Aquarius Horoscope for December 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another difficult and yet rewarding month for you, Aquarius, an opportunity for breakthrough masquerading as limitation, when you will need to pay the closest attention to everything that comes up in order to assess the deeper meaning. The Solar Eclipse New Moon of the late evening of December 3rd is powerful, setting your focus toward plans and goals. This involves on the one hand your friendships and group activities, with the subtext being what you can concretely contribute to the society that surrounds you, while on another it is your own self-development that is really at stake. You are getting to better know your own inner dynamics, with the idea that you can begin to chart your future course in a way that accords with your own bottom-line principles to the exclusion of all else. The clues are provided by issues of family, including family of origin, and by investigating the depths of your own private nature along with the restrictions inherent in your situation. The actual truth might turn out to be that you have nothing to lose but your fictional chains.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

A total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, taking place near the very beginning of December, late evening of the 3rd, or early morning of the 4th, might bring to you new realizations concerning your place in the world and your contribution to a certain community. Your professional life could come into focus and also your goals and aspirations. The last two years of the pandemic could have brought a greater emphasis on your personal direction with fewer opportunities to network in person. This may have in turn allowed you to reorient yourself more genuinely towards what you want while letting go of time-wasting investments in groups or friendships not aligned with your own unique vision. Who you associate with could now be changing, so that new groups of people and friends could be catching your attention at this time. Community is a buzzword these days and yet a useful one. Knowing where you can find support for your ideas can save you a lot of time and effort. Feeling like you belong somewhere and that your contribution is making a difference is especially highlighted for you this month.

During the second week of December, especially from the 5th to the 7th, you could be feeling particularly ambitious with Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn and square to Jupiter in Aquarius. There is a lot of momentum available and it may be easier to succeed at this time however you may need to guard against an all or nothing attitude. Reflecting on your deeper motivations may unearth some important clues surrounding your fears of failure and your ambitious drive.

Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn from the 8th to the 28th, peaking on the third weekend of December, could bring a hint of a hidden dynamic related to power and control coming from you or from someone else in your life. Venus is preparing to station retrograde on the 19th still within a degree of transformational Pluto, and will spend the next three months transiting in the part of your chart that relates to the more unconscious or hidden aspects of yourself. Venus will therefore be conjunct with Pluto for most of December which may help you unearth the deeper and more complex aspects of your desire-nature in the following months. The Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune on that same weekend is a creative aspect although it may bring a tendency to sacrifice yourself more easily. Guard yourself against idealizing a situation and be deliberate with your energy.

Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th which may bring more opportunities to socialize in the following weeks doubled with the need to take more time for yourself. This may be a busy time of the year for you although you may also feel the need to step back and integrate the past year more quietly.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18th emphasizes romance, creativity, and your incredible talent for conceptualizing and bringing to life new and cutting edge ideas into the world. Mercury in Capricorn which rules over the Moon in Gemini is squaring Chiron in Aries which is stationing direct on the same day. Chiron tends to highlight where we feel vulnerable or inadequate and this aspect could find you doubting your judgment or second guessing yourself. Sensitive dialogues may have to be handled with care around this time at the risk of saying something you might regret later. You may also experience an internal conflict between the need to show up authentically versus the fears of exposing a deeper part of yourself. Venus stations retrograde a few hours later signaling the beginning of deeper reflections surrounding what you love and what you desire.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st which signals the beginning of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun is now exactly one month away from entering Aquarius which usually brings a revitalizing influence. Now until mid-January could indicate a period of deeper reflection and introspection before the Sun enters your sign. It may be a good time to take stock of this past year and make time for more quiet contemplations without pushing yourself too hard. Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the 23rd highlighting an ongoing tension between your personal ambitions versus the need to ground yourself into a more simple or basic routine. What your mind wants versus what your body needs may be at odds however you may also have plenty of opportunities to rectify accordingly. You might feel like you can do it all but sometimes rest is more productive than work. Introspective work will pay off during the last week of December and it might be easier to see where your ambitious nature gets the better of you sometimes.

Jupiter enters Pisces on the 29th where it will be transiting until mid-May, emphasizing what you value and more extensively your sense of self-worth. In the following five months, new financial opportunities may emerge although your propensity to spend may also increase. You may have increased appreciation for different or unfamiliar value systems that can help you gain a new understanding of how the world works.

The New Year begins with the Moon in Sagittarius, which could bring a festive and social influence to ring in the New Year. It’s a great time to take stock and let go of ideas or situations that are weighing you down before 2022 begins.

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