Capricorn Horoscope for July 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for July 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting month for you, Capricorn, leading to fundamental shifts in the way that you see yourself in connection with others, and in your own sense of who you are. As the month begins, you are well aware of the enormous impact of partnership on your life. The eclipses of this month, especially the July 12th Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign, are extremely powerful, the focal points of changes in worldview and self-concept. This entire month, and next, you are in a generally introspective mode, very aware of the major transformation that you find yourself in the midst of. Your communication with others, and your learning curve in general, is inspired, mystical, and influenced by the underground process of your own unconscious drives and desires. As you witness the accumulatve effects of all that is going on within you and outside of yourself, it may be best to acknowledge that, along with the Universe, your higher Self is in fact the co-creator of your current arc of evolutionary development.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This month’s astrology features the ongoing effects of Mars retrograde in your second house of values and resources, plus two eclipses, one of them a solar eclipse in Cancer, your natural complementary opposite sign, implying a strong partnership focus this month!

Starting from the top, the month gets kick-started on July 5th when Mercury in Leo in your eighth house opposes Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your second house. You may be negotiating a contract or trying to make a deal with someone right now. Finances could be tight over the summer months, or you might be trying to simplify your budget or rid yourself of some extra expenses. You may also need to beware of having a short fuse, or being obsessed with driving a hard bargain or feeling tempted to cut your losses and bail on someone or something too quickly. Be sure to take your time before making any big decisions and remember to be tactful and kind when communicating your bottom line to others.

Then, also on July 5th, the Sun in Cancer in your seventh house will trine Jupiter in Scorpio in your eleventh house, with Jupiter moving quite slowly, getting ready to turn direct on July 10th. There is a big change of momentum happening here in both your intimate relationships or partnerships and your larger social circles, or within organizations you belong to. You might be finding that your faith in others is being restored or that you are finding support and encouragement from others to help you pursue your dreams. Your values may also be gradually shifting. To really capitalize on this energy, be sure that you allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable and open to deeper or more intimate exchanges with others.

On July 9th Mercury in Leo in your eighth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your eleventh house. Watch for the timely appearance of allies and helpful agreements, benefactors or well-wishers coming to your aid, but also be mindful of exaggerated claims, boastful or proud proclamations, and unrealistic expectations or even flat out lies and deceptions from within the groups you belong to or among your friends or colleagues. Not every form of help that comes your way, however advantageous it may appear at first, is going to help you in the long-run, so be sure to use your heart when discerning the best path forward.

Then on July 12th the first eclipse arrives. The Sun will oppose Pluto in your first house as the New Moon (a solar eclipse) takes place in your seventh house. Expect significant changes in relationships and partnerships this month, stemming from this mid month timing, and don’t be too surprised if these changes are somewhat challenging for you personally. When those we are in relationship with grow and change it’s natural for us to have to grow and change, as well. When one person in a relationship is growing and changing but the other isn’t, it’s often a sign that something isn’t right, and needs adjustment, or that certain aspects of the relationship might be reaching their natural expiration date. It’s best if you can take time to feel into this one out, resisting any temptation to skip past the deep inner work you are being called to do with others.

July 18th Mars conjoins the South Node of the Moon in Aquarius in your second house. If it’s time to let go of something, you’ll know because you’ll be inspired to haul out the trash, even if it requires some hard work. Watch for themes of financial change or challenge, cutting losses and expenses, the wisdom of loss or little, and the need to revise or make serious changes to your lifestyle or value system.

On July 24th, Venus will oppose Neptune across your ninth and third house axis. Don’t be surprised if you are contemplating vast themes. You might try to have a notebook handy or a few friends on call in order to discuss what you’re experiencing. This is a romantic and otherworldly transit, taking place in these houses related to curiosity, the intellect, mysticism, religion, and the search for truth. You may be traveling or feel compelled to travel, especially for the sake of love or in search of something beautiful and true. Remember that Venus combined with Neptune also requires that we keep a firm grip on reality always, or we are likely to get lost in fantasyland.

Finally, on July 27th the Sun in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius at the time of a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, across your 2nd and 8thhouse axis, while both are square to Uranus in Taurus in your fifth house. This eclipse is bringing things to a head in areas of your life concerned with values, resources, possessions, and finances. You may find yourself strapped with some unexpected expenses, or that you are completely ridding or purging yourself of habits that have become toxic. You could be completely revising a business or financial strategy that you feel isn’t working any longer. You may also need to change your diet or spending habits right now, or you might be selling something, or figuring out how to negotiate some challenges regarding finances and relationships. With Uranus in the fifth house of creativity a close square to this eclipse, you may also feel like you’re on the brink of a creative breakthrough, or find that considerations regarding children are suddenly an integral part of the situation. It helps to remember to keep your cool, and to allow the changes that are arising to happen as peacefully and naturally as possible; this Martial themed eclipse could signal a hyper reactive stance that will resist what your Higher Self already knows to be the wave of your future self emerging.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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