Cancer Horoscope for June 2021

Cancer Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents a deep dive to the inner reaches of your personality, Cancer, those hidden layers of your psyche apart from your full waking state. The ongoing retrograde of Mercury through your twelfth solar sector of unconscious process, plus two eclipses that refer to this important and little understood area, present you with the interesting conundrum of how best to utilize this nudge from the cosmos to take a trip to the inside. Journaling your dreams is greatly recommended for the entire June month, especially so with the potent solar eclipse of the 10th. You also have multiple inspirations for future plans and must find the way to limit these to what is practical. You have for many months now been secretly encouraging yourself to take actions in your outer world presence that strictly stem from inner conviction, and this month represents your best chance in all this time to get a glimpse of what is bubbling up for you from beneath the surface. Things may become more clear as you trust in your intuitional powers to open further to what in some sense you already know, and have only to confirm.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon that took place last month in Taurus, mid-May, initiated a new cycle in relation to your place in your community. You have been in a process of connecting with like-minded people who can help you feel part of something bigger and help you realize some of your long-held aspirations, factors which still apply to the first ten days of the current month. Then too, Mercury is in retrograde motion through your twelfth solar house of unconscious process all month long, finally escaping its retrograde shadow by the middle of the first week of July. You will be more aware on inner process than usual, and might be able to make great progress of an unusual kind by paying close attention to all that is going on within your psyche, and your dreams might be informative in this regard.

June also begins with Venus entering your sign on the 2nd, which may help you give and take affection more easily as you go through the the coming weeks, and brings an overall positive influence to your social interactions. The Sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on the 2nd and 3rd, which may bring the integration and the unification of an internal process that began in January relating to your inner life and your unconscious motivations. After a period of soul-searching, you may start to feel a more solid sense of direction and mastery over some of your deep-seated fears.

Mars, still transiting in Cancer, comes into an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th and 5th, which may highlight a difficult dynamic between you and someone else. You may be feeling unusually determined to get your way and it may be a good idea to temper your energy before imposing your will too strongly on others. When used proactively, the wilful energy of Mars can be used to get a lot of things done but you may have very little patience for anything standing in your way at this time. You can check in with others to make sure that the help you are offering them is needed.

On June 10th, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini, corresponding to your soul-sector, takes place while Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun, which may symbolize a time of revelation and insights. The eclipse takes place in the part of your chart that relates to your unconscious processes and how you integrate and filter information. There may be new elements coming into your consciousness at this time that help you make sense of the world and your place within it. Your perspective or some of your ancient beliefs could be changing, helping you pinpoint where you may have used faulty logic to try to understand a situation. You could come to realize that some of your blind spots were keeping you from seeing the whole picture and this may come as both a surprise and a revelation. Give yourself time to integrate what is shifting in your thinking at this time and see how this may eventually change the decisions you make going forward. 

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus all month long, exact for a second time on June 14th. The first of these exact squares occurred on February 17th and the final one will occur on December 24th highlighting a kind of tension between your dreams, your ambitions, and your fears that keeps you stuck in a self-defeating pattern. It may also feel hard to reconcile your need for solitude with your need for support this year but the secret lies in establishing the proper boundaries without shutting down others completely.

The Sun enters your sign on the late evening of the 20th, signaling the longest day and the shortest night of the year, and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. This time also symbolizes a revitalizing period for you when you can connect more wholeheartedly with your body, your needs, and your sense of agency to create the life you want. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the same day, while Venus in Cancer also trines Neptune in Pisces. There may be a sense of mystical longing surrounding the Solstice as the influence of Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune all carry a romantic, magical and dreamy signature, especially for members of your sign right now. This may translate for you as a renewed sense of faith and perspective that could act as a balm on your soul. You may be able to connect more deeply with your sense of purpose during this time and get insights into your long-term visions especially as Mercury stations direct in Gemini on the 22nd, and proceeds to escape its retrograde shadow by the first week in July.

The days surrounding the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th could highlight an unbalanced power dynamic in your partnership or with someone that is close to you. Manipulations or control issues are possible as Venus in Cancer comes into an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. The Full Moon could clarify the hidden dynamics of an important relationship and help you assess that territory. If something feels unbalanced, know that you can trust your intuition and gut feeling.

Finally, Venus enters the sign of Leo on the 27th joining Mars already transiting there, corresponding to your financial sector. You might be prompted to spend more in the following weeks while also enjoying the pleasure that money can buy. More extensively, Venus in Leo could help you to better connect with your sense of self-worth and assist you in clearly defining your likes and dislikes.

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