Aries Horoscope for March 2018

Aries Horoscope for March 2018

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of contrasts for you, Aries, especially when you look back from future perspectives. The first half of March proceeds a bit like February; you are simultaneously wild undercover activist and inner-directed hermit. In the second part, following the New Moon of March 17th, and especially with the Vernal Equinox of the 20th, you are coming out to others around you in greater style, although still with a trace of mystical realms trailing behind you. Aware of others, you are also supremely conscious of your own inner world. Also in this second half, Mercury begins its retrograde through the middle of your sign, adding to the introspective tone of what you are really about. It is vitally important that you pay close attention all through this month to the messages that arrive by subtle secret messenger. Your dreams and your daydream activities give you significant clues regarding your key relationships, career reversals, and your future life path.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month of March begins with a Full Moon in your sixth house of suffering and service. It’s a great time to purge, clear, or clean yourself of any lingering illness or unhealthiness, or to offer your love and service to others who are currently in need. Remember that we are only useful to others when we are healthy ourselves.

On March 4th, the Sun and Neptune conjoin in Pisces in your twelfth house while Mercury and Venus also conjoin in Pisces in your twelfth house. You might be feeling the call to turn inward right now as you stand on a threshold between worlds. Though you are an individualist and naturally a person of action, it pays right now to take long periods of silence, meditation, and reflection. Something new wants to be born this month, but it will require a gentler mood or environment to facilitate the kind of growth, healing, and clarity that you’re seeking.

Late March 5th into early March 6th Mercury will cross into Aries and on March 6th Venus will also enter Aries, both moving into your first house. You may notice that your thoughts are becoming clearer now, and that you are ready to emerge from the cocoon of the twelfth house and back into the world. Just remember, that while you might be feeling eager to communicate and connect with others right now, it’s important to give others plenty of room to feel, think, and act differently than yourself.

Between late in the evening of March 10th through March 13th Mercury and Venus will be moving through square aspects to Saturn in Capricorn in your tenth house. Communication in your relationships may become more serious or conservative at this time. Be careful of confrontations with people in the workplace, or with traditional authority figures. At the same time, don’t be afraid to speak truth to power when and where it’s necessary. Just remember, you are strong enough to be kind.

On March 17th, the Pisces New Moon reflects unconscious wisdom that comes to you from intuitional layers of your personality that lie deep within you. It pays to pay close attention to your dreams now, writing them down if you can. Mars also enters Capricorn and therefore moves into your tenth house. Mars in your tenth house may signal continued conflict or confrontation in the workplace or with traditional authority figures. On the other hand, this may also signal the start of a period of tremendous productivity, hard work, and success. You are a natural born leader, so don’t shy away from the opportunities to lead that you are presented with right now.

March 20th marks the Spring Equinox, at which time the Sun goes into your home sign of Aries. Happy birthday season! It’s officially your time of year, and it’s also the start of the new zodiacal cycle. It’s always at this time of year that you start to shine the brightest, with the Sun exalted in your first house for the next thirty days. Enjoy it!

Next, on March 23rd Venus in Aries in your first house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your tenth, while Mercury also turns retrograde in Aries in your first house. Here we see more of the same authority challenges and potential resolutions. Your relationships, especially those in the work place or with people in command, are going through serious transformations this month. You may also find at this time that you have to backtrack on a public position you’ve taken, or that you are challenged by an issue of diplomacy or public relations. It is wise over the next three to five weeks to think carefully and read all the fine print before making anything official.

On March 28th Venus briefly conjoins Uranus in Aries in your first house. Here we see the planet of love and relationships conjoin with the planet of the rebel and the innovator. Partnership variation or surprises are likely. Don’t be surprised if you’re called to think outside of the box or to come up with innovative solutions to complex challenges. You’re not likely to let limitations stop your progress this month but be careful not to bulldoze others along the way!

Finally, on March 31st it’s a Full Moon in Libra in your seventh house of relationships and partnerships. The month ends by emphasizing the need for diplomacy, tact, care, balance, and selflessness. At the end of the day, if we haven’t made more friends and deepened our love and affection for one another, then what good is whatever “progress” we might have otherwise made?

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