An Aquarius Full Moon of Societal Action

An Aquarius Full Moon of Societal Action

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Full Moon in Aquarius taking place on Thursday morning, the 18th, neatly ties up the outer planet themes that we have seen emerging in the previous lunations of August. For one thing, the Saturn-Neptune square that was so prominent at the very beginning of the month is still in full-on force, following the station direct of Saturn a few days ago, on the 13th. These two antithetical archetypes are now in very tight alignment, triggered by the Sun, Jupiter and Mars, and closing to the perfection of their square by September 10th. Then, too, transformational Pluto is highlighted in this Full Moon configuration, being trined by Venus, reminding us of this radically revolutionary decade that we are now living through. Perhaps of greatest interest, Uranus- Eris is strongly emphasized as well, aspected by the Sun and Moon, plus being closely aspected by Mercury and Jupiter in conjunction. This brings greater awareness, from a soul-level perspective, to what we most deeply cherish. Times are strange, with our civilization on the cusp of major change. This is indeed the moment for everyone to have their say and to make their voices heard. The prominence of Eris in this Full Moon configuration calls our fullest attention to the ways that we can step up and make our own unique contribution toward helping to steer the society that surrounds us.

The forming Mercury-Jupiter alignment is powerful in its own right, with only a little more than two degrees separating them at the timing of this Full Moon configuration, and is brought into far greater prominence from the close aspects made by Uranus and Eris in combination, as well as by the Sun, Moon, and Mars. Their conjunction perfects by Monday, August 22nd. Jupiter-Uranus brings an endless flowering of great ideas, and with Mercury and Eris, both, so fully in the mix, we are feeling the connection of our thoughts to universal truth. While mentality ( Mercury) is very much amped up (Jupiter) and full of enthusiasm, the emotional side of our process is also greatly magnified, as reflected in the opposition of the Mercury/Jupiter midpoint to Chiron in late Pisces. Thus Uranus- Eris in Aries, together with the Moon in almost the same degree of Aquarius, form a Yod/Kite formation to Jupiter and Mercury, with Chiron opposed, representing our being able to peer within ourselves from the standpoint of an optimistic and future-oriented perspective.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, being so triggered in this Full Moon, is quite important and signifies profound emotional progress. The energy of this numinous and somewhat difficult archetype is to remind us of where we carry internal wounding, stemming out of prior trauma, likely from the time of early childhood. When the original events took place we were undefended and ill-prepared to integrate and move beyond the pain that we then experienced. It becomes vitally important for our psychic health that we take every opportunity to do so in this present stage of our evolutionary growth. With Eris involved in this configuration, the stakes are even higher. The deeper meaning of Eris is to take a principled stand for what one most sincerely values, at soul level; indicting that we may find inner purpose now in working with our early conditioning, and our childhood wounding.

Saturn is also greatly highlighted in the configuration of this Full Moon. The delays, restrictions, and limitations of Saturn can be frustrating, especially in connection with the action-orientation of Mars — a mere three degrees away from Saturn, their conjunction becoming exact on the 24th. Over this next week it therefore remains extremely difficult to get anything done. The good news is that what we do manage to accomplish will be more fully vetted and longer lasting. There is abundant energy also for grounding our ideas into concrete nuts-and-bolts reality. With Saturn in square with Neptune, perfecting next month, there is here a conduit from earthly realms to what is beyond the physical. Other dimensions of existence will become more consciously available; their reality, more and more undeniable, is unfortunately downplayed in the current consensus culture, although this may be changing over these next few crucial years. This Full Moon is important in allowing this form of truth to become more directly accessible to our mental as well as our intuitional understanding, leading to considered action that aligns with our deepest comprehension of what is needed in order that our society more usefully evolve.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are enlightening as well. For the Moon, in the 26th degree of Aquarius, we have "A Hydrometer." This instrument for measuring the density of liquids is used, for example, to test the creaminess of milk, and can thus be seen as a metaphor for using logic to determine what we are actually experiencing. This symbol is therefore perfectly attuned to one sense of the Aquarius/Uranus archetype as scientific; ironically the element of Water, representing emotion, cannot be discerned by the use of logic alone. Marc Edmund Jones makes mention of, "the powers of immediate analysis which enables one to achieve his [or her] commonplace or practical goals... The individual learns that when we will take responsibility for events, we may shape them to our own [reality]." For the Sun, in the same degree of Leo, we find, "A rainbow," and in this fecund symbol we may see encapsulated the wide range of our earthly and our spiritual powers. Jones, in symbolic alignment to the Eris principle of going all out for what most deeply drives us, remarks that the degree represents: "a sense of very real spiritual power and presence, in all personal effort and desire." Indeed it is when we go to our depths that we rise to the highest within us and achieve the full spectrum that constitutes our essential being, for the ultimate good of ourselves and of our evolving culture.

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