Cancer Horoscope for May 2017

Cancer Horoscope for May 2017

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a big month for you, Cancer, as the Mercury Retrograde period winds down and you gather yourself for your next major stage. Your evolving understanding of how partnership works in your life is one major focus. Changes that have been accumulating on the sidelines are getting ready to burst forth into full-blown momentum, although you may find that you must pick and choose the ones that you are really ready for. Novel ideas keep coming on strong and involve choices at career and professional levels that reflect back on more private concerns. The first two weeks of the month bring continual surprise and uncertainty so that it might be best to let some of the dust settle before absolutely signing off on a proposed course of action. Your inner world is very present to you now, and offers important clues for you to learn how to navigate your somewhat fractured situation.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.

May will bring with it a continued trajectory of surprising and dynamic events pushing and pulling you in many directions. The energies of the April 26th Taurus New Moon, taking place just a few days prior to the beginning of the month, set the stage for this current lunar cycle. This placement of this New Moon speaks of stability, a “sweet spot” for you in terms of your sense of community, your friends, or groups that you favor. This configuration also presents a harbinger of new illuminations for you in terms of your goals and dreams. Within your unfolding awareness around where your life’s direction may go, there is an echoing of the themes brought forth by Uranus conjunct retrograde Mercury – which, in a very unique turn of astrological events, was also present in the previous month’s configurations. This spells out BIG movement from last month to the end of this, and you may be yearning for change and liberation in your career and in the way you contribute your offerings to the world to better reflect your deeper values. Whatever arose in the past (intense!) month is inviting you to sit with it further. It may be wise to really pause, slow down, and ask yourself some questions about what is wanting to emerge through your being in this time and place. Life is asking you to let go of old habits and patterns that have served you to a point, but now are ready to be transformed into something more in alignment with your developing value system, and will support you in directly offering your unique genius to the world.

Relationships are a very big part of the picture this month, as you continue down a path of growth and transformation there. You may be simultaneously craving more freedom and security in this department, and there’s an invitation to be in curiosity about how those two seemingly antithetical needs can be woven together. In relating, how can you feel free and spacious to be your authentic self' How can you also feel safe and secure there' In the recent weeks you may have had some “aha moments” around how to have more loving compassion for yourself. That could become very helpful to consider in this conversation, because your relationship with yourself directly informs the ways in which you connect and find healthy boundAries with others.

The Scorpio Full Moon of May 10th brings an invitation to delve deeply into your own creative process, and what unfolds there may inform your goals and dreams for the future. This could be a wonderful time to create a vision board, do some journaling, dancing, or whatever mode of expression can help you to harness the energy of manifestation that is ripe during this Full Moon time. The transformative energies of Pluto get an extra boost of activation, so themes around your growth and relationship could spike dramatically. The place to lean into for resource in terms of your vitality and connection to Spirit is your home environment. You are expanding your faith and optimism that the cosmos will rise up to meet you. The proverbial ocean of life may be stormy this May, with big waves peaking and crashing, and there’s an opportunity for you to consciously surrender to the tides of change, trusting that what unfolds is in the interest of your highest good, and beckoning you onward to your Soul’s calling and life purpose.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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