Cancer Horoscope for July 2021

Cancer Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents a departure from the last one, Cancer, that was so very inner-oriented. You are wiser as a result of wandering in the desert of your own internal nature for lo these many weeks, and are proceeding to take those lessons out into the world. The turning point makes itself known earlier, but does not finally and incontrovertibly appear until the New Moon in your sign of Friday, July 9th, which will be your coming out party, so be ready! You are making a fresh start with prospective plans, seeking what will be a better fit with the new Self that you are birthing. You are ripe for progress, with outer planet archetypes of consequence leading you to the conclusion that your partnership dynamic is definitely in transition, now better informed by your recent journey to the inside. You as a result have an excellent opportunity this month to more fully understand your own inner wounding, the residue of ancient childhood trauma of one kind or another, that has been in some sense holding you back from being all that you can be.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

A powerful Solar Eclipse in Gemini took place in June which may have brought some realization that relates to your unconscious processes and how you integrate and filter information. These ruminations continue into the first week of the current month of July, with Mercury also finishing up its retrograde shadow during this time. New elements of your personality may be coming to light that help you make sense of the world. Your perspective is changing which in turn is opening you up to new possibilities.

The first day of July is also colored by a powerful configuration between Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius that could highlight pressure surrounding someone else’s expectations. You could be tied up to an agreement or a contract that leaves you very little choice but to move through the task with determination. It may feel like something is out of your control or that you must keep pushing through to meet an objective. Mars squares Uranus in Taurus from the 2nd to the 4th and the Sun in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on the 4th. These two aspects bring much of the same frustrations and advantages in terms of potential breakthrough, and highlight a tension at work where you have very little choice but to comply. Your values may feel tested and confusion or misunderstandings are highly possible as Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 5th and 6th. If you can sit through the discomfort of not knowing where things are heading it is to your benefit, and should become clearer by the time the New Moon in your sign arrives on the 9th.

The Cancer New Moon brings a fresh cycle related to your desires, your dreams, your aspirations and a push to attend to your well-being. It could be easier to understand what you need on an emotional level and this fresh energy also makes for a good opportunity to relax or spend time doing activities that you enjoy. Mercury enters your sign a few days later and comes into trine with Jupiter in Pisces on the 12th. There could be good news on the horizon related to academia or a learning opportunity. You might be filled with a sense of wonder; traveling could be particularly enjoyable. Venus conjunct Mars in Leo from the 10th to the 14th could highlight a desire to spend or treat yourself to something nice. You might have less self-control when it comes to financial matters but it may also represent a time when you have the means to do what you want after a period of hard work.

The Last Quarter Moon in Libra on the 17th may highlight a complicated relationship dynamic as the Sun in Cancer comes into an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. You may be called to find a difficult compromise to make something work or you may be torn between your needs and your familial duties. The Sun opposing Pluto could bring a power struggle or a cathartic event that forces both parties to evolve and connect on a deeper level. Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on the 18th and 19th, and this may continue to bring emotional experiences which initially feel uncomfortable but ultimately reveal themselves to be therapeutic. Misunderstandings are possible but expressing your needs clearly at this time could help you avoid a breakdown of communication.

Venus enters Virgo on the 21st which should help harmonize your interactions considerably in the following weeks. The Sun leaves Cancer for Leo on the 22nd where it will spend the next month illuminating your resources and material-comfort.

The Aquarius Full Moon culminates the next day, on the evening of the 23rd, which might bring up fears or insecurities related to your dependence on others. You could be wanting total autonomy while simultaneously craving deeper acceptance and support from others. The Full Moon shines a light on these tensions which may help you resolve or better understand your needs for both independence and acceptance.

The last week of July brings new developments related to academia or travel and you may also be pushed to compromise for a relationship to work. You might have to make a decision between your goals and someone else’s goals , or there could be a financial aspect to your dilemma. Mercury enters Leo on the 27th, joining the Sun already transiting there, and both are highlighting your need for financial autonomy. Meanwhile, Jupiter re-entering Aquarius on the 28th brings a powerful incentive for joint ventures and intimate partnerships. These two areas of your life are not incompatible, and with Jupiter re-entering Aquarius to remain until the end of 2021, you could find yourself revisiting an agreement or a contract that was made earlier this spring.

The end of the month sees Mars entering Virgo on the 29th where it will be until mid-September. This brings energy for intellectual and organizational matters. You may be preoccupied with a project that requires both mental acuity and critical thinking – and these should be available to you. Your income or your career is also highlighted in the last few days of July, so that it's a good time to budget and get your ducks in a row.

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