Cancer Horoscope for May 2020

Cancer Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is in some ways a difficult month for you, Cancer, but the upside is that it comes with a huge learning curve. You are on the cross of circumstance, being asked to sink or swim with no real choice but to keep paddling, and yet when you are able to perform a figure-and-ground reversal you could find this to be an extremely valuable time. Relationship changes that have been a significant factor in your astrology for many months are one key to your eventual metamorphosis, the more so, the more you can accept the inevitability of alteration. Another is the restlessness with which you view your future prospects unfolding together with your longing for a better match between inner conviction and outer demonstration. You are going through fundamental transformation at the core. Your psychological roots are being bathed in a spiritual stew involving Nature and natural law, in combination. You begin to recognize that an act of active change is required, that the timing is now, and that you are its sole agent.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Following last month’s Taurus New Moon, as the month of May begins, Mercury conjoins Uranus in Taurus. Your hopes, ambitions, and to a larger picture, your community participation is highlighted. Your ability to think outside of the box right now is allowing original ideas to emerge in connection with a cherished dream. You could feel more ambitious than usual, and desiring to connect with a group of people or a community that brings you closer to your vision. The emphasis for the first half of May is on your connections, and participation within a community. Venus currently in Gemini is bringing a reorientation of values by exposing you to new situations, and people from different backgrounds, as well as your own inner process. Venus in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces could find you craving experiences that take you outside of the beaten path. This aspect will be more or less exact for the next few months. For you, Cancer, Venus squaring Neptune connects you to your deepest spiritual longings and philosophical values. You might find yourself contemplating ideas about the world you want to live in and how to birth this into existence. Community, friendship, connectivity, these are things that profoundly nourish you. The current state of the world has perhaps brought you to adopt a reflective stance on building more sustainable community networks.

The Full Moon in Scorpio takes place on May 7th, and illuminates your friendships, your creativity, your children, and everything else that brings joy to you. It’s a good reminder to take the time for what you love. The Full Moon could also highlight a recent creative process or the culmination of a romantic connection. Scorpio Moons are known for their intensity and need for genuine and profound intimacy. For you Cancers, it could be a time when you feel a greater need for honest conversations and deeper connections. Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius late evening on May 10th and will slowly make its way back into the sign of Capricorn by the month of July. Intimate partners could shift in some way, or your estimation of them could alter. Or you might be called to revise the structures of a project before you get the green light. There could be issues or delay with financing or your reliance on someone else’s support could be put into question. Mercury enters Gemini on the next day, joining Venus, who stations retrograde late evening on May 12th, while Mars enters Pisces the next day. Mid-month carries a significant shift towards a small introspective period for Cancers. After a busy first half of the month, you could be desirous to find some peace and quiet to recharge and contemplate your next move.

Mars now transiting in Pisces brings significant emphasis on your philosophical, spiritual, or educational aspirations for the next few weeks. The second half of the month is an excellent opportunity to re-align yourself with your original vision while getting to the core of your desires. This small introspective period will be really enlightening, especially if you create time for a more contemplative stance.

Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde on May 14th for a total of three planets stationing retrograde in four days. Jupiter moves retrograde until September, and this could represent a time when you question or re-orient yourself within your partnerships. Clashing beliefs could become apparent, and the need to assess what divides you versus what unites you to your close allies.

On May 20th, the Sun enters the sign of Gemini signaling the last thirty days before Cancer season begins on June 30. While Mercury, the Sun and Venus are transiting in Gemini, it is the perfect time for a metaphorical or actual house cleaning. Sort out your priorities, as well as what you need, what you want, versus what can be discarded. This could refer to ideas or actual objects. The New Moon in Gemini on May 22nd is a contemplative one for Cancers. It's a call to observe or get to the root of any underlying anxiety. Since the sign of Gemini is closely connected with words, ideas, and communication, this is also an excellent time to practice mindfulness. Choose to simply observe the constant chattering in the back of your mind without letting this run the show. Mercury enters Cancer at the end of the month and you will find that the clarification of the last two weeks has borne fruit. It should start to feel easier to connect your mind with your heart and for you to express your needs and desires more clearly. 


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