Aries Horoscope for August 2020

Aries Horoscope for August 2020

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents a continuation of the previous one, Aries, with all its difficulties and its transformative powers. The social setting is not improving, although your response to its dire drama still can. What can be the blessings of isolation and economic pause? Why it is that you might further self-contemplate and better understand yourself at depth. You hover on the brink of Mars retrograde in your sign, which Mars is known to rule, therefore a truly introspective time. This awaits you in September, but in some sense begins already. Your career movement continues during August, toward a wholly new potential dawning, as brilliant ideas from your own bottom-line sense of values light your way. The Covid time therefore gives you opportunity as well as difficulty, and it is mainly in the chance to look below the covers of everything at your more conscious layers. The trip to your future self begins with but a single step, and that is one that takes you down, into what you – and only you – can find within.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The emphasis at the beginning of the month is on your base of operations. You have been in pretty deep contemplations in connection with your roots. Home has been on your mind, whether you feel good or alienated by your surroundings. Conflicting choices are present but you may need to compromise for now. Mars in Aries is rousing your desires to branch out on your own to have more independence. Following your longings might not be easy however and some serious planning is required if you are to balance where your hearts want to be with your career trajectory.

The Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on August 1st and 2nd; you could feel like splurging to release tension, and it may be worthwhile especially if it’s connected to something creative. There could also be surprise expenses in connection with children.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3rd continues to highlight spending, especially in a social context, along with unexpected events. Socializing can help you unwind from the grind but with Mars in Aries squaring Jupiter in Capricorn during the first week of August there is a risk of overdoing it. It's a good idea to think twice before buying things you don’t need.

With Mars in your sign for the next six months you have a great reservoir of strength at your disposal. However these martial powers have to be handled wisely. You must learn to deal with the restlessness that comes as a side effect of this long transit. Physical exercise and creative outlets can help manage your inner fires. Calculated risk will pay off but there could also be the propensity to go overboard especially during the first week of the month. Disengage from arguments if you can, as these will lead to more tension that could be hard to resolve especially later this month when Mars is square to Saturn.

Mercury leaves the sign of Cancer where its recent retrograde occurred, and enters Leo on August 4th. Mercury trades the emotional and compassionate colors of Cancer for the more brazen displays of Leo, affecting your mentality and your self-expression. Then, on August 7th, Venus leaves the sign of Gemini after four long months in the sign of the twins, including her retrograde there last spring, to finally enter Cancer. There is therefore a significant narrative shift as we move towards the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 11th. New information comes to light that could help you make important decisions especially in the realm of romance, creativity or in connection with your children. Venus in Cancer carries a softening and pleasurable influence to your home. You could find yourself spending more time with your family. Unforeseen expenses are also possible and perhaps highlighted by the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus in your financial sector.

Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn in the following days. This is definitely an aspect to watch for. Potential power struggles could erupt especially at work or coming from someone who has authority over you. Tension may be difficult to defuse. Avoid confrontations if you can, and try to utilize this potent energy to get some work done. From the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 11th to the New Moon in Leo on August 18th, passions are aroused, thanks to the trine between Mars in Aries and the Sun in Leo. It’s a time of enthusiasm and creative vision that can propel you towards the accomplishment of your goals.

While Venus in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on the 16th and 17th, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Leo on the 17th and you may find yourself blinded by a romantic scenario. You might desire something deeply at this time while simultaneously feeling vulnerable about acknowledging it. It’s a good time to have a conversation with your insecurities and start unpacking any defensive reflexes that keep you from experiencing joy at a deeper level.

The New Moon in Leo on August 18th ushers themes connected to children, creativity, and romance into the new lunar cycle. For the next month you can see these topics grow in relation to how much you nurture them. With Mars, your ruler, conjunct the new planet Eris, you might find within you a strong urge to get something done that could be out of the ordinary, and yet consistent with your more profound values as you are coming to know them.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 19th followed by the Sun into Virgo on the 22nd. The Sun’s time in Virgo for the next month is your cue to deal with any lingering physical ailments. It's also an excellent time to implement better habits for your body whether these are connected to your diet or exercise routine.

For the last week of August, starting on the 25th, you have the First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, with increased tensions, and with Mars in Aries in square to Saturn in Capricorn. Mars is also slowing down and preparing to station retrograde in the second week of September. You will want to be mindful for what arises at this time. This aspect has the potential to bring out feelings of frustrations or confronting circumstances that may reverberate through Mars’s long retrograde period in your sign until mid-November. Impulsive actions or confrontations may aggravate situations. You will need all the patience and strategizing possible during this time, so try to pace yourself.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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