Capricorn Horoscope for September 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for September 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The month of September finds you in the midst of still greater transformation of your very identity, Capricorn, and this time with a distinct twist. The changes that you have been through over the past year and a half have been prologue to the present month of further and even more radical change. This involves your sense of identity, and the wellspring of your creativity; it could be that the myth that you live by is itself undergoing a dramatic shift and you along with it. You have always valued success and have lately come to realize that success, like beauty, is defined by the eye of the observer. You are searching for new models of a goal-oriented structure that will take you, in a more meaningful way, home. This involves the evolution of the society in which you find yourself, and your individual contribution to that and to your own reputation. A deeper basis for recognition has been infiltrating your consciousness for many months, and is now becoming concretely present, by word and deed, in your life.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Sun is transiting in the sign of Virgo as the month of September begins, highlighting your vision sector. You may be willing to step out of your comfort zone more readily and start researching some of the big ideas that have been emerging in the recent months. An extra concentration on education, travel, and your beliefs becomes more focused in the second week of the month when the New Moon takes place in this same sector of your chart. The desire to learn and reassess your position could characterize the beginning of the month and it's a good time to see what the world has to offer. You may more easily than usual be able to tap into your practical side to delineate a long-term trajectory. Coming off the recent Aquarius Full Moon, another area of increased attention would be your values and the resources that you bring to the table.

From September 1st to the 3rd, Mars in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces calls for discrimination in all your dealings. Neptune could throw a fog of illusion on the actual truth which could make it even harder to know what’s real and what’s not. This transit can be used creatively by staying off social media and utilizing this energy to engage your imagination in more productive ways. Mars opposing Neptune can bring confusion or a sense of being overwhelmed by things that are mostly outside of your control. 

Then, as Mercury in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius from the 3rd to the 5th, your desire for self-sufficiency or for financial autonomy is heightened. This is a great timing to be thinking about your income and your vocational direction. It could be more about working with what’s available to you right now than trying to push for unrealistic goals. There is a sense of moving harmoniously at this time with what is trying to emerge in your life. Structure and strategic planning may be part of this flow.

The Virgo New Moon of September 6th kicks in at the beginning of the second week of the month bringing a powerful reset to your sector of education and learning, higher mind, and worldview. There is an additionally exciting, confounding, and an unconventionally supportive trine with Uranus in Taurus representing your creative self-expression. New ventures being seeded at this time have the potential to totally revolutionize the way you are doing things. You could have a great opportunity to progress in your chosen field, and these chances may come through networking or teaming up with someone you trust. Venus in Libra also trines Jupiter in Aquarius, bringing a positive backdrop for aesthetic and diplomatic endeavors. Mercury in Libra rules over this lunation and enters its preliminary shadow period at the time of the New Moon in Virgo., although Mercury doesn’t station retrograde until the 26th. Themes related to this upcoming retrograde may be introduced at this time. The Mercury Retrograde period later in the month is normal for this season and these do not typically bring major upheaval. However, take note of what is transpiring, as things may take longer to develop than anticipated and then later be questioned.

The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on the 13th and the 14th, as this could bring up confusion or over-idealism. You wind up at cross-purposes in a dialogue with someone. It can help to ensure that you are clear and deliberate in all your dealings and seek to avoid any misunderstanding. Neptune has a scattering influence, while the Sun in Virgo is all about the finer points and the details. If something sounds too good to be true, wait a couple of days reassess the information. Progress is available at this time but discernment is also paramount to ensure a solid foundation to build upon. 

Venus enters Scorpio on the 10th and by September 15th comes into square with Saturn in Aquarius which serves for several days as the perfect counter-influence to the fog of Neptune. Venus square Saturn could burst a few bubbles; it can however help you know exactly how realistic something might be or help you assess your current affairs with a more objective eye.

On September 20th, the Full Moon takes place in the sign of Pisces, bringing light to your communications, including the dialogues and information that came your way in recent weeks. You may be able to make sense of something that seemed difficult to understand just a few weeks ago. Verbal and written communication could also be highlighted in some ways and this could be a particularly busy time of the month for you. 

The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd signaling the Equinox, when day and night are equal in length, or called the beginning of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere. Libra season could be a dynamic one for you this year especially when it comes to your place in the world and the way you see it aligning with your values. Your sense of identity itself, which has been transforming all through the September month, comes under additional fire at this time. Your resources, including your income, are also affected. The next 30 days is a lively time and also introspective when you consider too the upcoming Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on the 26th and this could bring even more emphasis on these topics and prompt you to adjust your ambitions along more internally satisfying lines. The retrograde period lasts for three weeks until the station to direct motion, and then another two of the retrograde shadow that follows as Mercury regains its lost Zodiacal longitude, so the entire month of October could seem filled with questioning your raison d'etre for being in the world and hopefully finding better ways to answer them moving forward.

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