Aries Horoscope for January 2022

Aries Horoscope for January 2022

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The January month is always a special time of the year for you, Aries, and this 2022 version is even more complex than usual. You are seeking the ultimate meaning of what you do out in the world and how this corresponds to inner priorities that you are attempting to better uncover. Stemming from the timing of the recent Winter Solstice and punctuated by the Capricorn New Moon of January 2nd, you have been engaged in reviewing the impact of important partners upon your life. Relationship events and realizations perhaps have provided significant clues that you are still trying to decipher, as you continue to discover new facets of this important dynamic. Your plans and goals are as well a moving target for you at this turning of the year. Mid-month, when Mercury shifts to retrograde motion, surprising twists and turns of your societal associations are re-amplified. You will not want to rush to judgment regarding these matters but rather to witness, and to wait, even through to the middle of February. This is as the circles of connection continue to revolve around you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

January truly arrives for you with a New Moon in Capricorn on the 2nd announcing a fresh cycle for career and vocational aspirations. With the world’s changing landscape, you may be re-thinking your overall direction this month and adjusting your stance to adapt with the changing circumstance. Remember that the night is at its darkest around the New Moon and you may not be able to see quite yet the shape of things to come. The intentions planted at this time could yield exciting new opportunities. However, the hopes and ideas you have about what you want need to be fertilized with authenticity. You may spend the first half of the month clarifying what you want or change your mind a few times. Uranus in Taurus is transiting in the part of your chart that relates to your personal resources and forms a supportive trine with the New Moon in Capricorn. The unpredictability of this time is emphasized, and might be altering your values and priorities, realigning you towards your own truly unique individual path. This month, trusting your intuition and thinking outside of the box could help you get a sense of where you want to go, especially when it comes to career and money matters while sticking to a single trajectory may be half the battle.

Mercury also enters Aquarius on the 2nd which could increase the pace of your social interaction. You might find yourself busy catching up with old acquaintances. Networking could potentially open doors you thought were closed.

The second weekend of the month could be clarifying as Venus retrograde meets the Sun in Capricorn for her inferior conjunction. Even if you still feel unsure of what you want at this time, you could experience a renewed sense of faith that things are as they should be.

During the second week of the month, Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune with the Sun sextile Neptune highlights your imaginative qualities. It might be a good time to explore topics that nourish your sense of wonder. Mysticism and spirituality could offer perspective that will help you contextualize things into a broader framework.

On the 14th, Mercury’s station to retrograde motion, in Aquarius, augurs a period of realignment that may already have started especially in regard to your dreams and your aspirations. The next three weeks, and on into mid to late February, could help you delineate a better trajectory for yourself and clear out residual fears or assumptions surrounding what it means to be successful. Your goals and ambitions could also come to be more closely related to where you want to be in the world.

The Cancer Full Moon takes place on January 17th bringing with it a sense of fulfillment to the sector of your chart relating to your domestic life, your family and your roots. Something is coming to completion and you may be able to take stock or integrate recent epiphanies and experiences regarding where you want to wind up. This Full Moon closely opposes Pluto in Capricorn as the Sun conjuncts it, which accentuates a powerful urge to transform and regenerate the fundamental structures of your life to find a greater sense of nourishment and safety.

On the 18th, the North and South Nodes of the Moon enter the sign of Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, signaling the beginning of a series, by spring, of one and a half years’ worth of eclipses in these signs. This may progressively bring new opportunities for financial independence. You may find yourself increasingly aware of the need to take your resources into your own hands while finding greater autonomy to do as you please.

The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th. This is the Fixed-Air sign which signals the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Fixed signs are known for their stabilizing and steadying influence and the next month could bring a greater awareness of the efforts you need to take to follow your dreams. Mercury currently moving retrograde in Aquarius conjuncts the Sun on the 23rd and this could bring insights as to what step you need to take to make a dream come true.

The last week of January has Mars entering Capricorn until the first week of March and Mercury Retrograde re-entering Capricorn which emphasizes your career and vocational sector for the next month. There should be momentum for things to start moving, especially when it comes to your bigger goals for the year ahead.

Venus stations direct in Capricorn on the 29th, representing a significant day when Venus is standing dead still in the sky, and in aspect to freedom-loving Uranus. The Sun also lies in square to this interesting and stimulating planetary energy. These end-of-month days may provide startling insights or unexpected events around relationship in your life and continues the emphasis on your desires and dreams over the following weeks.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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