Aquarius Horoscope for June 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of trying hard to see yourself in full, Aquarius. With the powerful Mercury Retrograde period, lasting the entire June month when you take Mercury’s retrograde shadow into account, you are in an introspective mode, specifically questioning aspects of your creative self-expression and your self-concept. As you deal with issues of identity, you are intending on conscious or unconscious levels to emerge from this unusual monthly cycle with a better handle on who at base you really are, and what you intend to pursue as your primary objective going forward. You will be asking for clarification on how and why you do your creative work, and in consideration of the way that what you do in your own unique manner blends with overall societal changes that you see coming. This is indeed the time, in this climactic 2021 year, to stand up and be counted for what you profoundly believe. You are simultaneously mediating your essentially rebel attitude with more normative consensus behaviors that allow you to articulate your truth to others around you in a fashion such that you will actually succeed in communicating.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Taurus New Moon from mid-May ushered you into a fresh cycle of growth related to your home, your family, and where you find your roots. You may already be seeing some important progress related to these themes. Then, too, Mercury is retrograding through your creativity sector all month long, when you take the timing of the two-week retrograde shadow into account, following its station to direct motion on the 22nd. And this has you introspectively arriving new understandings regarding your self-expression, your projects, or possibly your children. Mercury finally escapes its retrograde shadow by the first full week of July.

Things may be in a state of flux as June gets underway and your ability to find some stability within yourself means you can withstand any destabilizing factor. You could find an anchoring point within the pursuit of your creative goals which is another reason to keep your projects moving. The Sun in Gemini for the first half of the month brings its revitalizing energy to support your passions and what makes your heart sing. The Sun trines Saturn in Aquarius on the 2nd and 3rd, and this may bring confirmation that you are moving in the right direction. There is a good balance between the amount of work required to realize a project and your sense of mastery over a particular topic.

Venus enters Cancer on the 2nd and comes into a beautiful and supportive trine with Jupiter in Pisces. This aspect may help you see the financial aspect of your work more clearly and help you establish a long-term plan. You may be able to combine creative and pragmatic strategies that help you feel more secure about the sustainability of your ideas and your overall direction. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 4th and 5th could find you fantasizing about a lot of potential scenarios. If you feel yourself losing the plot, take a step back and make sure your projections are anchored in reality. Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn on the same day has the potential to bring compulsive need to control or micro-manage a situation and it may be one more reason to take a break and assess your overall direction at this time before making a decision that can’t be changed down the road.

On June 10th the Gemini New Moon which is a Solar Eclipse may bring an important breakthrough. A solution for a concept or an idea may come up surrounding the days of the eclipse in Gemini. You may have to strive for a moment of clarity that helps you progress rapidly in the following weeks, and you may be able with effort to unify disparate ideas or elements together and have an easier time conceptualizing how to bring a project into the world.

On the 13th however, the Sun in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces is your cue to make sure you are not idealizing the financial viability of your projects. You want to ensure that all the pieces of your puzzle are in place before you launch yourself into a new venture.

Mars enters Leo on the 11th bringing into focus your partnerships in the following weeks. You may be able to find more support for your goals but you may also be required to find greater compromises with others during that period.

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus all month long, and is exact for a second time on June 14th, highlighting the underlying tension between your goals and what stands in your way. The first of these exact squares occurred on February 17th and the final one takes place on December 24th, therefore coloring most of 2021 with a type of grinding friction. You may be trying to reconcile your desire for autonomy and self-sufficiency with your obligations towards your family. You may be desiring more security while also feeling burdened by pre-existing responsibilities. You may need more space and time to do what you want and it might require some important re-structuration that requires you to take a risk. Since the square between Saturn and Uranus will occur one more time this year, the secret lies in making the small strategic changes that can help you gain the autonomy or stability you crave while also accepting the deeper consequences that come along with these changes.

On the late evening of the 20th, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, signaling the longest day and the shortest night of the year and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the same day while Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. These aspects surrounding the Solstice could help you find the flow in your work and streamline your schedule which could result in a period of fertile productivity. Mercury stations direct in Gemini on the 22nd could also bring tractions for your projects in the coming weeks.

The Full Moon on the 24th culminates in the sign of Capricorn which could bring up the ways in which your attitude influences the outcomes of certain situations in your life. You may feel a disconnect between you and others that is hard to reconcile especially when it comes to showing how much you actually care. Fears surrounding your sense of authority, recognition, and more extensively your desires to succeed could be felt and it may be time to acknowledge these disconnects. If someone has the ability to do pretty much anything they set out to do, it’s you.

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