Cancer Horoscope for March 2020

Cancer Horoscope for March 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in the midst of a remarkable time right now, Cancer, when self-discovery comes to you through partnership considerations. This is also a time when philosophical exploration represents the greatest grounding presence and when outer world focus, looking out there, away from you, yields inner world results of the most profound interior illumination. You have been dealing for some time now with the delicate balance of self and other. How do you find yourself in the midst of complex relationship issues that have been ongoing, and how do you give a concentration of your energy to another while still being constantly aware of your own needs and growth opportunities? You are taking the painful process of living through the challenges presented by the world, and by your connection to the Other, and making of these oftentimes sour fruits a delightful concoction that ultimately centers you in your home base. Throughout, everything seems illusory and unclear, although the potent Aries New Moon of the 24th provides a difficult clarity.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of March begins with the First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 2nd highlighting academia or a learning journey. However, there could be some elements of the equation missing. You could feel in the dark when it comes to the next step of a project. Be patient. Mercury is still moving retrograde in Pisces urging you to clarify your intent, and double-check the details. Venus in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn on March 2nd and 3rd, creating the need for maturity within your partnership. It might be hard to reconcile what you want versus what you have to do. It could be that your career choices, and the demands of a relationship are not working together. However, Venus entering her home sign in Taurus the next day on March 4th indicates that there is a silver lining to a current relationship dilemma.

The Full Moon takes place in the sign of Virgo on March 9th, highlighting the culmination of your learning journey. You might find yourself busy answering emails, telephone, running around trying to finalize something. Communications of all kinds are indicated, and with Venus now transiting in Taurus, your desire for socializing could increase. Having supper with a few good friends might be just what the doctor ordered. Mercury stations direct in Aquarius later that day. If you have been waiting for a green light regarding funding, the next few weeks will bring needed clarifications.

The days between March 10th and March 14th could bring positive development regarding partnerships and travel opportunities. You will also want to use your discernment, however, if something sounds too good to be true. With the North Node of the Moon still transiting in your sign, you want to make sure you prioritize your needs. The North Node also emphasizes the importance of taking care of yourself first and foremost. It might feel counterintuitive but no one else will do it for you.

Things will start to move forward and you will be able to finally make headway with a project especially once Mercury re-enters Pisces on March 16th, and begins to recover its lost zodiacal ground. The Last Quarter Moon on that day in the sign of Sagittarius highlights your health and habits. Over the next week you could feel some restlessness and have the desire to move. It’s a good timing for small hikes or other physical activities.

The Sun enters the sign of Aries on March 19th signalling the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This is always an important marker astrologically speaking. The Sun’s ingress in Aries marks the beginning of the zodiac. Mars conjoins Jupiter in Capricorn the next day, and Saturn enters Aquarius on the 21st. The Sun transiting in Aries for the next month illuminates your place in the world, your calling and vocational goals. With Mars and Jupiter currently in your house of partnerships, it could indicate that support is coming from an important collaborator. Saturn entering Aquarius (but only until July, before it officially re-enters on December 17th) will bring the end of a two-year period when it was opposing your sign Cancer. This should bring significant relief. You can finally start integrating the lessons of the past few years around boundaries and relationships. You should have a clearer idea about your limits and what you are willing to accept from others. You could also hear back from something that was initiated at the beginning of February around this time or it could be that a situation that was on hold will finally start moving forward.

The New Moon in Aries takes place on March 24th. There is something on the horizon but it is still at the germinating stage. A period of incubation is necessary before it takes shape into the structures of your life. What you are initiating at this time could feel daunting. Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and square Eris in Aries links once again your partnerships and aspirations. Other people seem to have a powerful role to play in your life right now. However you might not be ready to totally sacrifice your bigger aspiration for the sake of keeping the peace in your partnerships. Think seriously about the implication of linking your personal goals with your partnerships. It might be hard to retract yourself from contracts and agreements down the road.

The month ends with a sweet little conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Taurus, which should be visible just after sunset in the western horizon on March 27th. You can find some grounding and nourishment via relating. Close friendships, indulging your sense or quiet time to recharge your batteries are all favored activities to bring the month to a close.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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