Cancer Horoscope for April 2020

Cancer Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a big month for you, Cancer. While the world is on hold and worried, your particular response seems to be largely constructive, if you can make the attempt to stay open to all your possibilities. The previous New Moon of a week before the month of April began was extremely potent, especially for you, signalling new beginnings in what you consider to be your major work in the world. Your imagination and ideas for new pathways forward has lately been raging, and with this month’s powerful transits might foster more concrete career plans or ways to get yourself out there. Another area that is transforming for you this month is that of one-on-one relationship in your life. With this April month you are entering a new phase, a moment of thoroughgoing re-birth. In the process, and especially at the Libra Full Moon of April 7th, you are also managing to work through serious inner wounding if such issues do exist for you, and to the extent that they make themselves evident in this month’s timing. On the home front, there is important new emphasis on the way that you connect there with Nature, finding a natural grace and spiritual comfort in acknowledge belonging to the Earth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with the First Quarter Moon in your sign, which brings tension between your personal needs and your career obligations. The ways in which you can help your community is on your mind. You might be acutely aware of the interconnectedness between people and support systems and feel compelled to help. With the Sun transiting in Aries, corresponding to your career sector, you could feel restless to get out there and get things moving.

However, because Saturn has recently ingressed in the sign of Aquarius, and is conjoined by Mars at the beginning of April, progress will be slow. Saturn and Mars together is sometimes compared to driving a car with the brakes on. For you, as a member of the sign of Cancer, Saturn’s entry into Aquarius is relatively good news. For the last three years, Saturn in Capricorn was transiting in opposition to your sign carrying difficult lessons in connection with relationships and more extensively with your identity. Saturn in Aquarius will bring new scenarios that do contend with intimate connection, but also with funding, taxes, shared assets, loans and other people’s money. The stories around these topics might already be weaving themselves into your own, so that you could be getting a glimpse of these in the first few weeks of April.

Venus enters Gemini on April 3rd where she will spend an unusual amount of time: the next four months. This is due to her pending retrograde there in May. Venus in Gemini illuminates the soul sector of your chart. Her transit here will see you reflect deeply on connectivity, relationship, love, self-worth, empathy, compassion and self-sacrifice. Also during the first week of April, Jupiter and Pluto are conjoined in Capricorn, thus in your house of relationships. You could feel a powerful urge to connect, exchange, and relate with others and it could bring more intensity to your interactions. With Venus simultaneously transiting in Gemini, it’s a good time to reflect on what attracts you, in order to better understand your inner motivations.

The Full Moon in Libra comes on April 7th, and illuminates your home, your roots, and your family, in contrast to the intensity also of your outer world presence. With Venus in Gemini ruling this Full Moon, interconnectedness is on your mind. There could be revelations in relation to your ancestors, perhaps a personal trait you have inherited from your family line. You could become aware of the stories that have inscribed themselves before you, and the stories that are making themselves evident now. You might find yourself reflecting on lineage and the importance of traditions.

Mercury enters Aries on the evening of April 10th , perhaps carrying news you were waiting for. The pace of things will finally start to accelerate after a standstill. Around mid-April, you could receive the green light or information you need to move ahead with a project.

The New Moon in Taurus on April 22nd sends a powerful reset in connection with your community, your friendships, your collaborations, and your participation within groups. Uranus in Taurus is conjoined with the New Moon while also squaring Saturn in Aquarius, bringing polarities even more obviously into play. Uranus brings a potent impetus for change in the social sector of your chart that will not find immediate expression. However do not doubt that the decisions you make around this lunation will bring significant changes. New roots in foreign soil are emerging, and it will take some time to see the outward manifestation of decisions made now. With Saturn in Aquarius squaring the New Moon, delays with projects could be connected with getting the proper funding. You might be forced to navigate the corridors of bureaucracy in order to get what you need, and it could end up taking time. Uranus in Taurus brings novel ideas to the table and engenders greater commitment to participate in your community.

The last week of April continues to find you busy with communications and paperwork. There could be exciting developments in connection with groups and associations you are part of, especially grassroots type movements. Mercury in Aries conjuncts Eris and squares Pluto in Capricorn on April 24th-25th highlighting some existing tension between career, and relationships. You might have to choose between the demands of a partner and a significant vocational decision. It could also be that contracts and agreements must be revised before being implemented. Partnerships are highlighted, however it might require some shuffling of priorities before things can run smoothly.

There is a definite stop and go energy permeating the whole month of April. Hurry up and wait as they say. For you, Cancer, this will manifest mostly in your partnerships, career, and community participation. Things will eventually unfold according to plan. However you will need some patience to successfully navigate this month.

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