Aries Horoscope for November 2019

Aries Horoscope for November 2019

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another difficult and yet rewarding month for you, Aries, and the question that you will have is what to do with it. Mercury retrograding through your eighth sector of intimacy and depth explorations finds you in a reflective mode of questing for what you truly want. The intensity of your outer world commitment for career and profession also demands that you give all that you have to this important area, and yet you must also stop to think before acting. Your principles are subject lately to sudden insights and alterations, and your worldview is perceptibly shifting, requiring course adjustments to ensure that you do not waste your time. You will want to take several steps backward before moving ahead, which is also just the nature of the Mercury Retrograde time. You will likely be re-thinking relationship and sorting through potentially dysfunctional habit patterns all month long, while refining your ideals. At month’s end, it could be that only your rock-bottom values will emerge as defining charact Eristics for your actual future deeds.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School in his final month with us. Adam has decided that other obligations of his must take precedence. We are grateful for his steady support of our astrological content for the past two years!

The month of November is toned by the recent New Moon in Scorpio (from October 27th), which fell in your eighth house of shared resources, opposite Uranus in Taurus in the house of your own assets and resources. Sudden and perhaps unexpected changes happening relative to your finances will thus continue to be a theme all month long. With such a strong emphasis from Uranus in this lunar cycle, the need for radical change is pronounced for you in relation to business and financial matters.

As of November 1st, Mercury will also be newly retrograde in Scorpio in your eighth house of sheared resources and intimacy, emphasizing the need to revisit old themes, memories, or patterns in your relationships, with an eye for understanding your shadows and difficulties with a higher level of intelligence and compassion, especially as for the nearly the entire month Mercury will be moving into a trine alignment to compassionate Neptune in Pisces.

On November 1st, also, Venus will enter Sagittarius, representing your ninth house of higher mind, bringing with it the need for social, romantic, intellectual, and spiritual connections, which should flow together relatively harmoniously in the weeks ahead.

Between November 1st and 6th, your ruling planet, Mars, in Libra in your seventh house of relationships will square Pluto in your 10th house of career, bringing with it a period of productivity and hard work, while also emphasizing the need for diplomacy and tact wherever the potential for a power struggle presents itself, whether in your personal or professional relationships.

Between November 6th and the 9th, the Sun in Scorpio in your eighth house of death and rebirth will trine Neptune in Pisces in your twelfth house of unconscious process, dissolution, and self-undoing. You may gain a much deeper level of insight into the habits and behaviors of those you are close to, as well as yourself, so long as you are willing to be honest with yourself and open to what your unconscious may have to tell you.

On November 12th, an exalted Full Moon in Taurus will fall in your second house of resources and money, suggesting a moment of fullness and good fortune relative to business or financial matters. You should also be careful of overindulging or spending too much money. This Moon has expensive taste!

Between November 11th and the 15th, Venus in Sagittarius in your ninth house of the higher mind will square Neptune in Pisces in your twelfth house of dissolution and self-undoing, suggesting the potential for a period of introspection, shadow work, and forgiveness or letting go. You may find it useful to ask yourself how do your beliefs dictate the way you treat others, or the way you are perceived' It’s also a good time to try to understand people who believe, think, or live in a way that is fundamentally different from your own. You may also fall in love with someone or something that is completely different from yourself.

Then on November 20th, Mercury will turn direct in Scorpio in your eighth house, signaling that a period of deeper communication, thinking, and feeling in your relationships is finding a natural space of conclusion, while the lessons you have been learning are ready to be implemented.

Between November 22nd and 25th, Venus in Sagittarius in your ninth house will conjoin with Jupiter in Sagittarius, bringing the two traditional “benefics” together. Conjoined, they are bringing a powerful wave of good fortune, inspiration, love, and learning, into your life. You might be making plans to travel, or studying something new or finding a new teacher. There also could be gains involving discovering meaningful spiritual and intellectual friends or even a new romantic connection.

On November 24th to the 26th, your ruling planet, Mars, in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your second house of money and resources, emphasizing another acute turning point this month around the topic of finances. You will want to be prepared to make big choices and respond intelligently to unexpected changes and also to be careful of making impulsive or reckless choices, especially around money.

Finally, on November 26th the New Moon will also land in Sagittarius in your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys, emphasizing the importance of your faith and spiritual life, or the ongoing importance of teachers and learning over the course of the December lunar cycle to come.

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