Aries Horoscope for December 2019

Aries Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is the culmination to your year, Aries, amplified by your astrology. You are not only coming into yourself in important new ways, but also in the process acknowledging some of your darker characteristics, thereby becoming more whole. Coupled with taking in whatever is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your personality, you will find a focus on your contribution as far as career and profession, and a genuine celebration of yourself in this area. Ancient wounding could also come up, especially in the context of relationship issues, and you will be tuning in to powerful intuitional information that arises directly from your own inner spaces. This internal emphasis is greatly emphasized in the timing of the powerful Full Moon of December 11th, when a lot of dreamy Neptune comes to the fore. The deeply transformative effects of Saturn with Pluto will be strongly highlighted at this time as well, reminding you that you are put on this earth so that you may evolve.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26 kicked off a fresh lunar cycle in your ninth house of higher learning, long distance travel, and mind expansion. The month of December sees you wrapping up a year that has been filled with monumental philosophical reflections and questionings about your place in the world, your own set of values, and where you see yourself going with all of that. Jupiter in Sagittarius since November 2018 has been an invitation to open up to new and different learning experiences, allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and contemplate bigger questions, ideas, and philosophies. The seeds are now planted in this regard and a new cycle of learning is about to begin.

Jupiter leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on December 2nd, and for you Aries, it signals the beginning of a more serious applications of all that you have learned through experience and training in 2019, and where you would like to take this in 2020. Opportunities and discoveries especially in regard to some particular skills or ways of thinking have brought new developments, taking you down exciting new avenues. Jupiter in Capricorn for most of 2020 means you are ready and serious about what you know, what you want to learn, and basically stepping up to the next level.

The Full Moon in Gemini on the 11th highlights all of these themes; studies, knowledge, travels, mind expansion, taking risks, versus what keeps you rooted and anchored in your immediate environment, your neighborhood, your close and intimate friendships, and how nourishing your well-established routines are on a day-to-day basis. The pull of adventure will continue to tug at you as long as you don’t answer it, but this Full Moon makes you aware of how your immediate surroundings contribute to your well being. This is also a seriously transformational time as well, so that you might take the the time to have a moment of gratitude for the ease you do find in your daily life.

With Mars, your ruling planet, in the sign of Scorpio for all of December, you have a penetrating edge to work with. You should feel resolute and focused this month, and can definitely accomplish a lot if you set your mind to that. Mars sextile to Saturn in Capricorn on the 18th, and to Pluto on the 22nd of December, allows for even more determination to filter through. Use this time for getting ahead of your game, strategizing and organizing your mission for the year ahead. Mars in Scorpio can be like a double-edged sword however, and with great power comes even greater responsibilities. A desire to get to the point quickly could get in the way of harmonizing with others. Collaboration might require that you dial back the intensity, and you will certainly have to compromise with others. Probing and bullying can be some of the misused expressions of Mars in Scorpio when it doesn’t have a proper outlet; this could be an important detail to keep in mind this month while interacting with others, especially within your personal relationships. The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn on December 21st, signaling the beginning of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere (while Summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere). The Sun in Capricorn brings an emphasis on career and vocational matters for Aries, including Aries rising folks. Capricorn has a Cardinal modality just like Aries, and the two signs sit at a 90-degree angle or ‘’square’’ to each other on the zodiac wheel. Cardinal signs are the ‘’initiators’’ of the zodiac and also comprise two of the four zero starting points on the Solstitial/Equinoctial cross. This means that when planets transit in Capricorn, they are squaring the sign of Aries. This can result in a sort of dynamic tension that can be either negative or positive depending on what else is involved.

Since Saturn and Pluto have already been in Capricorn squaring Aries for quite some time, this is not a new dynamic for you. However, with the Sun transiting in Capricorn and the Solar Eclipse on December 25th, this axis will become significantly triggered. You might have to contend with forces that are outside your control, especially in the second half of the month. You could be eager to begin something while having to contend with exterior factors thwarting your momentum. This could play out especially in your social sphere, at work and in your career. Compromising is indicated, and you might have to comply to some rules or feel burdened by obligations at work that make you fill stifled. The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 25th will bring a reset on these matters and you should begin to better understand the purpose for recent tensions in your life; this is in actuality an opportunity to contemplate how you can best utilize this time to break free from what no longer aligns with you and your values before the New Year begins.

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