Aquarius Horoscope for October 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another powerful month of change for you, Aquarius, although much of that is taking place on the inside. You are in the midst of transformation that has to do with inner work, and your unconscious proclivities, trauma, and desires. You are forging new territory in this mystical area, based in part on an introspective attitude corresponding to the Mercury Retrograde period lasting all month long, through the time of its retrograde shadow. Mercury is located in your sector of Higher Mind, beliefs, and worldview. You are exploring new ways of thought and of planning based on new ways of seeing, and this affects career and profession, as well as ego-orientation. It could be quite the wild ride. Your very sense of identity could become a moving target, especially when you can stay open to intuitional messages from your own interior. The contrast between public and private issues could be another theme cropping up for you this month. It might help to remember what counts: that in word and deed, you are striking a blow for what really matters to you, deep down.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your beliefs and values could be in a state of flux at the beginning of the month, as three planets, namely the Sun, Mercury, and Mars, are all transiting in Libra, which may cause you to broaden your perspective. Mercury is currently moving retrograde and you may see a new picture emerge related to your highest aspirations and your worldview, which is up for a period of review and readjustment. Your attitudes may be going through a process of change that is completely conscious. Mercury squaring Pluto in Capricorn as the month begins could also bring buried psychological material to the surface – especially as it relates to what you believe to be true about yourself and the world. This square is part of a series, having already happened in late September, and taking place again at the beginning of November. You may be faced with a changing landscape in connection with where you bring your participation to the world. If you’ve had a more dogmatic approach in the past, this time period may allow you to break free and rethink your position to allow for a shift of perspective.

The New Moon in Libra takes place on the 6th, signaling the beginning of a stimulating cycle related to learning and education. You may be preoccupied with the philosophical implications of your work and the social issues that matter to you. With the New Moon conjunct Mars and in close aspect to Uranus, there is also a destabilizing element to this potent New Moon, bringing strange events and surprises into the picture, also deep intuition. With Mars involved the contrast between public and private is also something that will resonate with you at this time. There is as well a profoundly potent presence of Pluto that could imply fresh challenges to any attempts to remain in the status quo rather than moving forward with a process of metamorphosis that is taking place within you, leading you toward your next evolutionary stage, whatever that might be.

Your involvement in your community could be especially highlighted after the 7th, when Venus enters Sagittarius. Your desire to do something meaningful and bring your contribution to the world at large is a big theme for you in October. The new awareness emerging at the beginning of the month will slowly start to make sense but there may also be a period of adjustment needed as you evaluate where you want to direct your attention. Mercury Retrograde meets the Sun in Libra on the 9th for what is known as a ‘’cazimi’’ or when the messenger planet gets to have a conversation with the King. The second weekend of October could bring clues as to where you are heading next. Venus in Sagittarius conjunct the South Node of the Moon may allow you to let go of collective visions or a group mentality that no longer serves you while Saturn stationing direct in Aquarius on the 10th may bring a significant shift that allows progress in the coming weeks, especially if you’ve felt on standby recently.

There is a nice interplay between you, your community, your visions, and your knowledge in mid-October and you may find yourself teaching or sharing your ideas on a broader scale. People might be eager to hear what you have to say and benefit from your expertise on a particular subject. Things could get heated towards the 17th in one way or another when the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. This could indicate an invisible power dynamic at play and one that may be easily missed, but that could escalate quickly if your awareness does not not keep it in check. This may relate to a communication issue and how you express yourself.

On October 18th, Jupiter stations direct in your sign and Mercury follows suit a few hours later in the sign of Libra, ending the major phase of the Mercury Retrograde period, and energizing opinions and public debates. The Jupiter station could represent an optimistic time when difficulties could seem less daunting.

As the Full Moon in Aries culminates on the 20th, there is another powerfully transformative moment that provides a fulfillment for changes initiated in the timing of the New Moon from two weeks past. Your changes could be accelerating. If you are feeling expansive, it may be important to be deliberate with your words; over-confidence could easily be mistaken for arrogance. This is due to Mars in Libra trine Jupiter and square to Pluto in Capricorn, creating a highly charged atmosphere where power struggles and confrontations are more likely to occur. On the positive side, this could be a time when it is easier to get your message across especially if you have to convince someone of your perspective.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd and there continues to bring a dynamic influence for your career and your aspirations in the following weeks. Significant progress can be made, especially if you are diligent with your time and energy. Venus transiting in Sagittarius brings ample opportunities to network this month, although her square to Neptune on the 26th could indicate some wasteful expenses. Your propensity to get excited could be exaggerated by Jupiter currently transiting in your sign but you can also calibrate your indulgence with a good dose of pragmatism thanks to Saturn in Aquarius.

The end of the month calls for discipline when the Sun in Scorpio comes into a square with Saturn in your sign. You may have to get down to business if you are to meet your deadlines. Mars enters Scorpio on the 30th, bringing tremendous energy in the career sector of your chart for the following weeks. You may have to be more deliberate with the way you spend your energy in order to get your work done.

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