Aries Horoscope for June 2021

Aries Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of thoughtful introspection on philosophical issues and on your communication dynamic in general, Aries, as indicated by the retrograde of Mercury in its own sign of Gemini that lasts from June’s beginning for the entire month, into the first week of July. You are also dealing with the potent New Moon eclipse in Gemini of June 10th, and coming off the recent lunar eclipse of May 26th, with the Sun also in early Gemini, so that this is a strong time for logic and communication, but with a twist. There is the added element of the Mercury Retrograde, which therefore encourages you to take a deep dive to the inside. You will likely encounter many events that are productive for you in the sense of calling your entire thought process into question. You have ideas, in plenty, of where you might want to take your next directional steps in this regard, and that call in your intuitive grasp on things, in contrast to the logical thinking that might be regarded as sane advice for whatever it is that you are mulling over. It is vitally important at this time that you give your unconscious process its authorized seat at the table of your decision-making, taking counsel from both the wildly progressive and the conservative sides of your basic nature.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon from last month in the sign of Taurus brought the beginning of a cycle related to your finances and your sense of self-worth. You may be looking for a stable income, but you may also be bored with the options available to you when it comes to making money. This New Moon signaled the beginning of a different approach and perhaps new ways to ensure your desire for stability doesn’t keep you from taking some calculated risks. You may be forced to keep pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone if you want to get paid for doing something that you love.

Another thing to keep in mind as the June month gets underway is that Mercury is retrograding all month long through your communications sector, driving you to a more introspective mode than is usual with your direct style of operating. You will likely be questioning the way that you write or speak, and your information in general.

Venus enters Cancer at the beginning of June which could bring your home into greater focus. You may be feeling more withdrawn or introspective lately, especially with Jupiter in Pisces currently transiting in your soul-sector. Knowing what you really want at this time might require you to take a step back from overanalyzing all the options available and just give in to trusting the process currently unfolding for you. Reconnecting with your sense of purpose could help clarify your direction, but with Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and squaring Neptune in Pisces on the 4th and 5th, your sense of direction could also feel elusive.

On June 10th the Solar Eclipse in Gemini takes place while Mercury Retrograde directly conjuncts the Sun. Eclipses tend to act as important resets and this one is no exception. Mercury is at home in the sign of Gemini and rules over the eclipse which for you takes place in your communication sector. Learning, teaching, and sharing your ideas could be highlighted in some ways and it's a good time to keep an open mind when it comes to what’s possible. The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 13th, and this could add an element of confusion to the mix. It is important to note that you may have to wait until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd before making a final decision. Give yourself time to reflect and integrate what is shifting in your life! Also, if something seems too good to be true, you may want to make sure you know what’s involved before jumping blindly into it.

Mars enters Leo on the 11th which is good news and might help you to get involved with what you are passionate about and what brings you pleasure. Your desire to have fun and follow your creative muses could get easier in the weeks ahead; you may be able to find the renewed sense of confidence to go after what you want. 

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus all month, exact on June 14th. This square was first exact on February 17th and the final intensity takes place during December. Saturn square Uranus highlights an underlying tension this year between your need to do something different and your financial obligations. You may feel a certain level of pressure related to your income without being able to totally get out of your comfort zone. The secret lies in making small incremental changes where it's possible while respecting that you cannot change the entire structure of your life overnight.

On the late evening of the 20th, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, signaling the longest day and the shortest night of the year, and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the Solstice while Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. There may be a sense of mystical longing surrounding this weekend timing as the influence of Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune is very present, and ushers us into the Summer season. This might translate for you as a renewed sense of direction and perspective when it comes to your career. You may be able to connect with your sense of purpose and as well gain insight into your long-term vision, especially as Mercury stations direct in Gemini on the 22nd, finally straightening out by escaping its retrograde shadow after the end of the month, in the first week of July.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 24th culminates in your career sector, highlighting recent epiphanies you may have had in relation to your vocational pursuits. A big theme for you this year is your need for security versus your need to explore new territory. The Full Moon illuminates your place in the world and more extensively the assumptions you have surrounding your achievements. This late month Full Moon could bring clarity relating to inherited patterns or familial expectations that are keeping you from going after your passions. Jupiter in Pisces brings a supportive sextile to this Full Moon which could also help you connect more deeply to your sense of purpose.

Finally, Venus enters the sign of Leo on the 27th, joining Mars in your creative and romantic sector and igniting your need to have fun and to pursue what you love in the following weeks.

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