Aries Horoscope for February 2020

Aries Horoscope for February 2020

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

These are amazing times, Aries, that you are participating in, and this current February month follows a rather intense beginning of the year with a different and subtler direction to your rapid development. You have seen, perhaps, the structural transformation of the collective that is well underway, and how you represent a small holographic piece of the larger puzzle. Fluctuations in finances and other resources that you bring to the table might have the effect of alerting you to the basic instability of an entirely materialistic conception of your situation. Only a big picture viewpoint will have the chance to grasp what is really going on within and around you. In the present monthly cycle you find yourself exploring the spiritual dimensions of your experience. There is a way that what you are connecting with at this time speaks directly to your intuitional side, that has no words but which still unerringly feels its way forward. Inner wounding could once more come up as an important component of this largely internal development.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Clarifying your needs and objectives regarding your career directions continues to be an ongoing process in February. During the first week, your desire might blossom to retreat from the hustle and bustle, as Venus in Pisces prompts you to reflect on what you genuinely value via solitary contemplations. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that occurred on the weekend of January 12th is pushing everyone to recommit authentically to themselves and to their path this year. For Aries a lot of the dismantling, and time management is connected to career and vocational goals. Great efforts and weight-lifting is happening in that part of your life, and you are given many new opportunities that could be supportive to your growth, while paradoxically you feel burdened by these. You have a desire to spend more time at home, taking care of yourself, and relaxing, although that might not be easy with a busy schedule.

Venus enters Aries on February 7th and stays there until March 4th, bringing much sweetness and a desire to indulge your senses. It’s always a good thing when Venus graces our sign and it’s an excellent time to invite more beauty, pleasure and ease into your life. Venus in Aries will support self-expression, creative projects or simply relating and connecting with others. The Full Moon in Leo in the late evening of February 8th (or early morning the 9th depending on where you live) illuminates a recent creative project that feels like your ‘’baby’ or it could also highlight themes around your actual children. It’s a time of honor and accolades especially in regards to your creations and you can feel proud of your accomplishments so far this year. With lady love Venus in your sign, and a Full Moon in Leo, February 7th to February 9th is also a nice little window for romance and pleasure.

Until February 16th, your ruler Mars continues to travel in Sagittarius prompting mind-expanding inspiration and fuelling philosophical quests; an ongoing process that sees you moving away from what no longer resonate deeply for you. With your ruler Mars in the Fire sign of Sagittarius, and Venus in the Fire sign of Aries it could feel easier to engage fully in creative processes and connect with what you are passionate about.

On February 16th Mars enters Capricorn until March 30th bringing much needed tactical patience to your endeavors, something you will need in the months ahead as you sort out your priorities. Mars transiting in Capricorn until March 30th will bring focus on your career or vocation and give you the incentive to push in that area of your life. On the same day Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces until march 9th. Not all Mercury retrogrades are equals for all signs. This particular Mercury Retrograde in Pisces takes place in your 12th house in the quiet recesses of your psyche. The second half of February could be characterized by extreme busy-ness at work with Mars in Capricorn while Mercury Retrograde encourages you to take some time for introspection.

The Sun enters Pisces two days later on February 18th further emphasizing the need to find quiet space for contemplation. The second half of February could feel polarizing for Aries! However, it’s an opportunity to sort out your priorities. On one hand you could feel the romantic pulls of Venus in Aries tugging at your heartstrings augmented by Mercury and the Sun transiting in Pisces. This could be a creative time that can help you feel inspired and creative especially if you allow yourself some room to play. On the other hand with many planets in Capricorn including your ruler Mars you are also being challenged by your very busy schedule. This could be especially obvious in regards to obligations you must attend to where your heart is really not into it. You could feel the urge to approach your life passionately and idealistically right now and do things that resonate with you deeply.

On February 21st, Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus could offer encouraging developments connected to career and income. Stay alert for solutions or innovations around this time that could bring support.

On February 23rd, a New Moon in Pisces takes place in your soul-sector. The New Moon will sextile your ruler Mars currently in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. The introspective work should start to pay off and you could feel much clearer about your needs and directions. This New Moon in Pisces is a gorgeous opportunity for you Aries folks to renew with their callings. New Moons are traditionally a time of darkness, when new seeds are being planted. You future self is calling you to align more authentically with your needs at this time. Discarding assumptions about what you thought success meant, this is a time of clarification. Yes, I know some Aries people, and perhaps this is you, are extremely impatient for results. This is however a necessary passage and a time of inception, not finishing. Aligning yourself with what you most deeply value will ultimately invite new material opportunities. The last week of February has certain supportive aspects that will bring you much clarity regarding your future direction and that will help you take the necessary concrete steps in the weeks ahead.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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