Cancer Horoscope for August 2021

Cancer Horoscope for August 2021

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather interesting month for you, Cancer, divided up by the initial weeks. In the first week of August you are riding out the influence of last month’s perhaps quite potent New Moon in your sign, referencing matters of identity. You have perhaps been recently surprised to understand that there is a poignant sense of yourself that you are still coming into. This is particularly so as you investigate further facets of your evolving world view. With the Leo New Moon of Sunday, August 8th, you are more directly concerned with these evolving principles, and they serve as blueprint for future activity. Partners and important others in your life are there for you in a new way. This helps you to navigate the changing tides of where you are heading, and to what you owe allegiance. Then, on the 15th, the shift that takes place for the remainder of the month has to do with your home base, your family situation that you are rooted in, and changes in the way that you see your relationship dynamic contributing to your eventual and triumph-full metamorphosis.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in your sign from mid-July signaled the beginning of a beautiful new cycle related to your desires, your needs, and your overall well-being. Your sense of identity too has going through its changes lately along with the way that you see relationship unfolding in your life. Cancer season may have brought many opportunities to reconnect with your loved ones and may be feeling a deeper sense of gratitude for your family, your friends, and the opportunities permeating your thought process at this time. You could feel recharged as the month of August gets underway and the focus begins to shift toward your values, as you perhaps prepare to tackle more serious or long-term projects.

Mercury and the Sun are conjunct in Leo on August 1st also, and you may find yourself busy refreshing your resume or taking closer stock of your assets. The pair of planets oppose Saturn in Aquarius, and this may bring up discussions around joint finances or business partnerships. Intimacy or what you share with others could become an important topic during the first week of the month, and you could be preoccupied with your commitments to others and how they are influencing your life.

On August 8th, the Leo New Moon taking place in your resources sector signals the beginning of a new cycle related to your sense of values and your material reality. The Sun and the Moon in Leo squaring the iconoclast planet Uranus just at the time of the New Moon might portend interesting opportunities emerging related to how your work connects to societal needs and groups or friendships that you favor. You might be involved in assessing how you generate revenue. Uranus in Taurus contributes to your thought process and continues to open up different pathways related to your aspirations and more extensively towards groups of like-minded people who can offer connective and exciting experiences.

The second week of August contains a host of aspects that could be turning your gaze towards intellectual or spiritual pursuits. A learning or traveling opportunity could feel inspiring and you may find yourself day-dreaming and sorting out the next leg of a journey. Your desire to discover and learn could be the fuel behind an ambitious project but you may also be preoccupied with the organizational side of your goals. Financial or logistical issues may need to be tackled mid-month but you should have the mental acuity to deal with the complexity of a project.

On August 15th, Venus enters Libra which may progressively bring attention to your family or your home base. Your desire to root down could increase as Venus transits here and it’s also a good time to beautify your space or socialize in the comfort of your home. You could still feel preoccupied with logistical and organizational matters as Mercury conjunct Mars in Virgo on the 18th which can denote a time when your mind is quick and able to solve complex puzzles. This conjunction could also signify a time of impatience or arguments although these can be avoided by focusing your mental energy on productive outlets.

The third week of August contains a host of busy aspects that could find you tying up loose ends. The second Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius takes place on August 22nd, the first one having occurred on July 23rd. This time, the Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter which may highlight your intimate partnerships and what you gain from your close associations. This may signal a time of integration surrounding the themes of vulnerability and intimacy but also the needs for space and freedom within your partnership. Live and let live may be your best recipe for successful relationships at this time.

Just after the Full Moon in Aquarius, the Sun leaves the bold and passionate sign of Leo for the service-oriented sign of Virgo emphasizing your communication sector. Logistics, answering emails, and tying up loose ends could be on the agenda in the following month and it's a good time to tackle your to-do list as you should feel more efficient at this time.

Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius on the 23rd could highlight joint finances or the cost of a home project. It may be easier to make a sober appraisal of the resources that are available to you right now but Mercury in Virgo opposing Neptune the next few days could also confuse your aim. You may have to use discrimination when approaching your long-term projects as you may be missing some part of the equation to get the full picture. Talking things through with someone else could help you clarify your thoughts around your goals; just make sure you are talking to someone who has your best interest in mind and is able to remain impartial.

Mercury enters Libra at the end of the month where it will spend the next two months highlighting topics surrounding your home or your family. Knowing where you want to be could be up in the air or you may have to spend more time focusing on a family matter in the coming months. The month of August ends on an introspective note with the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini taking place in your soul-sector; taking the time needed to meditate on what transpired in the last month and finding ways to release your stress should feel extra beneficial at this time.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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