Cancer Horoscope for June 2019

Cancer Horoscope for June 2019

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The frenetic pace of change keeps up, Cancer, and even accelerates. You persist in discovering new facets of relationship, even as your understanding continues to transform regarding the inner meaning of partnership connection for you. Your idealism has been on fire lately, and in the end cannot be dodged. All your future plans are renewed in this timing, especially if you are willing to be fully open to what the universe is trying to tell you. Ancient pain may come into greater conscious awareness, if you have the grace and the strength to allow it, leading you toward healing the issues that these represent, ones that may have long been plaguing you. During the second half of the month, all these ideas and feelings percolating through you come to a head, suffused with a concept of selfless service. You know that you are on the right wavelength when you feel the connection between the needs of the surrounding social structure and your own deeply felt values.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This month couldn’t be any bigger for Cancers. Not only are we approaching eclipse season next month with the North Node currently in your home sign and a solar eclipse coming through your first house in early July, but this month, all month long, Mars, who isn’t the world’s greatest house guest in your home sign of Cancer, is additionally moving through a series of oppositions to Saturn and Pluto in your seventh house of relationships between June 13th to 21st.

In addition to that, a series of multi-faceted planetary T-squares are lighting up in Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces, from the New Moon, on June 3rd, all the way through the 22nd. These transits are taking place between your twelfth house of dissolution, your sixth house of work, sickness, and service, and your ninth house of the higher mind, and bring a tone that is uncertain, deceptive, potentially illusory, and definitely spiritual to these areas of learning and teaching, and as well a sense of life mission.

The application from Mars to Saturn and Pluto takes place between June 13th and the 21st and will include a conjunction from Mercury in Cancer during the peak of the oppositions, which happen just at the time of the Summer Solstice, when the life-giving Sun will also enter watery Cancer, hopefully providing some relief. These transits are intense, and they describe a time of emotional intensity and transformation in your relationships. If you aren’t in an intimate relationship, then you may also find that you are making important decisions related to who or what you are associating with or giving most of your time and energy to, perhaps cutting out whatever is draining you. Be careful of mental and emotional outbursts or the tendency to be easily triggered by those around you. You should also be careful not to be emotionally demanding of those you love, but on the other hand, you may need to stand up for yourself or make your feelings known if those you are close with are stonewalling you or refusing to take your needs seriously.

Next to this powerful transit are a series of T-squares. They begin on June 3rd, with the New Moon in Gemini in your twelfth house of dissolution, opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work and service, and squaring Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house of the higher mind. The T-square is then reactivated by the Sun between June 9th and 10th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17th, and then Venus between June 22nd and 24th.

You are being asked to grow both mentally, emotionally, and spiritually right now, perhaps through an honest evaluation of some of the mistakes you’ve made, due to a series of emotional or physical health challenges, or thanks to a series of conflicts or disagreements that you might be having in some of your important relationships. These T-squares also call to mind the need for an expanded state of consciousness, for teachers, learning, and for the healing power of the imagination, or even traveling to faraway places. You might be called to visit some of your doubts or skepticism, perhaps reclaiming your faith or trust in someone or something in the process, or you might need to critically reflect upon some degree of unhealthy idealism that you have been indulging in.

As a Cancer, it’s not always easy to make your needs felt by others. Others may not always know how to please you or what you need, either, especially if you aren’t honest in explaining what you’re feeling. And even then, because, sometimes, nobody else nurtures as well as a Cancer, you may be left feeling underserved or unappreciated regardless of how hard others may try. Knowing this, you may also apply some of the intense energy flowing through you this month to caring for yourself, which may also help you take the pressure off from those you are in relationship with.

Finally, on June 26th and 27th, the Sun in Cancer will square Chiron in Aries in your tenth house, bringing with it a moment of awareness of inner wounding, as well as clarity and emotional healing, into the workplace and other aspects of day-to-day existence. You may also find that you are being called to use your emotional leadership qualities to start something or perhaps to fix a problem or to teach someone something.

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