Aquarius Horoscope for September 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for September 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month of deep-diving, Aquarius, as shown by the nature of outer planet positioning and inter-aspects. According to the houses of your natal solar chart, you are investigating hidden factors in your psyche, and may come up with unexpected answers. There are implications for intimate connections with important others, and, as well, your home turf both physically and metaphorically, that is, in terms of family of origin and current living arrangements. The Virgo New Moon of September 6th brings loads of extra energy to these investigations. The transformational effects of planet Pluto are very greatly magnified in the current month’s timing, giving you new insights and novel ways to consider the profound reaches of your inner world. What is largely unconscious to your normative gaze becomes less so. As Mercury prepares to retrograde on the last weekend of September through your sector of higher mind activities, there will be plenty of food for thought in relation to these and other matters, so that you come into the holidays in a different place than the summer where you started.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

September begins in the wake of a dynamic Full Moon in your sign, from the penultimate weekend of August, that emphasized partnership activities and shared resources. As you move through the remainder of the previous month’s lunation cycle you are therefore coming to new understandings in this complex and important area of your life. The last few weeks have highlighted the give and take of relationship and what it takes to make them work. This process is deepening to a certain extent, with the Sun now transiting in Virgo illuminating your sector of close connection with intimate others, agreements, and contracts.

Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces from the 1st to the 3rd of September, which could bring confusion or wishful thinking around a cause that awakens your deeper values. Make sure you know what you are getting into when you agree to help others during the first week of the month. You may have high ideals coloring your perception at this time which can feel inspiring. However, the reality of a situation may not be totally visible at this time. Your sense of justice and your desire to serve a noble cause may be especially prominent and you may be more prone than usual to sacrifice yourself for the wellbeing of others.

On September 6th, the New Moon in Virgo brings the beginning of a new cycle in connection with your close relationships. You may be revising your value system in order to align yourself with your own deepest principles or you could feel inclined to dedicate more of your energy to a partner. Something is changing deep within you and you might just have to go with it. You may be looking for deeper commitment to yourself and as well to important others in your life. Your ruler Uranus is emphasized by this New Moon in your home and family sector so that you could find yourself giving quite a lot of attention to nesting or retreating. Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in your sign at the New Moon could also increase communications and philosophizing around your ideas and beliefs. You can expect a lot of dialogue around your perspectives and worldview; plenty of intellectual energy is available for debates which could ultimately bring you closer.

Venus enters Scorpio on September 10th, where she will transit until October, emphasizing your vocational sector. You may find that love and career intertwine in some way or that you attract attention to your work choices more easily now. Your charms could seem more visible or you may gain the favors of people who can help your progress in your chosen field. Your desire to learn, travel, and explore new ideas continues to be a big theme. Mars enters Libra mid-month where it brings its dedicated focus for all things related to academia and more extensively your philosophical inclinations. The Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune on the 13th and 14th can bring a lack of focus, especially when it comes to defining something specific. You may be more inclined towards broad statements and concepts at this time and it may be easier to go with the flow than to try to do tedious or detailed work.

Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in your sign from the 15th to the 17th, leading to the third weekend of September, and this could symbolize tensions arising between your personal needs and your career obligations. You could be pushing yourself too hard or feeling your responsibilities more strongly around this time and may feel it could be your cue to take a break. 

On the 20th, the Full Moon culminates in Pisces, affecting your values, your sense of self-worth, and by extension your finances. Your income could be closely related to how much you think your skills are worth and this may be your opportunity to reassess your affairs. What also transpires around this Full Moon could relate to what you know and what you have to offer. Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius in this Full Moon. The remainder of the month could reference a teaching or learning opportunity and more extensively to how well you share what you know with others in the the world around you; this is an area you may be pulled to refine in the coming weeks.

With the Sun’s ingress in the sign of Libra on September 22nd, the first day of Fall arrives in the Northern Hemisphere. Your sense of wonder and exploration continues to be awakened and your desire to learn and discover will be even more greatly highlighted over the next few weeks. As Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, you could have feelings linking relationships, your private perspectives, or your work in the world to your home base. You might also feel a certain level of restlessness with the status quo,

Mercury stations retrograde in Libra at the end of September and will be moving retrograde until October 18th, followed by two weeks of recovering its lost Zodiacal longitude before it entirely straightens out. This particular retrograde, lasting through the following month of October, could find you re-envisioning your trajectory to integrate new perspectives that in the long run allow you greater freedom. You benefit by taking all the time needed to evaluate your progress to ensure it matches your vision. Be patient; Rome wasn’t built in a day!

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