Cancer Horoscope for May 2019

Cancer Horoscope for May 2019

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are living large these days, Cancer, investigating possibilities for a future path that includes all of yourself, top to bottom, into the mix of what you are attempting to accomplish. You are seeking a way to satisfy your obligations in the normalized world of events and schedules while honoring your understanding of what goes on in another world entirely, far below the surface layers of your personality. Your current pathway forward includes, as well, concepts of service to others around you. Friendships and group affiliations that you favor are one key to cementing your grasp of these new realities. What is transforming for you most distinctly is the way that you choose to incorporate the perspective and the presence of important partners into your life process, as has been the case for many months. The Full Moon weekend of May 18th brings your creativity to bear on this issue, as you strive to integrate more thoroughly within your own psyche the result of connections that you make with others.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Between May 1st and May 3rd, Mercury in Aries in your tenth house of career will be making a square to Saturn in Capricorn in your seventh house of relationships, while also conjuncting Eris, and squaring Pluto, as well as forming a sextile with Mars in Gemini, creating what is traditionally called a “mutual reception.” Given that Saturn and Pluto also recently turned retrograde in your seventh house, you are likely considering the best strategy for a serious change at work or in your intimate relationships. You might be planning a careful exit strategy from a job, looking for ways to consolidate your time and energy, or defining your boundAries and values more clearly in a romantic relationship. Whatever the case might be, this month it’s important that you get clear about what you can and can’t commit to and then make plans to implement the changes most needed.

On May 4th, the New Moon in Taurus falls in your eleventh house of allies, friends, and groups, indicating that you are likely to find helpful new resources and support from others in the month ahead. You are also likely to enjoy making new future plans for yourself or speculating about prospective life directions.
Between May 5th and 6th, Mars in Gemini in your twelfth house will oppose Jupiter in Sagittarius in your sixth house, bringing with it a period of heightened mental, intellectual, and communicative energy. You may be more inclined to argumentation and debate during this period, or you may find that you are struggling to stay focused as the atmosphere is filled with a temporary fire cloud of combative, mental energy.

Between May 7th and May 8th, Mercury will also conjoin Uranus in Taurus in your eleventh house, suggesting the possibility of innovation and breakthroughs in your social life, among colleagues, or in groups you belong to. Don’t be surprised if you receive some unexpected news. This is also a great time for finding creative forms of support, or even new technological resources.

Between May 6th and May 10th, Venus in Aries in your tenth house of career will also square Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto in Capricorn, while simultaneously conjuncting Eris and trining Jupiter in Sagittarius. Again, the importance of making critical decisions about the use of your time and energy, both at work and in relationships is at play. This time, while you may be finding exciting new forms of support at work, or you may be riding a wave of growth, the acceleration you’re experiencing will also force you to look at those people or relationships that are limiting you, or forcing you to define yourself in more committed ways.

Between May 10th and the 15th, the Sun in Taurus in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and allies, will trine Saturn, the South Node of the Moon, and Pluto in Capricorn in your seventh house. During this period, on May 14th, the Moon in Virgo in your third house of the mind and communication will also get in on things, creating a grand earth trine. This is going to be a highly productive and practical period. If you have done the work of defining commitments and priorities earlier this month, then a lot of practical implementation and forward progress should take place right now.

You’ll likely find even more support is coming your way from friends, allies, or in groups on May 15th, as Venus, the planet of harmony and good fortune, also enters Taurus and moves into your eleventh house of friends and allies.

However, things will intensify in a more challenging way between May 16th and the 18th, as Mars will enter its fall in your home sign of Cancer, and then your ruling planet, the Moon, will be full in the sign of her fall, Scorpio, in your fifth house, just as Venus in Taurus conjoins erratic Uranus. This sequence points to a more volatile energy at the time of the Full Moon. Don’t be surprised if something comes along to slow your roll, if there are some unexpected changes in your relationships or among friends or colleagues, or even with your children if you have any. The waters right now are much choppier, but this Full Moon also points to a level of emotional catharsis that is a necessary part of the changes you are trying to make.

On May 22nd to the 24th, Mars in Cancer in your first house will square Chiron in Aries in your tenth house of career. You might be faced with a tense situation at work, or you might be compelled to advocate for someone in the workplace, or to assert some level of expertise or knowledge in a public forum. You may also be faced with a deeper lesson related to inner wounding, or other aspects of your own health and well being, so remember to take good care of yourself.

Finally, from May 29th to May 30th, Mercury in Gemini in your twelfth house of dissolution and surrender will square Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house of the higher mind and then oppose Jupiter in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. As the month winds down, you are moving into a deeper level of introspection, or philosophical and spiritual reflection. Honor your doubts and try to articulate the questions you have without feeling the need to be polarized within yourself or to externalize your doubts in the form of unnecessary power struggles or arguments with others. You are reaching a place of much deeper wisdom and understanding, but it will require that you move patiently as the answers you’re looking for will not present themselves if you try to force anything.

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