally completely straighten out by the first full week of July, which will be an opportunity to sort out your priorities; especially the financial and creative ones. You may want to wait before jumping to conclusions or closing in on a deal as more details are likely to emerge in the next few weeks. 

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