Aries Horoscope for January 2018

Aries Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

January is another climactic month for you, Aries, when you have the opportunity to attune to your evolutionary development. You are presented with a variety of foci, mainly three. The first of these is the definite urge to conform in some way to the status quo, and to its resulting accolades. The second, by contrast, is a dramatic and impulsive desire to make a move in almost any direction, in an entirely contrary shucking off of responsibility to anything other than what arises from deep within you. Meanwhile an important contribution is being made by the proddings of your unconscious process, which takes in these disparate parts and seeks a better balance between them. To the extent that you can ultimately come to a better awareness of all that is going on beneath the surface of your psyche, you benefit greatly, allowing you to engage in a more integrated way with the world around you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Aries! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into Capricorn, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your tenth house to stay for the next two to three years where the emphasis will be on increased duty, responsibility, achievement, and hard work. Saturn in the tenth may also challenge you to stick with something or to demonstrate greater professional patience or endurance over the next several years, a good challenge for Arians who are often struggle with seeing things through or who would rather start something than be responsible for the long-term oversight of a project. Saturn in your tenth may weigh you down more than you like, but it’s ultimately a transit that rewards hard work and dedication, so stick with it and don’t be afraid of deeper commitments in the work place. Saturn in your tenth house can also indicate that you’re dealing with Saturnine bosses or authority figures or that your public reputation, rank or position is becoming more serious or recognized. Given the lingering presence of Uranus and Eris in your first house, you might be learning how to work constructively and creatively with more conservative people or within more traditional environments. Again, patience is a keyword for you right now because Saturn is here to stay in your tenth house for a while!

The first of January features the Full Moon in Cancer in your fourth house of home and family. The Moon opposes the Sun each month at the Full Moon, which means that the career area of your chart (Capricorn in the tenth house) is being emphasized in direct tension with the needs of the domestic, private, and family oriented Cancer Moon in the fourth. Balancing work and home or private life may be challenging to start this month, and some sacrifices on everyone’s part, along with the spirit of understanding and compromise will go a long way. So just remember to lead from your heart and don’t be afraid to ask those you love for emotional and practical support this month. And don’t forget, it’s what you do where nobody can see you or recognize you that defines the quality of consciousness you have to bring to whatever public or professional projects you’re working on.

On January 6th, Mars will conjoin Jupiter in Scorpio in your eighth house. You might see a windfall related to investments or you might find that your spouse or partner is experiencing some level of financial success or productivity. It’s also possible that you are looking more deeply into your fears or anxieties and perhaps even overcoming some of those fears. Mars and Jupiter together were traditionally related to the military and to valiant warriors or visionary or religious/ideological crusades. Thus, you may find that you are ready, willing, and able to confront things that you might typically be afraid of, especially the more emotional or psychological elements of life.

January 8th brings the Last Quarter Moon, notable for the focus that day on the triple conjunction of Sun, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, corresponding to your tenth house of career. With Venus thus implicated, there is a darkly transformative factor implied for all types of relationship, as hidden motivations rise to the surface.

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and move into a conjunction with Saturn in your tenth house of career and public/professional reputation. This may signal an important announcement, agreement, technological change, or the beginning of a new project or endeavor related to Mercurial things (science, technology, writing, learning, speaking, communicating, etc.).

January 16th is the date of the Capricorn New Moon, also taking place in your tenth house, and also in conjunction with Venus. Issues of career, renewed professional competence and relationship all come up far more strongly.

January 17th, Venus will enter Aquarius and move into your eleventh house of friends, community, benefactors and hopes for the future. You may find yourself enjoying yourself in groups or community settings, or you may find important allies or strategic professional relationships appearing at just the right moment. You may also find that you are developing a new dream or vision for the future and starting to think about exactly who you might collaborate with to help manifest your dreams. It’s also a great time to meet eclectic or interesting romantic partners. Enjoy this transit, it will last into February and should provide you with opportunities for camaraderie and collaboration. Just remember to keep an open mind and consider new things and new people and new doors will likely open!

Finally, on January 26th Mars will enter Sagittarius and your ninth house. You may find toward the very end of the month that you are becoming quite passionate and intense about your personal, political or spiritual beliefs. You may find yourself traveling for the sake of adventure, or you may find that you are entering brand new philosophical or ethical territory. Then, the Lunar Eclipse of the 31st is major for you and creates greater emphasis on deeds and activities relating to deep soul intention.

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