Aquarius Horoscope for November 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of consolidation and new beginnings for you, Aquarius, a glorious transition after a powerful time of questioning your worldview and your most basic beliefs. This was under the influence of a potent Mercury Retrograde period with after-effects lasting all through this previous month. As you emerge from an almost spell-like trance of dream imagination and internal recognition, you are currently intently focused on your work in the world. You are confronting public versus private concerns with loads of energy available for each end of that spectrum. Your inner world continues to speak to you in subtle and also more obvious ways, providing hints of idealized values that you feel you must strive to honor more fully. As you explore the dark places within your psyche, below and beyond the level of your conscious mind, you are, in essence, seeking a better fit between inner principle and outer action. It helps to articulate to trusted allies exactly where you encounter this consequential edge, which is nothing less than your attempt to break through to a new and more authentic stage.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

New perspectives have been filtering that are helping you broaden your understanding of the world and the role you want to play within it. Mercury Retrograde in Libra for the past month may have brought a learning curve and new elements to consider that can help you reframe a philosophical or intellectual framework. Your beliefs could be changing at this time which in turn is changing where you want to focus your attention.

The month of November begins in earnest for you with the Scorpio New Moon in in your vocational sector. This represents a dynamic time, perhaps with new professional challenges. You are in some sense making a fresh start in this area. Rebel planet Uranus currently in Taurus is opposed by this New Moon throwing a wild card into the mix. There may be some unpredictable factors in the air at the beginning of the month that forces you to contend with circumstances that are outside of your control. You may have to reorganize your schedule around your professional and domestic obligations to make everything flow more smoothly. There is a certain amount of pressure to both show up at home and in your career which could be creating a division between these two areas of your life and you may have to juggle more responsibilities during the first week of the month.

Venus enters Capricorn on the 5th where she will be transiting for an exceptionally long time, until March 2022, due to her moving retrograde in late December lasting for most of January. Venus will therefore be in Capricorn, corresponding to your sector of unconscious process and inner work, for the next seventeen weeks which means you have an opportunity to contemplate your relationship to your own inner world. More extensively your sense of self-worth may be highlighted. It could be a good time to shed some light on self-defeating patterns or internal dialogues that keep you from experiencing joy more fully. This should happen quite naturally over the next three months and all you have to do is be willing to stay honest with yourself about where you are, just witnessing. There might be ways that you will notice where have become overly rigid and will be looking to give and receive love more freely.

Stepping back to present times, in this first week of the current month Mercury and Venus form a supportive sextile to each other as they enter new signs which means it might be easier to see things from a different angle. You may get insight as to where your power resides or where you tend to give it away too easily.

The First Quarter Moon in Aquarius on the 11th brings dynamic tension related to your career and your perceived place in the world. You may feel more emotional about a social issue that is coming up at this time or you may feel pressured by a way of thinking that is not familiar. You might be prompted to adjust your stance or speak up publicly about something that you would usually remain quiet about. There may be tension or nervous energy that is harder than usual to avoid and that can be channeled into productive outlets like research and intellectual work.

As you head toward the second half of November, things will start to flow and progress could be made rapidly. The Sun in Scorpio trines imaginative and flighty Neptune on the 11th and 12th, and squares Jupiter in Aquarius on the 15th infusing the third week of November with new inspiration and big-picture thinking. You may find yourself regaining a sense of perspective and exciting new options could suddenly seem possible. You may need to revise your priorities to make something work, especially as Mercury and Mars in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus leading to the Full Moon of the 19th.

The Taurus Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, taking place early morning on the 19th especially in the States, later morning for eastern Europe. This is a significant juncture for you and brings with it some unpredictable factors to contend with. Uranus is famous for surprising events and also unexpected revelations, and this Full Moon is angular to your solar chart. The eclipse Moon lands in your home sector highlighting a domestic scenario and the contrast between your public and private selves. Things might indeed be in a state of flux, and your inner world is also speaking to you right now. This could relate to your career or what is currently happening in the world and you may be prompted to start consolidating your resources.

The Sun enters the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius on the 21st, signaling the beginning of a more social time for you. The pressure of the last few weeks may begin to wane and you will likely feel like you have more energy to focus on social activities. Mercury is not far from the Sun and enters the sign of Sagittarius on the 24th increasing networking opportunities. This time also finds you dreaming and scheming about your goals.

The last seven days of November should feel more fluid and it may be easier to get your work done and still have time to play. Helpful aspects between Mercury and Saturn could bring clarity and positive developments in your social sphere. November promises to be a busy month filled with professional and domestic challenges that can be reconciled with time and patience. Your ability to hold back from jumping hastily to conclusions, while yet staying flexible could ensure your peaceful progress.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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