Cancer Horoscope for August 2017

Cancer Horoscope for August 2017

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a vital month for getting clear on the deeper layers of your personality, Cancer. This might seem less important than the concerns of worldly affairs, but just the opposite is true. Everything comes to you from the inside. Valuable recognitions along these lines might be expected to arrive this month by secret messenger, which you find is really your higher Self, whispering, once it is that you are able to more fully tune in. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse of Monday, August 7th, represents a time of revelation and of getting in closer touch both with partners, and also yourself. Relationship has been a changing landscape for you, and this timing is one peak of that significant cycle. You are digging in for greater commitment to an overriding sense of mission, in closer alignment with what you have been discovering within your own inner world.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

July was a big month for those born under the sign of the Crab. All last month the Sun and Mars were traveling together through your first house, and Mars was in its fall and combust the Sun, bringing deep changes and challenges all at once. Thankfully, this month relieves you of the challenges of Mars in your first house and brings in its place two eclipses in the sign of Leo, which falls in your second house of money, finances, and resources (both inner and outer).

The first lunar eclipse (lunar eclipses are always on Full Moons) takes place on August 7th. Lunar eclipses, like Full Moons, bring culminations, critical mass, and sometimes endings. With this lunar eclipse taking place in your eighth house it’s possible that some source of funding or income you’ve been dependent on from someone else is finally reaching an ending, or that a business relationship is ending or that someone close to you is going through significant financial challenges or changes generally. We live in a world of ever-changing circumstances. Cancers know this fact better than most because they are ruled by the Moon, who is the swiftest and most changeable of all the planets. So, whatever endings may come this month in the realm of earning, resources, or finances that come from someone or something other than yourself, just remember, whatever is full will be emptied and whatever is emptied will eventually be filled again; this is the law of karma, this is the flow of the Tao, within our world. If we learn to trust these ebbs and flows, then we don’t react or worry when the cash flow stops, when a contract ends, or when the grant money runs out. However, to whatever extent we’ve put all of our eggs in one basket, or to whatever extent our happiness or sense of health and sanity is wrapped up in what we have, own, or possess, then it’s also normal to not feel great when the well temporarily dries up. There may thus be a deep lesson about what you rely on or from where you draw your sense of self-worth or sustenance. Take it in, and don’t let yourself get too down. The Moon that wanes will eventually wax again.

On the other hand, the second eclipse of August, happening on August 21st, is a solar eclipse taking place in your second house (solar eclipses always take place during New Moon periods), and solar eclipses introduce powerful new beginnings into our lives. So, while some things might be drying up, funding might be running out, or something that you own or possess or earn might be reaching its peak (and now nowhere to go but down), the solar eclipse introduces new opportunities, new dreams, new ideas, and a whole new sense of purpose, direction, and opportunity relative to your own personal earning power and resources. For example, a new job, a new contract, a new gig, a new investment opportunity, a new skill or resource within yourself, a new way of managing or approaching money or a brand new regular source of income, possibly even a new job!

Less frequently talked about in relationship to the second house is our material desires. From appetite to shopping or spending, the second house is often about how we spend what we have as well as the actual stuff we own or the money we earn. Both eclipses landing in houses related to finances and material things could therefore also offer you a much deeper and more spiritual set of lessons this month, and so perhaps more than what you get or what you lose in the material world this month you should keep your inner ears open to the voice of your guides, reminding you that you are already in possession of everything you need. In fact, you have been given all you need since long before you were born and you will be for long after you die. Good luck Cancer!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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