Cancer Horoscope for January 2020

Cancer Horoscope for January 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is another intensely transformational cycle for you, Cancer, focusing on important Others in your life. There has been in this area, for many months now, an ongoing metamorphosis, providing major life lessons. As you deal with issues involving specific partners, or with how in general to characterize your relationship dynamic, you are reaching for a culmination to this inner journey, when your basic patterning is brought to greater conscious awareness. The December 10th Full Moon eclipse in your sign is quite potent in this regard. It is also likely that ancient and neglected dark places within you, the residue of early childhood trauma, will play a role in these inner investigations. This all takes place in a monthly cycle which features not only strong Saturn, but also trickster Uranus shining brightly in your sector of societal interaction. This indicates that, under the exciting stimulus of the New Year, you are shooting off in many different directions, and yet simultaneously seeking to limit yourself to what is ultimately practical.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Welcome to 2020 dear Cancer! This is a special time of the year for you as the Sun travels in the sign of Capricorn, opposite to Cancer in the Zodiac. The sign of Cancer is associated with the creative flow and lush fertility at the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Capricorn on the other hand, is associated with the cold and restrictive nature of Winter. This is an important dynamic for you since we currently have a stellium (four or more) planets transiting in Capricorn and you could be feeling the restrictive and maturity-inducing nature of Capricorn. It’s an excellent time to pay attention to the stories being weaved and unweaved at this time especially in the realm of your relationships. The New Year arrives as we travel the bridge between a solar eclipse that took place in Capricorn, late on December 25th, and a lunar eclipse that will occur in the sign of Cancer on January 10th. This means that we currently find ourselves in a liminal place; between one existing reality and another reality that is yet to be born. It’s a good idea not to draw any hard conclusions on your current situations as the cards are still being shuffled and situations are not set in stone. Your relationships are certainly on the radar as you enter the New Year and you could be wondering what to do in matters of the heart. Partnerships might not be flowing as smoothly as you would like, and you could feel polarized between the needs of a partner and your own. This time period represents a learning curve in your journey, especially regarding your own needs, dreams, and the vision you have for yourself versus the needs of a partner, or a potential partner. You are learning what it means to prioritize your well-being and this might not always be compatible with the way important people in your life see things. Relationships are a constant a work in progress, with periods of ease and periods of adjustments; it’s totally natural to have to adjust your sail. What is less natural is the reflexive impulse you sometimes might have to accommodate a friend or a partner to your own detriment. With five planets currently transiting in Capricorn, you are pulled to the other side; you could be tempted to think that someone else’s dreams are your own, or that it’s ok to make abstractions of your needs simply for the sake of the relationship. However, in order to begin the year on a good path, I urge you to assess the current structural integrity of your agreements and start considering making the proper renovations. This is about you, about what feels nurturing and supportive FOR YOU, and you want and need that foundation to be solid whether someone is willing to help you with that or not. Like I said earlier, it might be hard to see the shape of things to come at the moment, as everything fluctuates.

On January 10th, Mercury in Capricorn conjuncts the Sun, Uranus turns direct in Taurus, and a powerful lunar eclipse in occurs in your own sign of Cancer. Information and dialogues are likely to come to light that can help you see a situation more clearly. Also, you can expect tensions to ease in the third week of the month, after the Saturn-Pluto conjunction from January 10th to the 14th. The good news is that lessons are being learned and the teachings are starting to sink in.

Venus enters her exalted placement in the sign of Pisces on January 13th, bringing much needed perspective and ease. For you, Cancer, the transit of Venus in Pisces until February 7th is an invitation to move your gaze to the vast future horizon and envision new possibilities that await you this year. The second half of the month will be an excellent time to get into a creative flow and see where it takes you.

Mercury enters Aquarius on January 16th and the Last Quarter Moon in Libra occurs on January 17th, highlighting current tensions but also bolstering resolve around domestic or partnership dilemmas. Decisions must be made, but the Last Quarter Moon might highlight polarizing situations, as is typical, so that this is a good time to practice patience.

The New Moon in Aquarius takes place on January 24th. This New Moon is in a close square with Uranus in Taurus encouraging innovation and thinking outside of the box. If you are looking for assets to fund a project, now would be a good time to start researching your options. You have a lot of ideas and projects in the works for the upcoming year and this New Moon is a huge green light for you to get moving.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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