Aries Horoscope for February 2022

Aries Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another quirky and enlightening month for you, Aries, especially with regard to your partnership connections, and your most basic values. There has been a push-pull for many weeks between holding steady to the status quo of pre-existing plans, versus jumping the tracks of previous limitations, the theme indicated by the antithetical astrological archetype of prominent Uranus. In the timing of the current month, Uranus might be winning, although appearances can be deceptive. Still, as February continues to unfold, and January’s retrogrades of Venus and Mercury begin to straighten out, you may well be tempted into going all out for the new impulse that inevitably comes along to sweeten your prospects. The Leo Full Moon of February 16th brings issues of self and other to the fore, and there might be movement on career matters that depend on partnership accord for their best outcome As you might suspect, proceeding with a modicum of caution is still indicated, but you will not want to miss your chance to shine. Your creativity is sizzling in the month’s second half, and you are looking into how to serve the society around you, as well as yourself.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aquarius taking place at the very beginning of February signals a new astrological cycle for you, for things pertaining to your future plans, dreams, and goals. The world is changing fast, and it could be that you have had to adjust your ambitions and your hopes without knowing exactly where things are heading. Saturn being in Aquarius for over a year now could have translated as the inability to know where you belong – while also feeling somewhat alienated. This Aquarius New Moon is conjunct Saturn, offering you a powerful incentive to keep going even though progress may feel slow at this time. The refinement of your goals and your search for belonging continues to be an important part of your spiritual evolution. Intention seeded in this timing may take some weeks to emerge, but your hard work and dedication now could yield lasting results. In February, therefore, you might have the opportunity to begin something new that relates to your career or a vocational path.

The New Moon also squares Uranus in Taurus, which implies concerns around financial stability, as well as innovation in this area. Uranus relates to surprises and surprise enlightenment, so that even though you may feel unsure about things, an original and potentially lucrative project could come along to capture your attention this month.

Early in the month, on February 3rd, Mercury stations direct in Capricorn and this starts to bring traction for things that have felt slow moving since the beginning of the year. Mercury takes a while longer to straighten out, so that by two to three weeks’ time your public life could come into better focus or a project that was put on hold could pick back up. Mars in Capricorn subsequently sextiles Jupiter in Pisces and then trines Uranus in Taurus from the 7th to the 8th, which may bring further opportunities to share your talents with the world, perhaps unexpectedly. You might be able to seamlessly integrate deeper insights that have been emerging into tangible actions or you may find that you are being sought after for your originality.

Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on the 10th and the 11th could bring up some significant changes in the way you see your role out in the world. You could solve a recurring issue by approaching it from a different angle. A scenario that was active in late December might come back around, and this time you might be able to make more sense of it. The pace of things could be increasing and by mid-February, when Mercury re-enters Aquarius, you could be making tangible progress. Your community and social circle could also be helpful in terms of offering you opportunities at this time, so don’t hesitate to open up connections with like-minded people.

The Full Moon in Leo takes place on the 16th, shining a light on your self-expression, your creativity, your children and all the things that you love. It could be a time of reaping the rewards of an artistic project or you may be more aware of what you truly desire. The days around the Full Moon could increase your need for self-expression or highlight a romantic scenario. Venus and Mars are perfectly conjunct in Capricorn stemming from the 14th – and this is an aspect that stays quite close through to beyond the end of the month. Venus colluding with Mars might allow you to see more clearly where your passions reside and how committed you are to a steady sense of relationship. This Full Moon in Leo is an excellent moment overall for fun activities and for exploring the ramifications of relationship in your life.

The Sun enters the Water sign of Pisces on the 18th which signals a calmer vibration and as well the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces brings a more introspective influence in the weeks to come. You might find yourself needing more time alone to contemplate your overall direction before the Sun enters Aries in thirty days. You may feel concerned about your overall direction and your financial situation but Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus in the timing of the Full Moon and the days following could highlight a bigger story at work. Trusting the process and keeping faith in yourself could be a boost for you at this time, and help you navigate this period of relative uncertainty.

The last full week of February is colored by Venus and Mars, still extremely close together in Capricorn, coming into a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces, casting an inspiring yet idealistic influence on your work responsibilities, its aspirations, and your hopes for the future. You may be driven by a dream at this time but it may feel harder to direct your energy efficiently. Neptune colors the last week of February with a hopeful energy but also the idealization of something that may not be possible quite yet. This aspect also signals a good time to turn your attention inward to gain insights into your spiritual nature without worrying too much about questions that can’t be answered. Mystical or philosophical perspective could feel more relevant to you, as you gain a new understanding that helps you better find your true place in the world.

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