Aries Horoscope for July 2020

Aries Horoscope for July 2020

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This may well be another difficult month for you, Aries, although it has its compensations. Even as the stay-at-home life style is becoming more or less old hat, you are simultaneously more fully invested than ever in home and family concerns, especially when you can stop to consider the deeper meaning. Last month’s solar eclipse New Moon directly on the solstice has had its ripples through your consciousness. You are dealing with potential financial instability, and that has its darker side. However, in a brave move of figure and ground reversal, you can also find your way through to a bigger picture of abandoning conventional attitudes toward material compensation, and, when you half-close your eyes, to see, all this becomes somehow meant and purposeful. You are then partnering with the cosmos as you make your way forward, allowing Nature and the Universe to have their say, yielding to the moment. Although necessity drives you, in some super-aware lightening flash you can suddenly declare that, after all, everything is perfect.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

With a current focus on home and family, and core issues, stemming from the recent solar eclipse in Cancer, you are devoting quite a bit of your attention there, and with also Mercury currently retrograde in this same sector of your solar chart, and conjoined with the Sun as the month begins, there is a quite a bit of introspective attention being paid to these issues of family life and your actual dwelling space.

As you start the month, Mars, your ruler, has just ingressed into your sign, and this gives you an advantage, providing stamina and renewed energy to tackle difficulties. You might be feeling more impatient than usual to get to the point, and yet you can get a lot of work done. Issues of relocation or renovations, as well as issues of home and family, are on your mind during the beginning of July. A complicated scenario is pulling at your heartstrings and decision-making might seem impossible.

With Saturn also retrograding back into your career sector in the sign of Capricorn, beginning on July 1st, you are also getting hints that will help you decide your next step, balancing issues of pubic expression versus private life.

The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 4th of July highlights a tension between your home and your work. You have made efforts in your career in the last few years or spent a lot of time rethinking your trajectory. This eclipse in your vocational sector brings the culmination of a process of hard work, and a time when things are being integrated. You might also feel polarized between your desire for quiet time at home, and the work needed to fulfill your ambitious goals.

Around the 8th of July, impatience with a situation could escalate when retrograde Mercury squares Mars in Aries. Short fuses and arguments are likely to surface under this aspect so pick your battles wisely. It helps to weigh your words carefully to avoid misunderstandings.

On July 11th, Chiron stations retrograde in your sign while the Moon and Mars are conjoined with it, leading to the Last Quarter Moon in your sign on July 12th, with Mars still conjunct Chiron, and as Mercury stations direct in Cancer on the same day. There is confusion between what your intuition is telling you, and what you think you should do. You might have a harder time trusting your emotions or feel a need to disengage from your emotions in order to protect yourself. There is also an opportunity to get to the root of your discomfort by expressing how you truly feel. Self-protective reflexes could be your barriers to a more authentic expression of your feelings. Your desire for independence coupled with your need for connection and intimacy could be sending mixed signals to people around you. Polarizing needs are part of being human. The first step in reconciling seemingly irreconcilable desires is to acknowledge your inner contradictions. Because Mercury is now moving direct, this starts in the following days to bring a perspective change, together with perhaps relief or good news, on the home front.

At the time of the First Quarter Moon and in the days following, especially from July 13th to the 15th the Sun in Cancer opposes the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn carrying more polarizing pressure for you as an Aries. You might be feeling a divide between your obligations and what you really want, although there are ways to diffuse the tension. Manage your time and attention equally. Be prepared to stretch your energy between your home, your career, and your own personal desires. Delineate a plan of action to make sure you don’t forget anything or act on impulse. Focus on your long-term goals, and accept that you might not be able to solve everything right now.

On July 20th, the New Moon at 28 degrees of Cancer precisely opposes Saturn in Capricorn. A powerful desire for safety and nurturing does not find easy expressions with the stern planet Saturn blocking or delaying the free flowing nourishment of the New Moon. There is a sobering effect to this lunation as your emotions and your sense of duty come together. You might be in a position where you need to roll up your sleeves and bring support at home or to a family member. This New Moon in Cancer indicates a time when you need to attend to practical matters with maturity and patience. Inner wounding could raise its head and call for new ideas regarding its influence on your life. Alternatively, a ton of sweetness can be found in your private life once you can accept the challenges being presented to you. Two days later the Sun enters his home sign of Leo, soothing your happy place.

The First Quarter Moon – on July 27th – takes place in Scorpio while the Sun is in Leo. A flirtatious connection could reach a new level of intimacy. If you are single, or in a stable relationship, this First Quarter Moon could relate to your creative ideas and the need to find supportive relationship energy to back them up, also the need to resolve difficulties in point of view with a partner.

Mercury in Cancer squaring Mars in Aries at the beginning of this final week of the month brings a lot of drive and ambition but this aspect also relates to rushed thinking and impatience. Take this timing as your cue to find positive ways to release inner tension. Communications could become convoluted, or you might need more patience than usual in your negotiations. Mars does not moves out of your sign until January 2021, By that time, you might very well have become an expert at handling conflicts.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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