Cancer Horoscope for February 2020

Cancer Horoscope for February 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a significant one for you, Cancer, an important station along the way to your next developmental stage. This month’s astrological currents speak of depth researches into increased intimacy with yourself and others, and of your evolving worldview. You are delving down to the inside for greater self-definition and connection with key partners. Especially at the time of the Leo Full Moon, late evening of February 8th/9th, you are dealing with issues of self and other, and forging a better understanding of your relationship dynamic. Coming off the intensely transformational pressures of January, you are reassessing the world and your part in it, attempting to see where to plug yourself in, as you recognize the evident necessity for major structural change at the level of the collective and yourself as an individual within it. You have been gifted with an important mission to proceed with courage in revising your stance, facing your fears and moving beyond them, on your way to your most authentic version of yourself.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

February begins with Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn the late evening of February 1st/2nd, feeding dreams of far away lands, poetic escapades and romantic longing. Mercury joins the party on February 3rd, entering Pisces and emphasizing a desire for exotic adventures and circumstances that take you out of your routine. Venus sextile Saturn on the same day could bring important grounding conversations in your partnerships about boundaries or a desire for serious commitments. Pay attention to what arises around February 5th, as the themes, ideas, projects and conversation that begin now could take you all the way to the Equinox on March 20th. The first week of February ends with Venus entering Aries on February 7th bringing an emphasis, for you, on career and vocational goals. Much of your attention to begin the month will be on your dreams, goals and aspirations while trying to include partnerships in the equation.

A Full Moon in Leo illuminates the skies of late February 8th (or early the 9th depending on where you live on planet Earth). A Full Moon represents a time of culmination and this particular one highlights your desire for sovereignty and independence. It could also bring to fruition a recent financial decision emphasizing your income and money-generating efforts. The Full Moon is taking place in a fire sign and supported by Mars and Eris, currently in the fire signs of Sagittarius and Aries. The evening promises to be a lively and enthusiastic one with a lot of energy and passion to spare; a great time for social gatherings, going to a concert or seeing a movie.

Venus in Aries conjunct Chiron, taking place on February 9th/10th, and subsequently square to the Nodal axis in Cancer/Capricorn on February 13th, offers opportunities for healing conversations within relationships. There could however be an initial resistance that must be worked through. With the North Node still transiting in your sign you are learning to focus on your needs within relationships. Where in the past you have given to others, you are now challenged to give the same care and attention to yourself. This is not always easy, especially whenever it feels like your happiness depends on the strength of your connections. A much-needed process of recalibration is taking place within you now, and the effort will be well worth it.

Mars enters Capricorn on February 16th, which is the sign opposite to Cancer on the Zodiac. Mars in Capricorn will highlight the tensions that have recently been building up in your life. It’s a good idea at this time to be aware of whatever your stressors are, and how you are managing them. Partnerships that feel strained could be challenging while Mars is transiting in this sign. Directing the tension in physical activities or productive outlets will be the best way to deal with this energy. Mars in Capricorn (until March 30) is considered a strong placement and excellent for long-term goal planning.

On the same day, Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces until March 9th, which, for you, represents a period of reflection connected to higher education, foreign travel and spiritual matters. Illusions and false starts might become common. Something that seems entirely too good to be true could very well be. The best way to approach this period of time is to explore your options without making solid commitments until you are totally clear of what it entails, especially for long-term projects and big decisions. Be discriminating in your dealings! If you can wait until mid-March to finalize things, even better; but if not, don’t sweat it too much.
The Sun enters the Mutable Water sign of Pisces on February 18th signaling the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Situations will begin to shift considerably after all the heavy lifting and hard work of the last few months. You will start to see the shape of things to come, especially with career goals, academia, long-distance travel, partnerships and how it all connects together. You can imagine the second half of February as a sort of gestation period for big dreams you want to see come to life in 2020.

February 20th to 22nd could bring surprising insights and opportunities via social circles, community organization or acquaintance. Networking could reveal innovative solutions for one of your idea or project.

The New Moon in Pisces on February 23rd represent a time of inception regarding some big projects and dreams you have in the works. These could be linked to academia, community work, travel and career; try to stay open to collaborators offering support at this time. On February 25th, Mercury will meet the Sun in Pisces in an inferior conjunction as an important part of its retrograde cycle. This is a crucial time during Mercury Retrograde that could deliver some important clues. The light of the Sun could clarify things and bring solutions. Mercury will still be moving retrograde in Pisces for another few weeks but this is more or less the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. The opportunity for resolve will be augmented by Mars in Capricorn conjoining the South Node on the same day, offering many insights into a drawn-out process. The month of February ends with Venus in a powerful conjunction with Eris in the sign of Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn. This is a potent catalyst for change within relationships and with the world at large. Patience will be in short supply on February 28-29th as tectonic shifts are then occurring for you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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