Capricorn Horoscope for September 2016

Capricorn Horoscope for September 2016

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a mystical month for you, Capricorn. Your usual achievement orientation takes a back seat to more thoroughly uncovering the nuances of your own inner world, with an emphasis on how your emotional explorations contribute to your evolving sense of wonder concerning the world around you. Mercury is retrograde and this month's Solar Eclipse brings a numinous and otherworldly point of view to bear, so that you are only half into this physical world and instead attempting to wrap your mind around an entirely different form of reality, encompassing non-physical realms of creative imagination. What you have been earnestly seeking for many weeks now, and yet have only barely understood, becomes more tangible and available to your everyday waking awareness. The trick might be to half-close your eyes to see, and then altogether discard any limiting preconceptions that you have been holding onto, submerging yourself almost entirely into your dreams.

As the month begins, you are very aware — in this subliminal way that I have attempted to describe above — of an inner world that is far more emotionally based than logically, and that has its own requirements and priorities. You benefit from getting to know these dream states within you more fully in your ordinary consciousness. This idea is astrologically symbolized by the fact that the New Moon and Solar Eclipse of the early hours of September 1st is in a zodiacal degree that is just opposite that of numinous Neptune, residing in Pisces, in the third sector of your chart that is devoted to communication and to learning. You might be feeling especially uncertain, or even confused, regarding these areas of your life, or you could equally say that your curiosity is now focused on interior knowledge and non-physical understanding. Additionally, your ruler, Saturn, located in your sector of unconscious process, makes a strong 90-degree aspect in the sky with Neptune, and also with this extra-potent New Moon. The Mercury Retrograde period that is now underway also makes a chime with this interior orientation, in that your sensibilities are attuned to inner, rather than to outer realities.

Uranus too is emphasized in this powerful configuration. You are feeling the impulse to be off in new directions, at least mentally, abandoning for the wild blue yonder of a completely different conception the carefully laid tracks that you have kept yourself bound to, during all these years of your development. This is a good monthly cycle to think through these ideas, and to make a new set of psychological roots to ground yourself within, and not nearly so tightly. It will not however be the best timing to actually plunge into different ways of being out there in the actual world until this next month of October, when the retrograde period has fully passed.

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