Cancer Horoscope for May 2021

Cancer Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents a continuation and a departure, Cancer. You have been on fire since early April with your outer world expression, expressed as career and profession, and yet representing greater portions of what comes from deep inside you, and is uniquely your own. Right from the first few days of May as well, you are yearning for new horizons to conquer in a way that reaches for a more satisfying alignment with what you feel is necessary for the surrounding society as well as for yourself. Your action orientation must be tempered with studied commitment to deeper purpose. There is a push-pull of caution versus swinging for the fences that you will learn navigate by means of intuitional understanding. An introspective mode overtakes you in the timing of the May 26th lunar eclipse, taking you further into Spirit to the extent that you allow it to. Finding what amounts to your true passion will unlock worlds within you and allow you to transcend current limitations that only seem to hold you back from being all that you can be.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aries of mid-April brought the beginning of a new cycle in the vocational sector of your chart. You may already start to see the budding visions of the intentions planted a few weeks back, and still affecting your ambitions. Mars currently transiting in your sign is also now carrying an extra dose of energy to accomplish your goals, while strengthening your resolve. You are on a mission to improve not only your own career positioning, but the situation of the world around you, as you continue to ride the wave of this potent New Moon energy.

You may have to contend with a surprising or unexpected situation at work or in your community as reflected in the disruptive conjunction between the Sun and Uranus in Taurus which occurred on the 30th of April, and which lasts into the first few days of the current month. Pragmatic Saturn in Aquarius, or your intimacy sector, forms a square with the Sun in Taurus on the 3rd which may throw some limiting factors in the mix of your connections with special others. You may also have to contend with bad management at a bureaucratic level or face an unpleasant reality that leaves you feeling somewhat anxious. You may just have to deal with uncertainty and accept the situation for what it is.

Messenger planet Mercury enters the sign of Gemini on the 3rd where it will be until the middle of July. Mercury in Astrology is often associated with learning, communicating, and sorting out the information we receive. Mercury is considered strong in the sign of Gemini where it can hold opposite or contradictory viewpoints simultaneously. This may be highlighted for you in the following months and you may be faced with your own inner polarizing dialogues. Venus follows suit entering the sign of Gemini on the 8th which brings attention to the more unconscious parts of yourself in the following weeks. Your inner life may be highlighted in some ways this month and it could be an excellent time for a mindfulness practice that helps you get into your unconscious patterns. Understanding your unconscious motivations could help you sort out what you think you should do versus what you really want to do allowing for greater clarity.

On Wednesday, May 11th, the New Moon in Taurus initiates a new cycle in relation to your place in your community. You may be feeling quite adventurous when it comes to where you want to be. You could be looking for a group of people that can teach you different ways of being and relating in the world. Align yourself with the intentions to satisfy your curiosity and restlessness through connecting with people who live differently. Get at the roots of what is motivating you at this time to clarify your intentions and your sense of purpose.

Jupiter enters its nocturnal home of Pisces on the 13th where it is considered quite strong. Jupiter is associated with good fortune, opportunities, and expansion which for you could translate into a new learning journey whether through formal education or through the meeting of a different culture. Jupiter will be in Pisces for the next 10 weeks before officially re-entering Pisces on December 28th. A new idea connected to a learning journey may be on the horizon and the next several weeks could open up your perspective in terms of what’s possible.

The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on the 20th of May and immediately starts squaring Jupiter newly in Pisces. There could be a lot of enthusiasm and changes in the air during this time. While you may be excited by what is emerging, Gemini season is also a good time to take stock of the last year before the Sun returns to the sign of Cancer in a month. It may feel counterproductive to make space for more quiet time and contemplation. However, returning to yourself and taking the time to tend to your soul may bring the answers you are looking for.

The first lunar eclipse of the year takes place on May 26th in the sign of Sagittarius, highlighting your everyday life and your health routines. The positive change you’ve been making to take care of yourself since the beginning of the year could start to bear fruit. If you’ve been neglecting yourself or working too much, you may have to address a physical issue or find better ways to deal with your stress. 

Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini on the 29th while it is conjoined with Venus and both are squaring Neptune in Pisces indicating potential confusion or lack of focus. Mercury will be moving retrograde for three weeks, until the 22nd of June, and then in its shadow for the next two weeks after that. By early July thing will start to feel like straightened out. All this is really there to be helping you clarify your desires during the next three weeks. This period will be excellent for deeper introspection in order to illuminate what it is that you require right now to feel happy. You might have to mediate a battle between what your mind is thinking and what your heart is feeling. You may also have to tune out the noise or how much information you randomly consume in order to find better footing in this changing world.

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