Cancer Horoscope for July 2017

Cancer Horoscope for July 2017

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting and rather intense month for you, Cancer. The recent New Moon in your sign was significant for your understanding of who you are, adding new waves of thoughtful self-definition. Your have had plenty of energy ever since, especially concerning potential career moves. This is especially so with feisty Mars, along with the Sun and Mercury, located in your first, or identity sector. There is a certain sense of vagueness and indecision going on with your plans though, that could seem troubling. This is likely connected with the urge to go deeper into your truest values. You are feeling serious about where your ultimate destiny is taking you, seeming to involve discovering more of your own unique pathway forward, what you alone might be able to bring to the table. There is a feeling of mystical possibility that has been slowly emerging as an active component to your evolving worldview.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

July is always a big time for Cancers because for many of us (I’m also a Cancer Sun!) it’s birthday and solar-return season. Hooray! We’ve made it another journey around the Sun. However, this month is especially potent for Cancers thanks to Mars being in the sign of his depression in our first house, along with the Sun combusting Mars as the month unfolds. This transit indicates a few different archetypal scenarios for Cancers right now. The first scenario involves health, physical vitality, and our self-image or appearance. With Mars in its fall and combust the Sun, we might be experiencing a season of health challenges, lack of motivation, lack of libido, and the call to rest and recuperate our physical vitality. If we’ve been giving all of our emotional energy to others or to work projects or to things around the home, then we might find ourselves somewhat depleted and needing a time of rest and relaxation. It may not be easy to nurture ourselves first, but this is a month where we might get a little crabbier than usual if we don’t!

Another scenario involves the possibility for a kind of rebirth of our physical health and vitality. As the Sun combusts Mars in our first house we may experience a kind of revitalization of our health, and we may find the natural motivation as the month wears on to make important changes to ourselves, our bodies, or even our homes (which are always an extension of ourselves as Cancers).

Still another scenario involves us being overly willful, obstinate, and particularly needy or broody this month, or we might find that we are experiencing a sense of disillusionment with work or friends or family, which has us feeling particularly irritable. Be careful of passive aggression, emotional manipulation, and emotional bullying this month. We could be on the giving or receiving end of it!
For Mars in Cancer to be in our first house all month, we might also notice that men, masculine energy, or authority figures, are particularly important for us this month. Do we need to stand up for ourselves a little more, or is it possible that we’re taking on more responsibility at this time and learning how to adapt to a new role'

Finally, the Sun and Mars together all month in our first house suggests the start of something new. As the first house is a house of birth and beginnings, quite simply it’s a big month for us in terms of going off in a new direction.
In addition to all the possible ways in which the Sun and Saturn might be affecting us this month, we crabs also have Jupiter in our fourth house in a square with Mars and the Sun in the first. So, add to all of the above that the energy of expansion, growth, and good fortune are with us in the house of home and family and we get a little deeper view of what’s happening. You might find that growth and abundance in your home life is allowing you to relax and tend to yourself in ways that you’ve needed for quite some time. On the other hand, you could just as easily find that lots of growth and activity at home is part of an overall theme of feeling somewhat overworked, drained, and in need of a vacation. Remember, whatever emotional energy you put into things outside of yourself this month, it’s only as good as the amount of time you take to put back into yourself what you’re giving out!

Stay tuned for next month’s horoscope, which will feature a big season of eclipses taking place in your second house!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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