Aries Horoscope for February 2018

Aries Horoscope for February 2018

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

is a powerful month for you, Aries, when you will more consciously perceive the massive transformation that is coming down, both personally and with regard to your society and your world. Your evolving worldview reflects an openness to new ways of seeing and relating to the world around you, while your own public stance currently reflects these changes, or it soon will. You are taking greater responsibility for career and professional choices that come directly from your own inner truth. Renewed relationship commitment takes the form of a wider mutual interest in societal changes you feel would be beneficial, and leads you to a revaluation of your standards that is quite telling. You are plumbing your inner depths to uncover unique approaches that affect your blossoming self-expression; diving down and hopefully coming up with the pearl of greater understanding of all that you hold inside, and how best to act on that sacred knowledge.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy Eclipse season, Aries! The month begins just one day after the lunar eclipse in Leo. The eclipse landed in your fifth house of children, pregnancy, joy, and creativity. Lunar eclipses represent endings and culmination; don’t be surprised if you see significant changes related to your children, or in relationship to a creative vision or project over the course of this month.

Meanwhile, on February 3rd Mercury in Aquarius in your eleventh house will make a sextile to Mars in Sagittarius in your ninth house. This is a wonderful transit for traveling, spending time with friends, exploring shared beliefs or philosophical ideas and debate, or getting together with larger groups of people for the sake of shared spiritual or political beliefs.

On the same day, Venus in Aquarius in your eleventh house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your eighth house. This transit suggests the possibility for lucrative business partnerships or financial opportunities presenting themselves through friends, as well as the opportunity for romantic or artistic connections with others that are intense and transformative. Be careful of overdoing things around this time, as Venus and Jupiter together can indicate excessiveness.

February 7th the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will conjoin with Jupiter in your eighth house. This is a powerful time for emotional healing, depth, honesty, and transformation. Given the pile up of planets in your eleventh house of friends this month, don’t be surprised if your friends are a big part of the picture right now. This is also a good time to evaluate and objectively assess if your friendships and group affiliations are lasting and consistent with your purpose, and also whether your dreams for the future are realistic or not.

February 10th the planet Venus moves into Pisces, where it was traditionally said to be “exalted.” It will also therefore move into your twelfth house. This transit can express itself in a variety of ways, including unrequited love, creativity and solitude, compassion for those who are suffering, women and the concern for the health of women in your life, friendships and loss, as well as dreams and inspiring visions or omen in nature.

On February 15th it’s a New Moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius in your eleventh house. This solar eclipse also includes a close conjunction to the planet Mercury. Again, the themes of friendship, groups, allies, and benefactors are featured. Though you are born a natural leader, this month is an excellent month for becoming part of something bigger than yourself, or for cultivating long-lasting bonds with new people.

On February 17th Mars in Sagittarius in your ninth house will square Neptune in Pisces in your twelfth house. Be careful not to become a martyr for someone else’s cause at this time, but if you feel the call to stand up for someone or something that you truly believe in, then don’t shy away from it.

On February 17th Mercury is also cazimi (at the heart of the Sun) in the sign of Aquarius. However, shortly after this on the 17th Mercury will also enter its traditional “fall” by moving into Pisces and your twelfth house. With Mercury starting the day at the heart of the Sun in the house of friends watch as communication dynamics with friends, in groups or among allies becomes very powerful, and auspicious or lucky. What you’re able to do for friends or what friends can do for you is potent right now. However, just after this transit occurs, Mercury changes signs and houses, moving into a much more difficult position in the twelfth house, where information and communication may become more obscure or secretive, and possibly self-destructive. It’s very important to use your best judgment and to be as discerning as possible.

On February 18th the Sun will enter the sign of Pisces and your twelfth house, and on February 21st Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your twelfth house. Both transits emphasize similar themes: compassion, faith, healing, imprisonment or illusion, loneliness or heartache, redemption and romance.

Following this, Mercury will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces in your twelfth house and Venus in Pisces will square Mars in Sagittarius in your ninth house, both on February 25th. This epic series of transits from your twelfth house will put the pressure on you to communicate clearly, to discern the difference between truth and illusion, and to put words, sounds, or images to experiences that are intangible, painful, or deeply mystical. This series of transits is also about sexual or creative tension and the difference between healthy and self-destructive beliefs, ideas, or communication patterns within relationships.

Two of the biggest themes for Arians this month are friendships and faith. There are few signs better to have as faithful friends than those like you, born under the sign of the Ram. Remember to let others be good for you, too, and enjoy a beautiful month!

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