Capricorn Horoscope for August 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for August 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another amazing month, Capricorn, when you reach another turning point for your continuing in-depth examination of who, at base, you really are. It is a terrific time to lean in on what is really going on, your long metamorphosis, one in which the choices are many and the final result unclear. What is perhaps most important is the sorting out of your true priorities in this life, at least as precisely as you can come to this concept in the current timing. You are simultaneously seeking the rock-bottom meaning, for you, of family and your psychological roots, perhaps including family of origin. It is possible that internal wounding will arise, the undigested residue of early childhood trauma or from times when parental authority was mis-applied. These represent opportunities to go beyond the original hurt and establish a new base line of self-worth. As you can come to it, your adventure of exploration involves activating your most profound sense of yourself, and turning your bottom-line principles into commensurate actions that honor the authentic self within and more fully align with the person that you discover in this process.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Cancer from July 9th brought fresh momentum in your partnership sector smoothing out negotiation and bringing a fresh energy in your collaborations. This energy has lasted the last three weeks of July, and for the first week of the present month, so that you are still mulling over these things quite a bit as August begins. Perhaps you are trying to get to the crux of the matter in this final phase of the July lunation, attempting to integrate the information gained.

On August 1st exactly, there takes place a Mercury Cazimi or close conjunction with the Sun in the sign of Leo. This occurs when Mercury is conjoined with the Sun within ¼ degree and is said to be sitting on the ‘’royal throne.’’ This superior conjunction takes place in the sign of Leo and also opposing Saturn in Aquarius, which could bring clarity regarding your goals and your personal sense of power. Joint ventures may be highlighted and you may also feel a certain pressure to reconcile your values with someone else. You may be reaching a new level of understanding connected to previous fears and obsessions that have kept you from reaching your core potential. There may have been continuing pressure to figure out the financial viability of a project, especially joint ventures but this Mercury Cazimi could finally help you sort it out.

Venus in pragmatic Virgo makes a supportive trine to Uranus in Taurus on the 2nd to the 3rd, which links vision and creativity with innovation. Your ability to think outside of the box may come in handy, especially if you relinquish your need to control the outcome. Trusting the current process could open the way for new opportunities to emerge especially when it comes to your bold ideas. The first weekend of the month could bring a turn of events or a surprising twist that helps you reset your perspective.

On August 8th, the Leo New Moon takes place, bringing fresh energy to your higher-mind sector for the remainder of the month. The Sun and Moon are also closely square Uranus in Taurus, which may bring a considerable breaking through to new horizons in the following weeks, especially if you are willing to allow yourself to get free from a stifling scenario. The time may be coming to an end of sticking with something because it’s safe.

Learning, teaching, or travel could come into even greater focus as Mercury enters Virgo on the 11th, which may also help sort out your ideas and beliefs. You will want to be seen as being clearly understood, expressing well your thoughts and philosophies. In fact, your thinking surrounding issues that are important to you should be especially lucid at this time.

On August 15th, Venus entering Libra gives you new perspectives as well in matters of career and profession. You may be filled with a new kind of momentum especially with things related to your career and your goals. Venus in Libra emphasizes your vocational sector until the second week of September. This may be an increasingly busy time of the year for you as you sort out what matters from what can be discarded.

You may also feel particularly sharp as Mercury conjoins Mars in Virgo on the 18th, and you may be keen on expressing your convictions. However, you may have to guard yourself against becoming too critical against yourself or others at this time. Pragmatism could easily turn into dogmatism if you can't find positive outlets for your excess mental acuity.

A second Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on the 22nd, the first one having occurred 30 days ago, as the Sun was just entering Leo; now it is leaving that sign. This time also, the Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius which may coincide with a shift in perspective or a new opening especially related to your finances. Important information may come to light which can help you bring a process to a close. Later this same day of the 22nd, the Sun leaves the bold and passionate sign of Leo for the service-oriented sign of Virgo emphasizing your educational or philosophical aspiration in the coming month.

The last ten days of August feature many supportive aspects that can help structure your goals, finances, and aspirations. You may oscillate between small-scale organizational matters and the big picture and it's a good time to work on the details of a project while taking a step back here and there to gain perspective and make sure you are still heading in the right direction. Mercury enters Libra on the 29th where it will spend the next two months emphasizing your career sector.

Interestingly, the Sun in Virgo squaring the Nodal Axis at the end of the month could mark a turning point in your personal journey especially when it comes to self-defeating patterns. You may be challenged to reassess your thinking and open your mind to new ideas that challenge your beliefs. This may represent a period where you are offered opportunities to shift your perspective along a new trajectory and you may benefit from stepping up to the challenge.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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