Cancer Horoscope for June 2017

Cancer Horoscope for June 2017

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of outer world activation, Cancer, and also for bringing what is going on inside into greater consciousness. This latter concept is the major thrust, for you, in this complex and transformational month. Your strong career orientation has the distinct flavoring of your process of even more greatly delving into your own inner world. You have loads of energy for moving ahead with new life direction agendas that depend on becoming more clear regarding your deepest goals and desires. As Mars moves into your sign in this first week, individuality reigns, and yet the ongoing transformation of your partnership practices is getting a sharp boost as well. You are learning what it means to give priority to the relationship dance, be it personal, professional, or potential, without giving up the important emphasis on your own very significant current arc of developmental growth. You cannot have the one without the other.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Rebecca Gordon. To learn more about Rebecca's work, visit

Mars, planet of action will be with you in the sign of Cancer from June 4th all the way till July 20th, during which time you will be at the helm and be calling the shots. That said, first there are key considerations ie: where do you want your ship to go, what is your strategy to get there, and who will be your allies and help you along the way and how will you avoid danger. This is a time to put your best foot forward and finally take action on a plan you may have been chewing on for quite a while. While action Mars is with you, you will also possess a zeal and vitality with an unmistakable magnetism will draw others to you. Have your pitch ready and be ready to step out of your comfort zone a bit more this month. If something feels challenging and scary, lean in more and you will grow tremendously. Uranus and Saturn are still working together in the professional and project zones of your chart to help you actualize a vision. Also Mars will give you a nice degree of physical energy so early mornings at the gym or an evening jog may finally work into your schedule – dive in to this sweet productivity and direction.

The Full Moon of June 9th will ignite your sector of body and health practices, speaking to an old habit that simply must go. Because this Full Moon is so close to Saturn, you will have the discipline this time to leave it and never go back. If it is ignored, you seem to get another glaring reminder (again) to finally let it go on June 15th as the Sun opposes Saturn. Your mind-body connection lights up as you awaken to how a certain emotion connects to a physical habit. Saturn, the planet of Karma will help you clear these habits and patterns now so that you can be more efficient in sharing your gifts in this world.

The New Moon of June 23rd will be a glorious one as it occurs in your own sign – a yearly gift from cosmos. With the power of Mercury, Mars and Neptune catapulting you forward, this would be an ideal time for a launch, a brand or personal make-over so that the outside appearance that you show to the world can better match up with what is inside of you. This may take some time to consider and perhaps you look into a new wardrobe and hair style or brand designs or colors that you feel are more fitting. A New Moon in your house of self is a no-excuse time to focus on simply you.

June 23rd will be a stellar day for introductions made by a friend, especially if single, as amorous Venus and power Pluto form an alliance in the skies. If you are coupled, intro a new partner to your community and the evening will flow with ease and joy.

June 25th, 26th, and 27th will hold promise for you if you are in the market for a good agent, publisher, or perhaps a permanent column or guest blog piece. Put yourself out there and you will be pleased with what comes back. With so much of the solar system strengthening your sign, be courageous, focus, and enjoy the wind that is now pushing you up and ahead.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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