A First Quarter Moon of Inspiration Versus Limitation

A First Quarter Moon of Inspiration Versus Limitation

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Wednesday's First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, with Mercury at the 15-degree mark of Virgo, makes for an important turning point, a moment when our awareness, responding to the transformational impact of these intense times that we are currently living through, draws closer to a true comprehension of ourselves. We need to know unequivocally what it is that we are truly up to, both individually and collectively, in order that we can be enabled to act. This recognition of transformation is up for us now because Pluto in mid-Capricorn is emphasized in this fairly dramatic configuration, by aspects from the Sun and Moon, plus Mercury's close trine, so that we might be forced to intellectually acknowledge how the very structure of our lives is irrevocably changing. This is so in every minute, naturally, for to simply live is to experience constant change; some moments however represent this basic truth most directly to our minds and hearts. We now have an interesting amalgam of visionary inspiration countered by intimations of dire necessity that brings this point home with startling poignancy.

There is, for one thing, this highlighted presence of Pluto to remind us that things are definitely, and radically, changing. We can feel this in the society itself, trying to cope with extreme levels of bigotry and divisiveness and as well certain bold attempts to heal these. This comes up also in our individual lives, where our rising consciousness about who we are, and what internally confronting, brings to us new layers of our psyche with which to come to terms, urging vitally necessary adjustments to life style and our choices in general. The sea levels themselves, and the high temperature records, are also rising, so that we see massive change in even the physical planet in which we have our home, the matrix that surrounds us.

In the context of this tremendous pressure cooker, we also have many potent reminders of restricted possibility, as symbolized in the highlighted presence of dour and restraining Saturn, with Mars in the same sign now that Saturn occupies, and closing in. Saturn is also stationing to direct motion in a few days' time, on the 13th, and is therefore greatly emphasized just on that basis. For further emphasis, in this First Quarter Moon configuration we find Venus in close aspect to the Mars/Saturn midpoint. There is also a heightened presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, quite closely aspected by both Uranus and Jupiter, bringing up issues of unresolved internal wounding that conditions so much of the hurtful behavior that we can feel so strongly in others, and if we are honest, in ourselves also.

Countering these dire indications of difficult progress by forced march, we also have amazing symbols of grace and vision to sustain us, as indicated by Jupiter and Uranus in extremely close connection, in their nearly perfect inconjunct aspect, along with the revolutionary and inspirational symbolism of Uranus and Eris. The combination of these latter two implies going all out for true freedom of expression, and of standing up, no matter what, for that in which we most deeply believe. Uranus stays within one degree of Eris through October, and remains within two degrees or less right to the very end of the year, and beyond, returning to his exact conjunction with Eris once more in March of 2018. We therefore now have a plethora of brilliant ideas and a plentitude of strength of spirit that might yet be able to stand and oppose forces of disintegration both external and internal, seeking a new unity. A wise man once said that when we are caught up in the throes of disintegration, trying to keep our heads above water amidst the chaos that precedes new birth, that we do best to not dwell upon the chaos, but await the birth.

The Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon are revealing. For the Sun, in the 19th degree of Leo, there is, "A houseboat party." Marc Edmund Jones likens this symbol to society's bid for achieving freedom from the past, typified by "a gracious eagerness of participation," and states that, "there is here a sealed-off pocket of life for an intensified culture of the skills and inspiration which can implement a contribution to the world at large." For the Moon, in the same degree of Scorpio, we find, "A parrot listening and then talking." This symbol implies that we not only have to walk before we can run, but that we must also hear before we can be able to intelligibly speak. Jones remarks that a person "continually projects the image in which he [or she] creates himself [or herself]," and sums up by stating that the degree represents "exceptional skill in bringing the whole tenor of transient circumstances to the service of personal aspiration." Indeed, we might also want to remember the words of that great optimist, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who said:

Let us then be up and doing
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor, and to wait.

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