Aries Horoscope for May 2021

Aries Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting month for you, Aries, both before and after the 11th. Until then, you are riding the Aries wave of last month’s lunation cycle, focused on refining and more deliberately acting on your own inner values, recognizing what ultimately drives you. The importance of these recent weeks, to include the first ten days of the current month, cannot be overstated. If you can succeed in breaking the spell of former conditioning, and as well of inner wounding based on early childhood trauma, you can emerge from this period as more fully inhabiting the most authentic version of yourself that you have to offer. Then, with the timing of this extremely potent May 11th Taurus New Moon, you can take your newly regained sense of self to the races. Something is changing with your self-image and with your finances, including your regard for them. This might take the form of fluctuations that you can more calmly weather from the standpoint of a steadier ship, or perhaps a total re-imagining and realigning of the material world vis-a-vis your life purpose.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You find yourself in the midst of a new cycle that began with the New Moon in your sign from mid-April. The intentions to re-center yourself and focus your energies on your needs have taken the front seat and you might not be as willing to compromise your well-being. With Mars your ruling planet currently transiting in Cancer you may also be feeling more self-protective than usual. If you are impatient to see results or get to the endpoint, remind yourself that it's the journey that counts and not the destination. You’ll eventually get there so you might as well enjoy the process.

The beginning of the month is still being influenced by the recent New Moon, and also by the Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus that was exact on the 30th of April bringing uncertainty or a surprising twist to your financial sector.  You are still riding the wave of intensity for your achievement along the lines of own inner guideposts, and also taking a look at partnership In your life as an important part of your process. There are also the fluctuations in your finances to take into account. Your desire to gain more financial autonomy could be a big theme for you right now and with the Sun in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius on the 3rd, you may have to make a difficult choice. You can perhaps have your cake and eat it too, although you might also have to bide your time or sacrifice some of your autonomy in order to reach your goal. It all comes down to knowing what you really want – always easier said than done.

Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini on the 3rd where it is considered potent and able to fulfill its role. Mercury in Astrology is often linked to communication, thinking, and the power of analysis. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini at the end of the month but the first two weeks of May are excellent for any mental work that requires you to handle a lot of information. Your mind could feel faster and sharper during this period and you may have an easier time expressing yourself. Venus follows Mercury and enters the sign of Gemini on the 8th where she can support smooth communications and maybe even bring some good news.

On the 11th, the Taurus New Moon this month takes place and for you, occurs in the financial sector of your chart signaling the beginning of a new cycle in relation to how you make money but also your sense of self-worth. Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on the same day which can highlight fundamental insecurities surrounding your home or your ability to take action. Remember that a New Moon is always the darkest part of her cycle every month and that what is beginning to take shape now may not be visible yet. If you’ve been feeling clumsy or inadequate recently it may be a good time to focus on what you are good at and maybe even make a list of your unique talents so that when the time comes to make your sales pitch you know exactly what you are all about.

Jupiter enters Pisces on the 13th where it is considered at home. Jupiter will be transiting in Pisces for the next 10 weeks before officially re-entering Pisces at the end of 2021. Jupiter is associated with faith and optimism and it may bring opportunities for spiritual renewal. This cycle augurs a time when you may be able to clearly see and perhaps rid yourself of self-destructive tendencies, fears, and feelings of guilt. On the other hand, it may also awaken deeper altruistic feelings for you and it is important that you keep your boundaries clear as you may be more willing to sacrifice yourself. Overall, the transit of Jupiter in Pisces may help you get in touch with parts of yourself that are usually hidden. Any therapy or deeper work that helps you get at the roots of your unconscious could bear fruits during this transit.

The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on the 20th signaling the beginning of the Mutable season, a time of change and transitions. If you’ve felt stuck or a rut recently, while the Sun was in Taurus, Gemini season should bring more optionality. The square between the Sun in Gemini and Jupiter in Pisces that takes place during the third week of May could shine a light on what you need right now to feel happy. Your mind could feel livelier during the last two weeks of May and it may be the beginning of a busier time for you.

On Wednesday, May 26th, the First Lunar Eclipse of the year takes place in the sign of Sagittarius. This might be bringing a process to a close that began towards the end of last year. A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Full Moon gets obscured by the shadow of the Earth passing between the Sun and the Moon. Symbolically you can imagine that something in your life is simultaneously culminating and being eclipsed as it may have outlived its purpose. This is not something to fear or worry about as it will most likely happen quite organically.

At the very end of the month, Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Gemini while squaring Neptune in Pisces. This is when things may get a little bit more tangled up, as the fogs of Neptune challenges the usually clear thinking of Mercury. Mars in Cancer also trines Neptune in Pisces at this time which could make your security urge more obvious.

Mercury will be retrograde for three weeks, until the 22nd of June, and after that comes two more weeks in its retrograde shadow. You may Have more questions than answers now, and go more introspective than usual for a while. You will learn more about inner matters and have les concentration for the outer. Other things can come for you such as mechanical breakdowns or you might initially doubt your resolve as a tide of confusion follows Mercury in retrograde next month. It is best not to jump to conclusions too fast during this time as things will likely change again a few more times in the following weeks.

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