Aquarius Horoscope for July 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of consolidation for you, Aquarius, following the retrograde of Mercury through your self-expression sector, still settling down over the course of the first week. You might have been questioning every aspect of your creativity without much in the way of resolution, and perhaps arriving at the realization that you must go to the inside of your psyche for the answers that you seek. The Cancer New Moon of July 9th brings you to a new starting point on these matters, as you get further glimpses of what might constitute your life mission. There is a transformation underway within you in how you see this type of interior information. You are exploring the ways to arrive at significant truth without choosing to see things through the lens of a meterialistic 3D world view, preferring relying on your dreams or your private meditations to take you there. This monthly cycle presents you with a significant learning curve in this area of the inner work that can advance you further upon the road of your own evolutionary growth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent Solar Eclipse in Gemini from June 10th kicked off a potent lunation cycle that is still winding down over the first full week of July. This affects your creativity and the joy you take in living life, including romance or perhaps children. You have been simultaneously questioning things in this important area – relating as well to feelings of identity – because Mercury was in retrograde motion in this same sign of Gemini all through June. Mercury is finally winding up things up in this regard, escaping its retrograde shadow, although not until the 7th. If you have been questioning and obsessively reexamining issues related to self-expression and creativity, these attitudes should subside by that timing, and with the fresh start indicated by the New Moon two days later, on July 9th.

On July 1st, a potent T-square between Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Leo, and Uranus in Taurus may signal difficulties with getting things done. A T-square in Astrology involves planets that are all transiting in signs of the same modalities, in this case the Fixed Signs. The Fixed Signs in Astrology that fall when the Sun is in the middle of every season are known for carrying a stabilizing and grounding energy. Stable can also translate as unbudging or immovable which means that, when a tense aspect occurs between planets of the Fixed Signs, it is often felt as the inability to reconcile very rooted, albeit incompatible, elements. Saturn opposing Mars on the 1st may therefore bring power struggles or frustrations with others. You may be trying to work with someone who reveals themselves to be more difficult than anticipated.

Mars in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus from the 2nd to the 4th adds an unpredictable element and you may have to call on your patience and self-control in order to move through the first week of July. You will be feeling very active and might have to reign yourself in somewhat. The harder you push on your own personal agenda, the more likely you are perhaps to meet resistance from others.

The Sun in Cancer squaring Chiron in Aries on the 4th could highlight a vulnerability and bring healing dialogues while the Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus on the 5th may bring an unexpected perspective on your current dilemmas. Venus in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius late on the night of the 5th and 6th may continue to highlight a difficult relationship dynamic. When Venus squares Uranus in Taurus a few days later, on the 8th, you may be forced to adopt a different attitude.

Most of the oscillating energies or negotiations should subside by the time of the Cancer New Moon in Cancer, which arrives on July 9th. This New Moon brings a cleansing influence in the part of your chart that relates to your workplace health, routine, and organizational matters. the New Moon forms an innovative sextile with Uranus in Taurus that may help intentions around habits and finding some stability amidst the changing tides. Mercury enters Cancer a few days later, bringing even more emphasis on your schedule which may help you strike a balance between work and leisure. Mercury trine Jupiter in Pisces on the 12th could help you organize your thoughts around money and self-worth and it may be time to raise your prices or reassess your energy investments in a particular project.

On July 13th, Venus conjuncts Mars in the sign of Leo, which falls directly opposite to your sign of Aquarius on the zodiac wheel indicating your relationships. Venus and Mars together may bring passionate exchange or a creative vibe. You may be more aware of the role and importance of a particular person in your life and socializing may feel enjoyable if you can get away from your busy schedule.

The Sun in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn on the 17th also falls on the First Quarter Moon in Libra. This may be a time of external or internal pressure when you are forced to reckon with your own ambitions. You could feel pulled in too many directions at once and you may have to delegate or prioritize in order to meet all of your objectives.

Venus enters Virgo on the 21st and the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd which may gradually emphasize your relationships over the following weeks.

The Aquarius Full Moon takes place on the evening or late evening of the 23rd, illuminating your desires and highlighting the recent push and pull you may have felt between your personal needs and the compromise required within your partnerships. You may have a chance to adjust your scales and find greater equilibrium, especially once Mercury enters Leo on the 27th.

Jupiter re-enters Aquarius on the 28th and you may be able to pick up a thread that was lost at the beginning of May. Things are in a state of flux but you may be able to create a more solid vision of your objectives -- something not everyone can claim to have at this moment.

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