Capricorn Horoscope for April 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather interesting month for you, Capricorn, when your focus combines disparate elements of private and public concerns. While there is a lot going on for you in terms of career and professional life, you will be seriously involved as well with homey matters such as your dwelling space, family of origin, and any issues that might arise within your current familial situation. The last weekend of the previous month saw a strong highlighting of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located in your sector of home and family, and this could have repercussions into April, especially over the first ten days of the month. You could find that inner wounding could arise in some fashion, and that there will be opportunities for moving beyond prior conceptions in this area toward greater integration and healing. Then, the Aries New Moon of April 11th represents a powerful juncture also, when fresh energy is available for dealing with matters on the home front. In the best of outcomes, you will allow yourself to become more closely aligned with your deepest principles, to the exclusion of other concepts, seeing your way clear to acting with a more enlightened awareness of what you truly desire for yourself and your closest allies, moving forward.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces from mid-March, still active through the first ten days of April, brought to you something of a reboot in connection with the ways you relate to your environment, carrying a fresh incentive to explore your neighborhood, and to exchange information with others. This could also feel like new ways of thinking and being. New perspectives are emerging as a result, a factor that is helping you to develop fresh ideas on where you live and what's available in your immediate surroundings; perhaps you are learning to see the place where you live with new eyes.

The emphasis at the beginning of April continues to be on the direct experience of your environment and with many planets lining up in Aries, you could be busy rearranging or renovating your home. The Sun, Venus, and Chiron in Aries could bring an emphasis on your family or your private life and you may feel like pursuing what you truly care about as opposed to wasting your time on social niceties. 

Mercury entering Aries on the late evening of the 3rd continues to bring a lot of activity on the home front for your personal projects. You may be busy with logistics and organizing your space and it's a good time to spend at home making your living arrangement more functional. You might also be more concerned with the practical side of your existence, tending to all the little details that usually get left on the back burner. Aries season could be the perfect time to tackle projects that have to do with making your space the ideal environment you want to live in, start a garden, or do a thorough Spring cleaning.

Mercury conjunct Chiron on the 8th and 9th could bring up an issue from the past. Family dysfunction could be highlighted in some ways with the need to acknowledge some deeper emotional issues. There may be a conflict with one of your parents that calls to be resolved. More extensively you may feel unsure of where you want to invest your energy and you may not be feeling at home in your current location. However, this transit may also help you acknowledge some past hurt in connection with your roots or your feeling of belongings which can help you build a better and more solid foundation for yourself. 

The New Moon in Aries on April 11th brings a potent reset for matters connected to your home, your family, your roots, and your feelings of belonging. You could have the opportunity to set new intentions relating to where you live or where you would like to be. Because the new planet, Eris, is strongly configured with the New Moon, you may be called upon to more closely examine your deepest values, to find out what you truly stand for. There might be new insights emerging connected to what you’ve inherited from your family or your upbringing. You may feel inspired to build stronger foundations in your life or maybe even think about starting a family of your own. You could also realize that a better work/life balance is needed for you to feel happy. Working on healing generational trauma could reveal itself to be very beneficial during this period.

Venus enters Taurus on the 14th which should increase your creativity and your capacity for pleasure over the next several weeks. You could feel more greatly at ease in the world, knowing exactly what you need to be happy.

Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius on the 16th and the 17th could bring good news in connection with your work or your income. You could feel more ambitious with the energy needed to make a project run smoothly. Multi-tasking may be required if you are to finish up everything you set out to do in mid-April but you should be able to reach your goals with a little bit of elbow grease and faith in yourself.

Mercury meets the Sun in Aries on the 18th for its superior conjunction and this may translate as a powerful intuition or gut feeling connected to your home. It's a good time to trust what you feel as you may be more in tune with your needs at this time.

The Sun and Venus entering the sign of Taurus together, on the 19th, signals the beginning of a busier and more creative time for you. Your self-expression may be put to the test especially if you rely on your creativity to make money. You could be feeling inspired but you may also feel a certain level of pressure to deliver the goods. Taurus season represents in general a creative time for you.

Mars enters the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, emphasizing partnerships of all kinds. Mares remains there until mid-June, and while transiting in the sign opposite to yours, could demand that you compromise a little bit more to meet the demands of a particular partnership. Collaboration may be possible and you may be prompt to forge new alliances at this time.

The Full Moon on the late evening of the 26th culminates in the sign of Scorpio, thereby illuminating your alliances and your place in the community. Your creativity or originality might become celebrated or you could receive acknowledgement for your contribution in a collective project. The end of the month will be encouraging when it comes to what you have to offer to the world. You could feel inspired to continue in your chosen field with renewed confidence that you are on the right path.

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