Capricorn Horoscope for October 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have been pulled in all directions lately, Capricorn. You have felt strong in yourself and committed to your path, even as you begin to also debate just what that path might entail. There is a wild side to what you are currently wishing for, and you feel inclined to venture out on more than a few limbs, although your naturally cautious nature holds you back. There are more challenges and alterations coming at you in this current month as you head toward the end of a climactic year. Venus turns retrograde in your sector of social involvement and future plans, so that you will be reconsidering almost everything about the way you see yourself moving forward. Key relationships in your life and career choices could also be subject to an introspective look as you seek the hidden motivation for your actions. Through all this, you find yourself articulating your beliefs and values with the utmost dedication, and proceeding to act upon them.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

On October 1st and 2nd, the month gets started with a square from Mercury in Libra in your tenth house of career to Pluto in your home sign of Capricorn. Your identity is on the line. You will be looking for the right balance between public diplomacy and personal honesty, between towing the company line and yet not compromising your own integrity. Messages, communication, and information may contain unusual depth and transformative power right now, in general, and it’s also a great time to get to the bottom of things in a fair and rational manner.

On October 5th, Venus will turn retrograde in Scorpio in your eleventh house of groups, friends, and aspirations, announcing a period of revision and reflection regarding your social circles, organizations or group affiliations you belong to, and the values you share, or do not share, with others. Though you are generally a patient friend and ally, you may need to consider changing your allegiances or confronting others. Though this transit may bring deeper emotional and relational turmoil than you prefer, it will be worth it to address whatever is appearing right now before it festers into a deeper form of resentment or difficulty in the future. You may also be looking at recurring themes from your past, or within old relationships and feeling ready to move on from things or people that no longer serve you. Overall, the biggest question you will be asking yourself is, “What do I really value and desire, and how do the groups or people I surround myself with help me to embody those values in the life I’m leading'”

On October 8th, the New Moon in Libra lands in your tenth house of career, emphasizing that new seeds and perhaps new projects or social connections are being planted in your profession, the fruits of which will likely arrive throughout the thirty days ahead. There is personal transformation involved at many levels, not least of which involving your feelings of identity, of who and what you really are. You could easily become confused about the decision point behind your actions, and for how much of your sense of your own internal priorities you can bring to the table of your outer world performance.

On October 10th Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your eleventh house of friends and groups will square Mars in Aquarius in your second house of money and resources, and at the same time, Mercury enters Scorpio and will oppose rebellious Uranus in the sign of Taurus and your fifth house of creativity. Your priorities are changing across the board, from your creative decisions, to the way you spend your time, money, energy, and resources, to the people you surround yourself with. You are likely at a crossroads where many things are demanding attention, and nothing can be neglected. With your ruling planet Saturn prominent in your home sign of Capricorn right now, it’s important to remember that you are in many ways redefining yourself, and should seek allegiances with those who share similar priorities. These selected others may help you to shoulder the burdens you’re feeling, for otherwise you may have the tendency to go it alone or take on too much. This is also a great time to consider ideas or solutions that are unusual or coming from outside the box!

On October 11th, the Sun in Libra in your tenth house of career will exactly square Pluto in your home sign of Capricorn. Watch for changes of management or duties in the workplace. You may be asked to take on a role that will put you into the spotlight a bit more in the workplace, or you may be doing something that is gaining you greater respect or notoriety, but with Pluto in your first house it’s also important that you be asking the questions, “Is this what I really want' Is this my truth' Can I stand behind things as they are right now'” Whatever personal or professional doubts you might be having, trust that they are valid and worth exploring.

October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your eleventh house of friends and groups will square Mars in your second house of money and resources. It’s a great time to look at what you are giving in comparison to what you are getting from different friends or groups that you belong to, and it’s an especially good time to analyze or assess social or financial strategies for success. You may be prone to mental or verbal agitation or combativeness, so be careful of being in social situations that are over-stimulating or even provoking on some level.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus in your fifth house of creativity and oppose Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your eleventh house of friends and groups. With Venus in Scorpio also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus on October 30th, and with Venus moving backward into Libra the next day, the end of the month packs a creative punch. It’s a great time to rediscover your inner child, to look for unusual or eccentric ways of spending your time, personally as well as professionally, or to explore a new social or romantic connection. Once again, it’s likely that you are experiencing serious relationship changes this month, but there is no reason that you cannot do some healthy experimentation along the way. In fact, with Uranus currently in the fifth house, in a close trine to your ruling planet, Saturn, it’s the perfect time to creatively reinvent yourself as you also refine and hone your commitments.

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