Capricorn Horoscope for November 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a mystical month for you, Capricorn, of new directions emerging from shadowy outlines into more concrete manifestation. The retrogrades of Venus and Mercury in different timings and in different areas of your chart set you up to see between the obvious lines on the page of your life’s journey and to seek out unusual solutions to formerly unresolvable dilemmas. You sense of self is solid now, in one way, although there are emanations from the hidden world of your unconscious process that take you farther afield, and that are changing the way that you see things including your own spiritual development. Your future plans are a moving target that partakes of the unseen world within you, especially by mid-month. Your career choices become informed by revelatory moments of self-reflection, and by all your relationships. Deep intuition is more readily available to you now, which might help you to navigate your changes and the evolving roadmap of your most internally successful pathway forward.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with retrograde Venus entering into the relationship-oriented sign of Libra, corresponding to your tenth house of career and professional life, indicating that you may well be reflecting on what this areas of life truly means for you, while the Leo Moon briefly opposes Mars, still in Aquarius, corresponding to your second house of resources and values. After rethinking all last summer the way that you do the resources that support you, including finances, you are still engaged in seeing through your changes there, and trying to better understand them.

Then, on November 7th, the Scorpio New Moon falls in your eleventh house of friends and groups. With Venus having also recently retrograded through your eleventh house, you have been looking very closely at the role your friends and other social connections play in the pursuit of your dreams and goals. This month, you are now ready to implement changes and to reap the benefits of the lessons you’ve been learning. Even if some of the realizations you’ve had have been difficult, they will pay off in the long run by making the necessary changes being asked of you by this New Moon. You may also be motivated to explore the way that you integrate home and family concerns with your most profound values, going forward.

Meanwhile, for much of the month, Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Libra, in your tenth house of career, opposite Uranus in Aries in the fourth house of home, family, and property. It’s also a big month for you professionally, and you are likely exploring the best way to make changes in the workplace while also dealing with unexpected changes or transformation at home or in relation to your family members.

Watch especially for shifts in the cosmic weather patterns when Venus turns direct on November 17th. This is a good time to initiate changes at work that have been brewing for a while now. Watch also for tensions to climax both at home and at work on November 30th, when Venus will perfect in her opposition to Uranus, creating a powerful moment of breakthrough and transformation in both areas at once.

On November 8th, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius and move into your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence, where it will stay for the next year. This transit will bring you a depth of insight, faith, wisdom, and understanding that is rare and precious. However, the path of learning ahead of you will take you through the twelfth house, which may also include themes of loss and grief, solitude and inwardness, dissolution and surrender. Traditionally, the twelfth house was related to the pains of women in labor, and this is because it is the sign that rises just prior to the “birth place” of the ascending sign. So, you could also think of the year ahead as a time of gestation, or as the time of a kind of inner labor, that is a difficult, but necessary part of the rebirth you will experience next year when Jupiter enters your first house. The good news is that there is no sign of the Zodiac more willing to do hard work when there is a goal on the horizon than you, Capricorn. However, this kind of work will require you to be more inwardly reflective rather than outwardly productive, which may challenge you to call on a different kind of strength within yourself!

On November 15th Mars, the warrior, will change signs and move into Pisces in your third house of the mind and communication, after spending most of its time in Aquarius since May. Mars will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your twelfth house on November 19th. Just as Jupiter enters the twelfth it is energized by the square from Mars, inviting you to explore communication dynamics in relationships, or perhaps asking you to reflect upon the inner workings of your mind, or to find new ways of expressing or communicating your ideas with the world. You may also find greater joy and inspiration in helping others who are less fortunate than yourself, perhaps in an educational setting or using new technology, or you may find that you are eager to study or explore new subject matters or technology yourself!

November 17th Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius in your twelfth house in a square to Neptune in the third house of the mind and learning. This Mercury Retrograde period, toned by Neptune, suggests that you are seeking clarity within a web of complexity or confusion, or that you are undergoing both a change of heart and a change of mind, simultaneously, as your convictions or beliefs are being challenged by doubts or by new and inspiring ideas or messages, perhaps appearing in dreams or by synchronistic or mystical experiences. Stick with the process and try to be as discerning as possible in your communication with others. The benefit of this process will be a much deeper understanding of the world around you.

Finally, November 22nd into the 23rd, the Full Moon in Gemini in your sixth house of work and service opposes the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence, while also creating a t-square with Mars in Pisces in your third house of the mind and communication. The Full Moon in Mercury’s sign continues to place a strong emphasis on the mind, speech, learning, and communication to close out the month. Now you are likely looking for ways to bring what you are learning into your daily work, or you may be dealing with a somewhat tedious level of work related to writing, learning, teaching, communication, or technology. You may also find that your communication with others is somewhat strained or challenging, or that you are struggling to express yourself and your ideas in an objective manner. Whatever the case might be, with Mars in the emotionally sensitive sign of Pisces in your third house of communication, emotional honesty and vulnerability are here to help you move forward right now.

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