Capricorn Horoscope for May 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is month of contrasts for you, Capricorn. As your very identity continues to morph and evolve, inner understandings become a greater factor in your sense of self. Even though as a characteristic of your sign you maintain an element of aplomb in trying times, it has been difficult, perhaps, to keep a straight face. As a carry-over from the previous month, a complex internal situation continues to demand your attention. Also now too, a polarity increasingly exists between keeping up with a mythical pre-existing status quo, versus going all out for novel ideas and experiences. You are pulled to initiating new deeds of creative self-expression that represent departures from your norm, while still committed also to keeping the lid on these novel and even revolutionary ideas. There is no simple answer, and your communication these days reflects this paradox, but the good news is that you are getting closer and closer to defining your innermost bottom line, those principles that are uniquely yours and yours alone; and that is a goal that is well worth the struggle to achieve it.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aries that took place in mid-April signaled the beginning of a new cycle in connection with your home, your roots, your family and where you come from, and this is something that you are still dealing with. There is much healing available in that part of your life as Chiron has been featured there as well, plus he transits in Aries for the next several years. Chiron is connected to a process of healing that occurs through your own woundings and vulnerabilities. This is never easy of course, and it may even be harder for stoic Capricorns to do this kind of work. You are being called however to get at the very roots of your beings in order to pull out anything related to your family, your upbringing, or maybe even your ancestors that is stunting your own growth. The last few weeks may have given you the opportunity to see some of the themes surrounding healing taking shape.

There is a powerful creative surge surrounding the beginning of the month with the Sun/Uranus conjunction in Taurus that took place on the 30th of April still reverberating. You may have a lot of new ideas and feel really inspired to get moving with them but Saturn in Aquarius transiting in your financial sector is also making you a lot more reserve about taking financial risks. There is an inherent tension for you this year between the need to take a creative leap and the financial responsibilities that may come with any new ventures. This tension is highlighted on the 3rd when the Sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. Do not get discouraged if things seem to be moving slower than you would like. You may be able to combine your long-term planning skills and your ingenuity to a cherished idea but things will take time.

Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini on the 3rd where it is considered at home and able to fulfill its role. Mercury in Astrology is often linked to communication, thinking, and the power of analysis. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini at the end of the month but the first two weeks of May are excellent for any mental work that requires you to handle a lot of information. Your mind could feel faster and sharper during this period and you may have an easier time organizing your thoughts. Venus follows Mercury and enters the sign of Gemini on the 8th emphasizing your health, your habits, and your routine. Your schedule may be getting busier during the second week of the month and it is your ability to handle many things at once that should be called upon if you want to meet all of your ambitious goals this month.

On May 11th, the New Moon in Taurus brings a reset in the part of your chart that relates to joy, pleasure, romance and what you like to do for fun. It may be time to give yourself some slack and allow time for activities that do not necessarily have a direct financial obligation tied to it. Committing to activities that increase your well-being like going for a hike or planting a garden may be a few of the ways you can decrease tension around the need to be productive all the time.

Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces on the 13th where it will be for the next 10 weeks. Jupiter is considered in its traditional home in the sign of Pisces and able to express itself fully. Jupiter is associated with faith, optimism, and the belief in the ultimate benevolence of the universe. Jupiter in Pisces will transit in the sector of your chart that relates with thinking, communicating, and writing. This transit could signal the beginning of an inspirational period with mind-opening conversations and ideas. Jupiter leaves Pisces on the 28th of July and officially returns to Pisces at the end of 2021. Jupiter is sure to get your creative juices flowing in the next 10 weeks. You should make sure to record or write down your ideas as they come so as to not forget them later on.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20h joining Mercury and Venus already transiting in the organizational sector of your chart. If you thought you were getting busy at the beginning of the month you may be in for a surprise once the Sun moves into Gemini and immediately comes into a square with Jupiter in Pisces increasing the tempo of your everyday life. You may start to feel a little bit more scattered or have a tendency to want to say yes to everything. Make sure that what is motivating you right now is aligned with your long-term goals so that you do not waste all your precious energy running after your tail.

At the end of the month, Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Gemini while squaring Neptune in Pisces. Mercury stations to direct motion on June 22nd, and finally escapes its retrograde shadow the first full week of July. This is when things may get a little bit more tangled up, as the fogs of Neptune challenge the usually clear thinking of Mercury. It is best not to jump to conclusions too fast during this time as you are likely to change your mind again a few times in the following weeks.

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