The Gemini New Moon – Difficulties Lead to Enlightened Action

The Gemini New Moon – Difficulties Lead to Enlightened Action

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Saturday evening's New Moon in mid-Gemini is very dynamic, being exactly conjunct Venus and making with that planet of beauty, art, and relationship a Grand Cross in mutable signs. Saturn is opposite in Sagittarius, and Jupiter and Neptune on either side, in Virgo and Pisces respectively, are square with the Sun, Moon and Venus. This is a strong showing for these planets, their energy bouncing off each other, giving combinations of any two of the six planets. The New Moon additionally aspects Pluto, while Uranus is also emphasized by his forming very close conjunction with the new planet, Eris, and by aspect to retrograde Mars, closing in on a nearly exact inconjunct aspect with Uranus as he stations in another two weeks' time. The transformational pressures that we have seen all this year are still very much with us, especially in the late Saturday, early Sunday timing, and as well over the entire thirty-day period of this rather intense lunation cycle. We obtain inspiration wherever we can find it, and it leads us out of stasis that is perhaps getting stale, and into brand-new territory that has a touch of idealism to offer us, and yet might also partake of sensible stability. The more grounded presence of Saturn in this configuration can manifest as a nay-saying reaction to the Jupiterian and Uranian impulse for freedom at any cost, creating warring factors within our psyches, or else allow us to put in place a practical element that fosters our juiciest ideas, ensuring that some sort of action is reasonable, planned out, and will ensue.

Because Saturn is squared off with Jupiter in this configuration, their 90-degree aspect just little more than a degree away from exact, there is a struggle implied. We all have our optimistic moments, but the devil, as they say, is in the details. That is, the work of our evolutionary development has inherent problems in actually making happen what we idealistically desire, as we run up against mistrusted motivation, on both a personal and a collective basis, and the distrust as well that is engendered by our failed institutions.

One thing to bear in mind, when evaluating the power and the light-filled capacity of this New Moon configuration, is the contra-parallel aspect that Jupiter and Neptune make with each other, and with Uranus. Jupiter and Neptune are the closest; their declinations are only half a degree apart, and this means that they are linked together in several different ways. There is thus a somewhat spacey and spiritual quality to the timing under consideration, entirely antithetical to the strong presence of Saturn in opposition to this New Moon and Venus, and in square alignment with both. The push-pull is constant now, between the flights of fancy symbolized by Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune in combination, and the practicality that is antithetical to them. This is a prescription for bright ideas, even genus-level, that might be just the ticket to transcend the daily conundrums that we must also face. All this strength of magical propensity is telling us that we can and will find a way through, when we put our determination to bear, in spite of our fears, and when we simply continue to operate with faith in the universe to guide us.

An extremely strong position of relationship-oriented Venus is thus available to us now, along with Mercury, the ruler of this New Moon, recovering from its recent retrograde and preparing to leave its shadow period by the 7th. Deep communication with loved ones is therefore vital, as we prepare to ride out the daunting contradictions of this configuration, and to take our spiritual evolution up a notch.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon, and for Venus, is quite appropriate for a New Moon in Gemini: "Two Dutch children talking." This is a touching symbol for the commonality of culture and of language that makes for sympathy and understanding. Marc Edmund Jones references the human's "broad range of potentialities" on which to draw and to "common elements of background and skills" leading to "self-confidence of spirit." May we all be so blessed.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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