Capricorn Horoscope for August 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The beat of massive change goes on, Capricorn, as you continue to transform over the course of an active summer. You are finding more questions than answers as you mull over what has lately arisen concerning your very identity and your purpose in the world. There has been in your life both stress and opportunity, especially since the powerful July solar eclipse in your seventh house of relationship, that took place midmonth, and punctuated by the very recent lunar eclipse from a few days before the current month began. With this month’s solar eclipse in your intimacy sector, which happens on August 11th, you are being given another nudge from the universe to grow in your understanding, and to take a more inclusive attitude toward others as well as with the hidden spaces within you. This inevitably involves comforting and incorporating painful places stemming from early wounding, plus further exploration of relationship with important partners, embracing the novel perspectives that they bring.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Your August starts with a dynamic square from Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your second house of resources and values to Uranus in Taurus in your fifth house. This transit is also taking place just days after the lunar eclipse in Aquarius, which took place on July 27th and which was also conjoined with Mars retrograde in your second house. Suffice it to say, finances, resources, possessions, and personal/material values have been a pronounced focus for a while now, dating back to approximately the middle of May, when Mars first entered your second house and began squaring Uranus in Taurus. It’s a great time get creative about your financial situation or to utilize new technologies or to invest in a creative project, but at the same time you shouldn’t be surprised if there are some disruptions leave you with a few extra bills or that force you to reconsider how you are spending your time or money. If you have children, then you might be dropping a few extra dollars because of them, or you might be dealing with themes of childish resistance or rebellion. It’s also a great moment to simplify, reduce, or eliminate unhealthy habits from your life, perhaps replacing them with something healthier.

Between August 6th and August 9th, Venus will enter Libra and move into your tenth house of career, immediately squaring Saturn in your sign. Venus entering your career house is a certainly an indication of good things to come this month, but it’s immediate square to Saturn in your first house may indicate that you are also being weighed down by something, perhaps from taking on too many responsibilities at once. Be careful that you remain open to receive the good vibes entering your career house right now, as you sometimes have the tendency to remain so focused on the work ahead that you do not take the time to express enough joy or gratitude for your accomplishments along the way. Additionally, be sure to keep an open and compromising attitude right now, as you might be called on to negotiate or work with others in the workplace toward greater unity or collaboration.

Meanwhile, for much of the month, Mercury will be retrograde in your eighth house of intimacy and personal evolution, and then on August 11th you will receive a solar eclipse in your eighth house. Both events signal that there are some deeper changes happening right now. As the eighth house was traditionally related to the underworld, to what we fear, and to endings and death, it’s likely that you are revisiting some of your old fears or potentially some old habits, or that you are being forced to look at things that are uncomfortable or disturbing. At the same time, solar eclipses signify new beginnings, and so it is likely that whatever you are confronting right now is also providing you with the impetus to make some lasting changes. Remember that the eighth house is also related to other people’s money, or a spouse’s money, and so it’s also possible that both Mercury’s retrograde and the solar eclipse will pertain to changes happening in relation to a partner’s money. Note that by August 18th, when Mercury turns direct again, lessons will be learned, agreements or resolutions reached, and you’ll be ready to reap the benefits of this longer season of challenging spiritual work.

Finally, on August 26th, the Full Moon in Pisces will fall in your third house of learning and communication, while Venus in Libra in your tenth will square Pluto in Capricorn in your first house. Be careful of putting yourself in the middle of any kind of public scandal, controversy, or conflict. Avoid power struggles and beware of the desire to persuade or be persuaded at the cost of your better reason. At the same time, don’t be surprised if you are experiencing some degree of public success, notoriety, or attention, especially related to what you are saying, thinking, writing, or publicly communicating with others. The Full Moon in Pisces in the third, combined with the depth and allure of Venus and Pluto can easily hypnotize you into chasing your desires or the spotlight right into a very complicated situation. However, this also might indicate that you are addressing complicated situations with grace, maturity, and sensitivity. You’ll know the difference if you take a few moments to reflect before saying or doing anything impulsive.

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