Aries Horoscope for January 2020

Aries Horoscope for January 2020

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another rather intense month, Aries; philosophically active and introspectively alive, as you navigate a dark passage. Yet, this is also the time that you have been preparing for, with the availability of sudden breakthrough. Saturn closely aligned with Pluto in Capricorn, mid-month, corresponds to outer reputation, career, and professional life. Can these align with your profound sense of mission for this lifetime? You might get a few more gray hairs, but this is your chance to shine. Nothing so powerfully significant ever comes easy, and yet when the dust settles you may find that you are greatly enriched by what you have gone through. It is also important to note that inner wounding could come up for you in early January, for the beneficial purpose of becoming more conscious of what is going on below the surface layers of your psyche. You are advancing in maturity and wisdom, with a strong degree of trickster energy also in the mix, just for fun.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year Aries! 2020 kicks off with the First Quarter Moon in Aries on January 2nd, and your ruler Mars moving into Sagittarius on January 3rd. These two aspects alone should help you shake off the holiday haze, and get the year started with some propulsion power. Mars entering the Fire sign of Sagittarius will be an excellent and supportive force for Aries in the coming weeks, and you could already be feel the restlessness and desire to get moving. Mars transiting in Sagittarius until February 16th is your cue to dream big, and envision what you want 2020 to look like; set your gaze on the distant horizon. If you have been dreaming about traveling, January might be your opportunity. However, with the stellium of planets currently transiting in Capricorn, responsibilities abound for Aries folks like you, and you might feel burdened by a heavy work load and too many responsibilities. The current astrological weather calls for pragmatism and the ability to carry your burdens gracefully while also getting rid of what has run its course in your life. It’s a fine balancing act to accept your realities while simultaneously working to accomplish bigger goals you have envisioned for yourself.

You might need to discriminate between what you want versus what you feel obligated to do and ask yourself why certain structures are in your life to begin with. Change can be very difficult especially when you feel burdened, and therefore it might be harder to differentiate what you want versus to what you feel obligated. For Aries, this back and forth questioning is happening mostly in regards to career and vocational path, and this soul-searching will continue in 2020. The silver lining is that 2020 begins with Mars in Sagittarius, which helps fuel and expand the vision you have for yourself; you might not get quick results right away, but you can definitely brain-storm for the future.

A Lunar Eclipse in Cancer takes place on January 10th in your home sector, highlighting your roots, family, ancestors, and what at the end of the day allows you to feel connected and grounded. These themes are well underway and the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer reinforces how much of a support system your home and/or your family is in your life right at the moment. Acknowledge your roots and don’t underestimate the importance of your current setup. This is a powerful transit that includes a ton of transformational energy ready for you to make use of.

From January 10th to the 14th, the much talked-about Saturn-Pluto conjunction takes place in the sign of Capricorn in your career and vocational sector. Issues around your current direction, your role at work, and your aspirations are highlighted. You could be feeling powerless or confuse as to what step to take next. Dissatisfactions surrounding your aspirations could come to the forefront now and you can see this as a necessary passage towards clarifying your objectives. Sensitivities surrounding these themes have been on the radar in the recent months, and will continue to be. Unearthing your own motivations and desires around your career goals and what has grown stale will pay off tremendously but you must be willing to look at these complex issues honestly. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn symbolically represents a culmination of this long period of reflection concerning your career and overall direction. With Mercury entering the heart of the Sun at this time, and Uranus turning direct in your money sector on the same day, it could finally start to feel like you are able to surrender to a process you had been resisting until now. Pay attention to clues, synchronicities, new ideas, revelations or omens around this date as they could help you towards the next step of your journey.

Venus enters Pisces on January 13th, encouraging you to find some time for a contemplative practice in order to regroup. You might be feeling restless and ready to keep going, but a necessary period of reflection will better support your on-going process. It is to your advantage to find outlets for anxiety or stress as Venus in Pisces from January 13th to February 7th is a great opportunity for finding calm, peace and to reconnect with yourself. A trip or a retreat would be an excellent way to utilize the current astrology.

The Last Quarter Moon in Libra on January 16th emphasizes your relationships, and challenges you to find a compromise between your needs and the needs of close partners. With the Sun entering Aquarius on January 20th your attention will start to shift from career to friends, alliances, and your participation within a community. The New Moon in Aquarius on January 24th is an excellent time to set goals in connections to your aspirations, and look for opportunities to participate more actively in your social settings. A certain group of people might appear that can even more quickly take you to your goals. Also, the next lunar cycle extending into February could reveal to you just how much your alliances can give you right now.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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