Capricorn Horoscope for August 2016

Capricorn Horoscope for August 2016

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month that is in many ways a continuation of the previous one, in that connection is emphasized with both partners and peers, while you are feeling a decided pull to the inner dimensions of your experience. You are spiritually marinating in the lessons from this year of change, and making subtle alterations to what you specifically value. These cumulatively add up to a huge turn-around in the way that you conceptualize the world around you. It helps to stay positive, and to remain as open as you can to possibility. Although practical reality continues to be your specialty, there is perhaps more room within your mind these days for otherworldly possibilities to take hold and to grow in explanatory power. You could also be coming to some interesting conclusions regarding the part that others have to offer you, as you search out a better handle on the mainsprings of your existence.

As the month begins, what is likely on your mind is the effect of partnership with significant others on your life and the surprising illumination that working with this important area brings to the innermost reaches of your psyche. The New Moon of the very next day strongly emphasizes the numinous planetary archetype of Neptune, aspected by the Sun and Moon, and as well by your ruler, Saturn. When you lean toward this particular influence, you find that your thoughts and your communicative expression is filled with a sense of compassionate oneness for everyone with whom you are in connection. Saturn is located in your twelfth solar sector, associated with dreamscapes of unconscious process, and this makes for a chime with this philosophical stance. Over the opening weeks of the month, by paying close attention to dreams and intuition you might be able to glean a great deal of information about what is really going on for you beneath the surface layers of your psyche.

There are also matter-of-fact considerations to include in your planning of course; this is a given. But that very practicality has had to take into consideration a wider picture for you lately for where it gets applied. It is not entirely adequate to bear in mind only one part of the story when making your plans. You may find that not only your worldview is changing, but also your very sense of how you define yourself, and your pathway forward. You are allowing room in your thought process for a big-picture viewpoint that takes inner and outer equally into account. You are therefore making good medicine for yourself, as you tune into what is most important to you from the perspective of these deep places within, that are perhaps only now coming forward into the light of your more conscious understanding.

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