Capricorn Horoscope for September 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for September 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another transformational month for you in the recent series, Capricorn. The retrogrades and eclipses of summer emphasized issues of partnership as relating to your own explorations of self-discovery. You may be experiencing a strong urge to swing for the fences in your creative expression, a tendency that goes somewhat against the grain, so that you are also continually attempting to contain it. As you strive to more fully understand yourself and your world, your communication with others, including significant partners, continues to be mystical, compassionate and strongly feeling-toned. Intimate connection has been a major focus in recent weeks, implying a revision and a resurgence. And intimacy can mean many things, such as a special sensitivity to others around you, and as well a better and more profound connection with your own dark places. Inner wounding that arises can be more valuable than accolades if you can learn something from the event, and use it connect more deeply with yourself.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month gets started with a harmonious sextile, culminating on September 3rd, between Mercury in Leo in your eighth house of death and rebirth and Venus in Libra in your tenth house of career. As a Capricorn you’re not likely to look a gift horse in the mouth, but with Mercury getting together with Venus out of the eighth house, you should be careful of opportunism in the work place right now. What seems like a great deal, or a good offer, may lead to a much deeper and more complicated encounter down the road. On the other hand, if there is anything controversial that needs to be addressed in the work place right now you may find just the right angle or strategy for broaching the subject, which may lead to positive transformations or professional opportunities.

On September 8th, Venus in Libra in your 10th house of career will then square Mars in Capricorn in your first house. Carefully planned compromises are often the best long-term strategy for success, and with Venus in Libra making a superior square to exalted Mars in your first house, for as hard as you’re pressing toward your goals right now, Venus will require that you consider how your actions are going to impact others, or how your choices may appear to those above you or those with whom you must maintain a balanced relationship with. At the same time, don’t be surprised if you’re receiving the green light from the universe to move forward full steam with your own agenda right now. Venus in Libra may also offer you the support of a boss, a new friend or a colleague at just the right moment. Finally, this aspect is known to generate sexual tension or some level of creative tension in relationships, which could be exciting, but be careful because Venus is going to turn retrograde next month, which means that you may be revising or reconsidering your relationships and commitments very shortly.

September 9th, the New Moon in Virgo falls in your ninth house of higher education, spirituality and travel, opposite Neptune in the third house of the mind, communication, and siblings. There isn’t much you don’t take seriously as a Capricorn, but right now you might be struggling to define your commitments or beliefs, or you may be struggling to articulate or communicate something of your real feelings and beliefs with others. It’s a good time to practice letting go of the need to be in control of everything on an intellectual level so that you can experience something spiritual or emotional, or so that you can be led or guided by others. On the other hand, you might be seeking for a healthy balance between mental and rational modes of being versus some level of emotional or spiritual involvement. For you, the best path forward in many areas of life often comes when, while remaining grounded, you’re able to relinquish some degree of control.

On September 12th, Venus in Scorpio in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and dreams will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your fifth house of children, creativity, and pleasure. Venus in combination with Uranus loves to defy traditional relational, sexual, and artistic values, so you might be noticing a rebellious or highly creative energy surrounding the way you communicate or express yourself, or within your close relationships. You may also notice that there are some exciting or interesting changes taking place in your social life, or within the groups that you belong to right now. In some ways this is all just foreshadowing next month’s Venus retrograde in your eleventh house, which will be focused on groups, friendships, and changes to your relationships therein. More on that in next month’s column!

On September 18th, Mars in Aquarius in your second house of finances will also square Uranus in Taurus in your fifth house. With Mars having just recently finished a long retrograde through your second house, you have been working through things financially, or in terms of money, resources, expenses or possessions, and your personal/material values. Whatever changes or challenges came up for you, now there is an opportunity for integration or implementation. All the lessons you’ve learned in this area of life are now ready to be put into action. The square to Uranus in the creative fifth house may provide an opportunity for a creative and financial breakthrough, or it may suggest that you are finding new and innovative ways of investing or earning money. At the same time, the energies of these planets are sometimes very rebellious and aggressive, and so you should also be careful not to be impulsive or reckless. Finally, if you have kids, you may notice that they are changing rapidly or that the issues of independence or defiance are more intense. You may also have a bill or two related to your kids!

Between September 22nd and 23rd, the Sun will pass through the gateway of the autumn equinox and enter Libra and your tenth house of career. For the next thirty days, the Sun will be illuminating your career house, focusing on beauty, achievement, and mastery, as well as balance, wisdom, and fairness. Each year at this time, you are being offered an opportunity to reflect upon and refine your professional life or your general sense of calling and destiny. With Saturn and Pluto in your first house, and the Sun in the tenth squaring both in the weeks to come, there are likely to be some substantive opportunities for advancement, both professionally and personally, so pay attention to the first rumblings of these changes beginning to happen right now!

Finally, on September 24th, the Full Moon will land in Aries in your fourth house of home and family, opposite Mercury and the Sun in Libra in your career house, with Saturn in a T-square from Capricorn, representing your first house of identity. Because Saturn is your ruling planet, and squares both ends of this Full Moon, you are likely faced with some very personal decisions or challenges, especially related to the work/home balance. This is most definitely an opportunity for the synthesis or integration of these themes, and it will likely require a change within yourself, first, to pull it off. No amount of manipulating or controlling external details, people, or places, is going to solve a problem that exists within your own mind, body, and heart. Take the moment to get clear within yourself about who you are and who you are not, what you can and cannot take responsibility for, and what will or won’t in the long run give you authentic happiness. Even if things don’t go exactly as planned, in doing this you will have done the hardest work, and achieved a most important result.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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